Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Cof_dimension_tA dimension
 Cof_fast_enumeration_state_tState information for fast enumerations
 Cof_http_request_protocol_version_tThe HTTP version of the HTTP request
 Cof_list_object_tA list object
 Cof_map_table_functions_tA struct describing the functions to be used by the map table
 Cof_point_tA point
 Cof_range_tA range
 Cof_rectangle_tA rectangle
 Cof_resolver_result_tA struct representing one result from the resolver
 Cof_udp_socket_address_tA struct which represents a host / port pair for a UDP socket
 COFAcceptFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that accepting a connection failed
 COFAddressTranslationFailedExceptionAn exception indicating the translation of an address failed
 COFAllocFailedExceptionAn exception indicating an object could not be allocated
 COFAlreadyConnectedExceptionAn exception indicating an attempt to connect or bind an already connected or bound socket
 COFApplicationA class which represents the application as an object
 C<OFApplicationDelegate>A protocol for delegates of OFApplication
 COFArrayAn abstract class for storing objects in an array
 COFAutoreleasePoolA pool that keeps track of objects to release
 COFBigDataArrayA class for storing arbitrary big data in an array
 COFBindFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that binding a socket failed
 COFBlockThe class for all blocks, since all blocks are also objects
 COFChangeCurrentDirectoryPathFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that changing the current directory path failed
 COFChangePermissionsFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that changing the permissions of an item failed
 COFChecksumFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that a checksum did not match
 C<OFCollection>A protocol with methods common for all collections
 C<OFComparing>A protocol for comparing objects
 COFConditionA class implementing a condition variable for thread synchronization
 COFConditionBroadcastFailedExceptionAn exception indicating broadcasting a condition failed
 COFConditionSignalFailedExceptionAn exception indicating signaling a condition failed
 COFConditionStillWaitingExceptionAn exception indicating that a thread is still waiting for a condition
 COFConditionWaitFailedExceptionAn exception indicating waiting for a condition failed
 COFConnectionFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that a connection could not be established
 COFConstantStringA class for storing constant strings using the @"" literal
 C<OFCopying>A protocol for the creation of copies
 COFCopyItemFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that copying a item failed
 COFCountedSetAn abstract class for a mutable unordered set of objects, counting how often it contains an object
 COFCreateDirectoryFailedExceptionAn exception indicating a directory couldn't be created
 COFDataArrayA class for storing arbitrary data in an array
 COFDateA class for storing, accessing and comparing dates
 COFDictionaryAn abstract class for storing objects in a dictionary
 C<OFEnumerating>A protocol for getting an enumerator for the object
 COFEnumerationMutationExceptionAn exception indicating that a mutation was detected during enumeration
 COFEnumeratorA class which provides methods to enumerate through collections
 COFExceptionThe base class for all exceptions in ObjFW
 C<OFFastEnumeration>A protocol for fast enumeration
 COFFileA class which provides functions to read, write and manipulate files
 COFGetOptionFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that getting an option for a stream failed
 C<OFHash>A protocol for classes providing hash functions
 COFHashAlreadyCalculatedExceptionAn exception indicating that the hash has already been calculated
 COFHTTPClientA class for performing HTTP requests
 C<OFHTTPClientDelegate>A delegate for OFHTTPClient
 COFHTTPRequestA class for storing HTTP requests
 COFHTTPRequestFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that an HTTP request failed
 COFHTTPResponseA class for representing an HTTP request reply as a stream
 COFHTTPServerA class for creating a simple HTTP server inside of applications
 C<OFHTTPServerDelegate>A delegate for OFHTTPServer
 COFInflate64StreamA class that handles Deflate64 decompression transparently for an underlying stream
 COFInflateStreamA class that handles Deflate decompression transparently for an underlying stream
 COFINICategoryA class for representing a category of an INI file
 COFINIFileA class for reading, creating and modifying INI files
 COFInitializationFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that initializing something failed
 COFInstanceVariableA class for describing an instance variable
 COFIntrospectionA class for introspecting classes
 COFInvalidArgumentExceptionAn exception indicating that the argument is invalid for this method
 COFInvalidEncodingExceptionAn exception indicating that the encoding is invalid for this object
 COFInvalidFormatExceptionAn exception indicating that the format is invalid
 COFInvalidJSONExceptionAn exception indicating a JSON representation is invalid
 COFInvalidServerReplyExceptionAn exception indicating that the server sent an invalid reply
 C<OFJSONRepresentation>A protocol implemented by classes that support encoding to a JSON representation
 COFKernelEventObserverA class that can observe multiple kernel events (e.g. streams being ready to read) at once
 C<OFKernelEventObserverDelegate>A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for OFKernelEventObserver
 COFListA class which provides easy to use double-linked lists
 COFListenFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that listening on the socket failed
 COFLockFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that locking a lock failed
 C<OFLocking>A protocol for locks
 COFMalformedXMLExceptionAn exception indicating that a parser encountered malformed XML
 COFMapTableA class similar to OFDictionary, but providing more options how keys and values should be retained, released, compared and hashed
 COFMapTableEnumeratorA class which provides methods to enumerate through an OFMapTable's keys or values
 COFMD5HashA class which provides functions to create an MD5 hash
 COFMemoryNotPartOfObjectExceptionAn exception indicating the given memory is not part of the object
 COFMessagePackExtensionA class for representing the MessagePack extension type
 C<OFMessagePackRepresentation>A protocol implemented by classes that support encoding to a MessagePack representation
 COFMethodA class for describing a method
 COFMoveItemFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that moving an item failed
 COFMutableArrayAn abstract class for storing, adding and removing objects in an array
 C<OFMutableCopying>A protocol for the creation of mutable copies
 COFMutableDictionaryAn abstract class for storing and changing objects in a dictionary
 COFMutableSetAn abstract class for a mutable unordered set of unique objects
 COFMutableStringA class for storing and modifying strings
 COFMutexA class for creating mutual exclusions
 COFNotImplementedExceptionAn exception indicating that a method or part of it is not implemented
 COFNotOpenExceptionAn exception indicating an object is not open, connected or bound
 COFNullA class for representing null values in collections
 COFNumberProvides a way to store a number in an object
 COFObjectThe root class for all other classes inside ObjFW
 C<OFObject>The protocol which all root classes implement
 COFObserveFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that observing failed
 COFOpenItemFailedExceptionAn exception indicating an item couldn't be opened
 COFOptionsParserA class for parsing the program options specified on the command line
 COFOutOfMemoryExceptionAn exception indicating there is not enough memory available
 COFOutOfRangeExceptionAn exception indicating the given value is out of range
 COFPluginProvides a system for loading plugins at runtime
 COFProcessA class for stream-like communication with a newly created process
 COFPropertyA class for describing a property
 COFReadFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that reading from an object failed
 COFReadOrWriteFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that reading from or writing to an object failed
 C<OFReadyForReadingObserving>This protocol is implemented by classes which can be observed for readiness for reading by OFKernelEventObserver
 C<OFReadyForWritingObserving>This protocol is implemented by classes which can be observed for readiness for writing by OFKernelEventObserver
 COFRecursiveMutexA class for creating mutual exclusions which can be entered recursively
 COFRemoveItemFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that removing an item failed
 COFRIPEMD160HashA class which provides functions to create a RIPEMD-160 hash
 COFRunLoopA class providing a run loop for the application and its processes
 COFSeekableStreamA stream that supports seeking
 COFSeekFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that seeking in a stream failed
 C<OFSerialization>A protocol for serializing objects
 COFSetAn abstract class for an unordered set of unique objects
 COFSetOptionFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that setting an option for a stream failed
 COFSettingsA class for storing and retrieving settings
 COFSHA1HashA class which provides functions to create an SHA-1 hash
 COFSHA224HashA class which provides functions to create an SHA-224 hash
 COFSHA224Or256HashA base class for SHA-224 and SHA-256
 COFSHA256HashA class which provides functions to create an SHA-256 hash
 COFSHA384HashA class which provides functions to create an SHA-384 hash
 COFSHA384Or512HashA base class for SHA-384 and SHA-512
 COFSHA512HashA class which provides functions to create an SHA-512 hash
 COFSortedListA class which provides easy to use sorted double-linked lists
 COFStatItemFailedExceptionAn exception indicating an item's status could not be retrieved
 COFStdIOStreamA class for providing standard input, output and error as OFStream
 COFStillLockedExceptionAn exception indicating that a lock is still locked
 COFStreamA base class for different types of streams
 COFStreamSocketA class which provides functions to create and use stream sockets
 COFStringA class for handling strings
 C<OFStringXMLUnescapingDelegate>A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for stringByXMLUnescapingWithHandler:
 COFSystemInfoA class for querying information about the system
 COFTCPSocketA class which provides functions to create and use TCP sockets
 COFThreadA class which provides portable threads
 COFThreadJoinFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that joining a thread failed
 COFThreadPoolA class providing a pool of reusable threads
 COFThreadStartFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that starting a thread failed
 COFThreadStillRunningExceptionAn exception indicating that a thread is still running
 COFTimerA class for creating and firing timers
 C<OFTLSSocket>A protocol that should be implemented by 3rd-party libraries implementing TLS
 C<OFTLSSocketDelegate>A delegate for classes implementing the OFTLSSocket protocol
 COFTruncatedDataExceptionAn exception indicating that data was truncated while it should not have been truncated
 COFUDPSocketA class which provides functions to create and use UDP sockets
 COFUnboundNamespaceExceptionAn exception indicating an attempt to use an unbound namespace
 COFUnboundPrefixExceptionAn exception indicating an attempt to use an unbound prefix
 COFUnknownXMLEntityExceptionAn exception indicating that a parser encountered an unknown XML entity
 COFUnlockFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that unlocking a lock failed
 COFUnsupportedProtocolExceptionAn exception indicating that the protocol specified by the URL is not supported
 COFUnsupportedVersionExceptionAn exception indicating that the specified version of the format or protocol is not supported
 COFURLA class for parsing URLs and accessing parts of it
 COFWriteFailedExceptionAn exception indicating that writing to an object failed
 COFXMLAttributeA representation of an attribute of an XML element as an object
 COFXMLCDATAA class representing XML CDATA
 COFXMLCharactersA class representing XML characters
 COFXMLCommentA class for representing XML comments
 COFXMLElementA class which stores an XML element
 COFXMLElementBuilderA class implementing the OFXMLParserDelegate protocol that can build OFXMLElements from the document parsed by the OFXMLParser
 C<OFXMLElementBuilderDelegate>A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for OFXMLElementBuilder
 COFXMLNodeA class which stores an XML element
 COFXMLParserAn event-based XML parser
 C<OFXMLParserDelegate>A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for OFXMLParser
 COFXMLProcessingInstructionsA class for representing XML processing instructions
 COFZIPArchiveA class for accessing and manipulating ZIP files
 COFZIPArchiveEntryA class which represents an entry in the central directory of a ZIP archive