ObjFW  View Ticket

13:34 Ticket [f1a7e4371b] Usage help text of objfw-new is lacking information status still Fixed with 3 other changes artifact: 9f532ac441 user: js
20:35 Fixed ticket [f1a7e4371b]. artifact: e694df310d user: js
15:49 New ticket [f1a7e4371b]. artifact: 0616588cff user: letterus

Ticket UUID: f1a7e4371ba1314931abb731369be12b225be670
Title: Usage help text of objfw-new is lacking information
Status: Fixed Type: Documentation
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2024-01-14 13:34:01
Version Found In: Milestone: 1.1
User Comments:
letterus added on 2023-09-19 15:49:08:

It is missing a list of available options for class creation/only provides the two options for first level hierarchy.

js added on 2023-12-27 20:35:32:

Fixed in [a5ab3a8207].