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OFDNSResolver Class Reference

A class for resolving DNS names. More...

#include <ObjFW/OFDNSResolver.h>

Inheritance diagram for OFDNSResolver:
OFObject <OFObject>

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - init
 Initializes an already allocated OFDNSResolver.
(void) - asyncPerformQuery:delegate:
 Asynchronously performs the specified query.
(void) - asyncPerformQuery:runLoopMode:delegate:
 Asynchronously performs the specified query.
(void) - asyncResolveAddressesForHost:delegate:
 Asynchronously resolves the specified host to socket addresses.
(void) - asyncResolveAddressesForHost:addressFamily:delegate:
 Asynchronously resolves the specified host to socket addresses.
(void) - asyncResolveAddressesForHost:addressFamily:runLoopMode:delegate:
 Asynchronously resolves the specified host to socket addresses.
(OFData *) - resolveAddressesForHost:addressFamily:
 Synchronously resolves the specified host to socket addresses.
(void) - close
 Closes all sockets and cancels all ongoing queries.
- Instance Methods inherited from OFObject
(nullable OFMethodSignature *) - methodSignatureForSelector:
 Returns the method signature for the specified selector.
(void) - dealloc
 Deallocates the object.
(void) - performSelector:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified object after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified object.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified object.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified object after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(nullable id) - forwardingTargetForSelector:
 This method is called when resolveClassMethod: or resolveInstanceMethod: returned false. It should return a target to which the message should be forwarded.
(void) - doesNotRecognizeSelector:
 Handles messages which are not understood by the receiver.
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFObject>
(unsigned long) - hash
 Returns a hash for the object.
(unsigned int) - retainCount
 Returns the retain count.
(bool) - isProxy
 Returns whether the object is a proxy object.
(bool) - isKindOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the object is of the specified kind.
(bool) - isMemberOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the object is a member of the specified class.
(bool) - respondsToSelector:
 Returns a boolean whether the object responds to the specified selector.
(nullable IMP- methodForSelector:
 Returns the implementation for the specified selector.
(nullable id) - performSelector:
 Performs the specified selector.
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified object.
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(bool) - isEqual:
 Checks two objects for equality.
(instancetype) - retain
 Increases the retain count.
(void) - release
 Decreases the retain count.
(instancetype) - autorelease
 Adds the object to the topmost autorelease pool of the thread's autorelease pool stack.
(instancetype) - self
 Returns the receiver.
(bool) - allowsWeakReference
 Returns whether the object allows a weak reference.
(bool) - retainWeakReference
 Retain a weak reference to this object.

Class Methods

(instancetype) + resolver
 Creates a new, autoreleased OFDNSResolver.
- Class Methods inherited from OFObject
(void) + load
 A method which is called once when the class is loaded into the runtime.
(void) + unload
 A method which is called when the class is unloaded from the runtime.
(void) + initialize
 A method which is called the moment before the first call to the class is being made.
(instancetype) + alloc
 Allocates memory for an instance of the class and sets up the memory pool for the object.
(Class) + class
 Returns the class.
(OFString *) + className
 Returns the name of the class as a string.
(bool) + isSubclassOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the class is a subclass of the specified class.
(nullable Class) + superclass
 Returns the superclass of the class.
(bool) + instancesRespondToSelector:
 Checks whether instances of the class respond to a given selector.
(bool) + conformsToProtocol:
 Checks whether the class conforms to a given protocol.
(nullable IMP+ instanceMethodForSelector:
 Returns the implementation of the instance method for the specified selector.
(nullable OFMethodSignature *) + instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:
 Returns the method signature of the instance method for the specified selector.
(OFString *) + description
 Returns a description for the class, which is usually the class name.
(nullable IMP+ replaceClassMethod:withMethodFromClass:
 Replaces a class method with a class method from another class.
(nullable IMP+ replaceInstanceMethod:withMethodFromClass:
 Replaces an instance method with an instance method from another class.
(void) + inheritMethodsFromClass:
 Adds all methods from the specified class to the class that is the receiver.
(bool) + resolveClassMethod:
 Try to resolve the specified class method.
(bool) + resolveInstanceMethod:
 Try to resolve the specified instance method.
(id) + copy
 Returns the class.


 A dictionary of static hosts.
 An array of name servers to use.
 The local domain.
 The domains to search for queries for short names.
OFTimeInterval timeout
 The timeout, in seconds, after which the next name server should be tried.
unsigned int maxAttempts
 The number of attempts before giving up to resolve a host.
unsigned int minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName
 The minimum number of dots for a name to be considered absolute.
bool forcesTCP
 Whether the resolver forces TCP to talk to a name server.
OFTimeInterval configReloadInterval
 The interval in seconds in which the config should be reloaded.
- Properties inherited from OFObject
 The name of the object's class.
 A description for the object.

Detailed Description

A class for resolving DNS names.

If you change any of the properties, make sure to set configReloadInterval to 0, as otherwise your changes will be reverted back to the system configuration on the next periodic config reload.

Method Documentation

◆ asyncPerformQuery:delegate:

- (void) asyncPerformQuery: (OFDNSQuery *) query
delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverQueryDelegate>) delegate 

Asynchronously performs the specified query.

queryThe query to perform
delegateThe delegate to use for callbacks

◆ asyncPerformQuery:runLoopMode:delegate:

- (void) asyncPerformQuery: (OFDNSQuery *) query
runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode) runLoopMode
delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverQueryDelegate>) delegate 

Asynchronously performs the specified query.

queryThe query to perform
runLoopModeThe run loop mode in which to resolve
delegateThe delegate to use for callbacks

◆ asyncResolveAddressesForHost:addressFamily:delegate:

- (void) asyncResolveAddressesForHost: (OFString *) host
addressFamily: (OFSocketAddressFamily) addressFamily
delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate>) delegate 

Asynchronously resolves the specified host to socket addresses.

hostThe host to resolve
addressFamilyThe desired socket address family
delegateThe delegate to use for callbacks

◆ asyncResolveAddressesForHost:addressFamily:runLoopMode:delegate:

- (void) asyncResolveAddressesForHost: (OFString *) host
addressFamily: (OFSocketAddressFamily) addressFamily
runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode) runLoopMode
delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate>) delegate 

Asynchronously resolves the specified host to socket addresses.

hostThe host to resolve
addressFamilyThe desired socket address family
runLoopModeThe run loop mode in which to resolve
delegateThe delegate to use for callbacks

◆ asyncResolveAddressesForHost:delegate:

- (void) asyncResolveAddressesForHost: (OFString *) host
delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate>) delegate 

Asynchronously resolves the specified host to socket addresses.

hostThe host to resolve
delegateThe delegate to use for callbacks

◆ resolveAddressesForHost:addressFamily:

- (OFData *) resolveAddressesForHost: (OFString *) host
addressFamily: (OFSocketAddressFamily) addressFamily 

Synchronously resolves the specified host to socket addresses.

hostThe host to resolve
addressFamilyThe desired socket address family
OFData containing several OFSocketAddress
OFInvalidServerResponseExceptionThe received response was invalid
OFTruncatedDataExceptionThe received response was truncated

Property Documentation

◆ configReloadInterval

- (OFTimeInterval) configReloadInterval

The interval in seconds in which the config should be reloaded.

Setting this to 0 disables config reloading.

If you change this to anything other than 0, the config will be reloaded eventually, which in turn can override the config reloading interval itself again.

◆ forcesTCP

- (bool) forcesTCP

Whether the resolver forces TCP to talk to a name server.

If you change this, you need to set configReloadInterval to 0 to disable reloading the config after some time. If you don't, the config will be reloaded and your change overridden.

◆ maxAttempts

- (unsigned int) maxAttempts

The number of attempts before giving up to resolve a host.

Trying all name servers once is considered a single attempt.

If you change this, you need to set configReloadInterval to 0 to disable reloading the config after some time. If you don't, the config will be reloaded and your change overridden.

◆ minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName

- (unsigned int) minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName

The minimum number of dots for a name to be considered absolute.

If you change this, you need to set configReloadInterval to 0 to disable reloading the config after some time. If you don't, the config will be reloaded and your change overridden.

◆ nameServers

- (OFArray *) nameServers

An array of name servers to use.

The name servers are tried in order.

If you change this, you need to set configReloadInterval to 0 to disable reloading the config after some time. If you don't, the config will be reloaded and your change overridden.

◆ searchDomains

- (OFArray *) searchDomains

The domains to search for queries for short names.

If you change this, you need to set configReloadInterval to 0 to disable reloading the config after some time. If you don't, the config will be reloaded and your change overridden.

◆ staticHosts

- (OFDictionary *) staticHosts

A dictionary of static hosts.

This dictionary is checked before actually looking up a host.

If you change this, you need to set configReloadInterval to 0 to disable reloading the config after some time. If you don't, the config will be reloaded and your change overridden.

◆ timeout

- (OFTimeInterval) timeout

The timeout, in seconds, after which the next name server should be tried.

If you change this, you need to set configReloadInterval to 0 to disable reloading the config after some time. If you don't, the config will be reloaded and your change overridden.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: