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OFString Class Reference

A class for handling strings. More...

#include <ObjFW/OFString.h>

Inheritance diagram for OFString:
OFObject <OFCopying> <OFMutableCopying> <OFComparing> <OFJSONRepresentation> <OFMessagePackRepresentation> <OFObject> OFConstantString OFMutableString

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - init
 Initializes an already allocated OFString to be empty.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF8String:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF8String:length:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string with the specified length.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF8StringNoCopy:freeWhenDone:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString from an UTF-8 encoded C string without copying the string, if possible.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF8StringNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString from an UTF-8 encoded C string with the specified length without copying the string, if possible.
(instancetype) - initWithCString:encoding:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString from a C string with the specified encoding.
(instancetype) - initWithCString:encoding:length:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString from a C string with the specified encoding and length.
(instancetype) - initWithData:encoding:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString from OFData with the specified encoding.
(instancetype) - initWithString:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with another string.
(instancetype) - initWithCharacters:length:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a Unicode string with the specified length.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF16String:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-16 string.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF16String:length:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-16 string with the specified length.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF16String:byteOrder:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-16 string, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF16String:length:byteOrder:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-16 string with the specified length, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF32String:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-32 string.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF32String:length:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-32 string with the specified length.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF32String:byteOrder:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-32 string, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.
(instancetype) - initWithUTF32String:length:byteOrder:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-32 string with the specified length, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.
(instancetype) - initWithFormat:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a format string.
(instancetype) - initWithFormat:arguments:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with a format string.
(instancetype) - initWithContentsOfFile:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with the contents of the specified file in the specified encoding.
(instancetype) - initWithContentsOfFile:encoding:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with the contents of the specified file in the specified encoding.
(instancetype) - initWithContentsOfIRI:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with the contents of the specified IRI.
(instancetype) - initWithContentsOfIRI:encoding:
 Initializes an already allocated OFString with the contents of the specified IRI in the specified encoding.
(size_t) - getCString:maxLength:encoding:
 Writes the OFString into the specified C string with the specified encoding.
(size_t) - getLossyCString:maxLength:encoding:
 Writes the OFString into the specified C string with the specified encoding, replacing characters that cannot be represented in the specified encoding with a question mark.
(const char *) - cStringWithEncoding:
 Returns the OFString as a C string in the specified encoding.
(const char *) - lossyCStringWithEncoding:
 Returns the OFString as a C string in the specified encoding, replacing characters that cannot be represented in the specified encoding with a question mark.
(size_t) - cStringLengthWithEncoding:
 Returns the number of bytes the string needs in the specified encoding.
(OFComparisonResult- compare:
 Compares the string to another string.
(OFComparisonResult- caseInsensitiveCompare:
 Compares the string to another string without caring about the case.
(OFUnichar) - characterAtIndex:
 Returns the Unicode character at the specified index.
(void) - getCharacters:inRange:
 Copies the Unicode characters in the specified range to the specified buffer.
(OFRange- rangeOfString:
 Returns the range of the first occurrence of the string.
(OFRange- rangeOfString:options:
 Returns the range of the string.
(OFRange- rangeOfString:options:range:
 Returns the range of the string in the specified range.
(size_t) - indexOfCharacterFromSet:
 Returns the index of the first character from the set.
(size_t) - indexOfCharacterFromSet:options:
 Returns the index of the first character from the set.
(size_t) - indexOfCharacterFromSet:options:range:
 Returns the index of the first character from the set.
(bool) - containsString:
 Returns whether the string contains the specified string.
(OFString *) - substringFromIndex:
 Creates a substring from the specified index to the end.
(OFString *) - substringToIndex:
 Creates a substring from the beginning to the specified index.
(OFString *) - substringWithRange:
 Creates a substring with the specified range.
(long long) - longLongValueWithBase:
 The value of the string in the specified base as a long long.
(unsigned long long) - unsignedLongLongValueWithBase:
 The value of the string in the specified base as an unsigned long long.
(OFString *) - stringByAppendingString:
 Creates a new string by appending another string.
(OFString *) - stringByAppendingFormat:
 Creates a new string by appending the specified format.
(OFString *) - stringByAppendingFormat:arguments:
 Creates a new string by appending the specified format.
(OFString *) - stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString:
 Creates a new string by replacing the occurrences of the specified string with the specified replacement.
(OFString *) - stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:
 Creates a new string by replacing the occurrences of the specified string in the specified range with the specified replacement.
(bool) - hasPrefix:
 Checks whether the string has the specified prefix.
(bool) - hasSuffix:
 Checks whether the string has the specified suffix.
(OFArray *) - componentsSeparatedByString:
 Separates the string into an array of strings, split by the specified delimiter.
(OFArray *) - componentsSeparatedByString:options:
 Separates the string into an array of strings, split by the specified delimiter.
(OFArray *) - componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:
 Separates the string into an array of strings, split by characters in the specified set.
(OFArray *) - componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:options:
 Separates the string into an array of strings, split by characters in the specified set.
(const OFChar16 *) - UTF16StringWithByteOrder:
 Returns the string in UTF-16 encoding with the specified byte order.
(const OFChar32 *) - UTF32StringWithByteOrder:
 Returns the string in UTF-32 encoding with the specified byte order.
(OFData *) - dataWithEncoding:
 Returns the string as OFData with the specified encoding.
(void) - writeToFile:
 Writes the string into the specified file using UTF-8 encoding.
(void) - writeToFile:encoding:
 Writes the string into the specified file using the specified encoding.
(void) - writeToIRI:
 Writes the string to the specified IRI using UTF-8 encoding.
(void) - writeToIRI:encoding:
 Writes the string to the specified IRI using the specified encoding.
(void) - enumerateLinesUsingBlock:
 block The block to call for each line
(id) - objectByParsingJSONWithDepthLimit:
 Creates an object from the JSON value of the string.
(OFString *) - stringByAppendingPathComponent:
 Creates a new string by appending a path component.
(OFString *) - stringByAppendingPathExtension:
 Creates a new string by appending a path extension.
(OFString *) - stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:
 Percent-encodes a string for use in an IRI, but does not escape the specified allowed characters.
(OFString *) - stringByXMLUnescapingWithDelegate:
 Unescapes XML in the string and uses the specified delegate for unknown entities.
(OFString *) - stringByXMLUnescapingWithBlock:
 Unescapes XML in the string and uses the specified block for unknown entities.
- Instance Methods inherited from OFObject
(nullable OFMethodSignature *) - methodSignatureForSelector:
 Returns the method signature for the specified selector.
(void) - dealloc
 Deallocates the object.
(void) - performSelector:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified object after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified object.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified object.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified objects.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified object after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects after the specified delay.
(nullable id) - forwardingTargetForSelector:
 This method is called when resolveClassMethod: or resolveInstanceMethod: returned false. It should return a target to which the message should be forwarded.
(void) - doesNotRecognizeSelector:
 Handles messages which are not understood by the receiver.
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFObject>
(unsigned long) - hash
 Returns a hash for the object.
(unsigned int) - retainCount
 Returns the retain count.
(bool) - isProxy
 Returns whether the object is a proxy object.
(bool) - isKindOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the object is of the specified kind.
(bool) - isMemberOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the object is a member of the specified class.
(bool) - respondsToSelector:
 Returns a boolean whether the object responds to the specified selector.
(nullable IMP- methodForSelector:
 Returns the implementation for the specified selector.
(nullable id) - performSelector:
 Performs the specified selector.
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified object.
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(bool) - isEqual:
 Checks two objects for equality.
(instancetype) - retain
 Increases the retain count.
(void) - release
 Decreases the retain count.
(instancetype) - autorelease
 Adds the object to the topmost autorelease pool of the thread's autorelease pool stack.
(instancetype) - self
 Returns the receiver.
(bool) - allowsWeakReference
 Returns whether the object allows a weak reference.
(bool) - retainWeakReference
 Retain a weak reference to this object.
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFCopying>
(id) - copy
 Copies the object.
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFMutableCopying>
(id) - mutableCopy
 Creates a mutable copy of the object.
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFComparing>
(OFComparisonResult- compare:
 Compares the object to another object.
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFJSONRepresentation>
(OFString *) - JSONRepresentationWithOptions:
 Returns the JSON representation of the object as a string.

Class Methods

(instancetype) + string
 Creates a new OFString.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF8String:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF8String:length:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string with the specified length.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF8StringNoCopy:freeWhenDone:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string without copying the string, if possible.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF8StringNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string with the specified length without copying the string, if possible.
(instancetype) + stringWithCString:encoding:
 Creates a new OFString from a C string with the specified encoding.
(instancetype) + stringWithCString:encoding:length:
 Creates a new OFString from a C string with the specified encoding and length.
(instancetype) + stringWithData:encoding:
 Creates a new OFString from OFData with the specified encoding.
(instancetype) + stringWithString:
 Creates a new OFString from another string.
(instancetype) + stringWithCharacters:length:
 Creates a new OFString from a Unicode string with the specified length.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF16String:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-16 encoded string.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF16String:length:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-16 encoded string with the specified length.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF16String:byteOrder:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-16 encoded string, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF16String:length:byteOrder:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-16 encoded string with the specified length, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF32String:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-32 encoded string.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF32String:length:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-32 encoded string with the specified length.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF32String:byteOrder:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-32 encoded string, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.
(instancetype) + stringWithUTF32String:length:byteOrder:
 Creates a new OFString from a UTF-32 encoded string with the specified length, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.
(instancetype) + stringWithFormat:
 Creates a new OFString from a format string.
(instancetype) + stringWithContentsOfFile:
 Creates a new OFString with the contents of the specified UTF-8 encoded file.
(instancetype) + stringWithContentsOfFile:encoding:
 Creates a new OFString with the contents of the specified file in the specified encoding.
(instancetype) + stringWithContentsOfIRI:
 Creates a new OFString with the contents of the specified IRI.
(instancetype) + stringWithContentsOfIRI:encoding:
 Creates a new OFString with the contents of the specified IRI in the specified encoding.
(OFString *) + pathWithComponents:
 Creates a path from the specified path components.
- Class Methods inherited from OFObject
(void) + load
 A method which is called once when the class is loaded into the runtime.
(void) + unload
 A method which is called when the class is unloaded from the runtime.
(void) + initialize
 A method which is called the moment before the first call to the class is being made.
(instancetype) + alloc
 Allocates memory for an instance of the class and sets up the memory pool for the object.
(Class) + class
 Returns the class.
(OFString *) + className
 Returns the name of the class as a string.
(bool) + isSubclassOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the class is a subclass of the specified class.
(nullable Class) + superclass
 Returns the superclass of the class.
(bool) + instancesRespondToSelector:
 Checks whether instances of the class respond to a given selector.
(bool) + conformsToProtocol:
 Checks whether the class conforms to a given protocol.
(nullable IMP+ instanceMethodForSelector:
 Returns the implementation of the instance method for the specified selector.
(nullable OFMethodSignature *) + instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:
 Returns the method signature of the instance method for the specified selector.
(OFString *) + description
 Returns a description for the class, which is usually the class name.
(nullable IMP+ replaceClassMethod:withMethodFromClass:
 Replaces a class method with a class method from another class.
(nullable IMP+ replaceInstanceMethod:withMethodFromClass:
 Replaces an instance method with an instance method from another class.
(void) + inheritMethodsFromClass:
 Adds all methods from the specified class to the class that is the receiver.
(bool) + resolveClassMethod:
 Try to resolve the specified class method.
(bool) + resolveInstanceMethod:
 Try to resolve the specified instance method.
(id) + copy
 Returns the class.


size_t length
 The length of the string in Unicode code points.
const char * UTF8String
 The OFString as a UTF-8 encoded C string.
size_t UTF8StringLength
 The number of bytes the string needs in UTF-8 encoding.
 The string in uppercase.
 The string in lowercase.
 The string in capitalized form.
long long longLongValue
 The decimal value of the string as a long long.
unsigned long long unsignedLongLongValue
 The decimal value of the string as an unsigned long long.
float floatValue
 The float value of the string as a float.
double doubleValue
 The double value of the string as a double.
const OFUnichar * characters
 The string as an array of Unicode characters.
const OFChar16 * UTF16String
 The string in UTF-16 encoding with native byte order.
size_t UTF16StringLength
 The length of the string in UTF-16 characters.
const OFChar32 * UTF32String
 The string in UTF-32 encoding with native byte order.
 The string with leading whitespaces deleted.
 The string with trailing whitespaces deleted.
 The string with leading and trailing whitespaces deleted.
 The string with the Windows Environment Strings expanded.
 The MD5 hash of the string as a string.
 The RIPEMD-160 hash of the string as a string.
 The SHA-1 hash of the string as a string.
 The SHA-224 hash of the string as a string.
 The SHA-256 hash of the string as a string.
 The SHA-384 hash of the string as a string.
 The SHA-512 hash of the string as a string.
id objectByParsingJSON
 The string interpreted as JSON and parsed as an object.
bool absolutePath
 Whether the path is an absolute path.
 The components of the string when interpreted as a path.
 The last path component of the string when interpreted as a path.
 The file extension of string when interpreted as a path.
 The directory name of the string when interpreted as a path.
 The string with the file extension of the path removed.
 The string interpreted as a path with relative sub paths resolved.
 The string with percent encoding removed.
id objectByParsingPropertyList
 The string interpreted as a property list and parsed as an object.
 The string in a form escaped for use in an XML document.
 The string with XML entities unescapted.
- Properties inherited from OFObject
 The name of the object's class.
 A description for the object.
- Properties inherited from <OFJSONRepresentation>
 The JSON representation of the object as a string.
- Properties inherited from <OFMessagePackRepresentation>
 The MessagePack representation of the object as OFData.

Detailed Description

A class for handling strings.

Method Documentation

◆ caseInsensitiveCompare:

- (OFComparisonResult) caseInsensitiveCompare: (OFString *) string

Compares the string to another string without caring about the case.

stringThe string to compare the string to
The result of the comparison

◆ characterAtIndex:

- (OFUnichar) characterAtIndex: (size_t) index

Returns the Unicode character at the specified index.

indexThe index of the Unicode character to return
The Unicode character at the specified index

◆ compare:

- (OFComparisonResult) compare: (OFString *) string

Compares the string to another string.

stringThe string to compare the string to
The result of the comparison

◆ componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:

- (OFArray *) componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: (OFCharacterSet *) characterSet

Separates the string into an array of strings, split by characters in the specified set.

characterSetThe character set for separating
An autoreleased OFArray with the separated string

◆ componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:options:

Separates the string into an array of strings, split by characters in the specified set.

characterSetThe character set for separating
optionsOptions according to which the string should be separated
An autoreleased OFArray with the separated string

◆ componentsSeparatedByString:

- (OFArray *) componentsSeparatedByString: (OFString *) delimiter

Separates the string into an array of strings, split by the specified delimiter.

delimiterThe delimiter for separating
An autoreleased OFArray with the separated string

◆ componentsSeparatedByString:options:

- (OFArray *) componentsSeparatedByString: (OFString *) delimiter
options: (OFStringSeparationOptions) options 

Separates the string into an array of strings, split by the specified delimiter.

delimiterThe delimiter for separating
optionsOptions according to which the string should be separated
An autoreleased OFArray with the separated string

◆ containsString:

- (bool) containsString: (OFString *) string

Returns whether the string contains the specified string.

stringThe string to search
Whether the string contains the specified string

◆ cStringLengthWithEncoding:

- (size_t) cStringLengthWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding

Returns the number of bytes the string needs in the specified encoding.

encodingThe encoding for the string
The number of bytes the string needs in the specified encoding.
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string cannot be represented in the specified encoding

◆ cStringWithEncoding:

- (const char *) cStringWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding

Returns the OFString as a C string in the specified encoding.

The result is valid until the autorelease pool is released. If you want to use the result outside the scope of the current autorelease pool, you have to copy it.

encodingThe encoding for the C string
The OFString as a C string in the specified encoding
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string cannot be represented in the specified encoding

◆ dataWithEncoding:

- (OFData *) dataWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding

Returns the string as OFData with the specified encoding.

encodingThe encoding to use for the returned OFData
The string as OFData with the specified encoding
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string cannot be represented in the specified encoding

◆ enumerateLinesUsingBlock:

- (void) enumerateLinesUsingBlock: (OFStringLineEnumerationBlock) block

block The block to call for each line

Enumerates all lines in the receiver using the specified block.

◆ getCharacters:inRange:

- (void) getCharacters: (OFUnichar *) buffer
inRange: (OFRange) range 

Copies the Unicode characters in the specified range to the specified buffer.

bufferThe buffer to store the Unicode characters
rangeThe range of the Unicode characters to copy

◆ getCString:maxLength:encoding:

- (size_t) getCString: (char *) cString
maxLength: (size_t) maxLength
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Writes the OFString into the specified C string with the specified encoding.

cStringThe C string to write into
maxLengthThe maximum number of bytes to write into the C string, including the terminating zero
encodingThe encoding to use for writing into the C string
The number of bytes written into the C string, without the terminating zero
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string cannot be represented in the specified encoding

◆ getLossyCString:maxLength:encoding:

- (size_t) getLossyCString: (char *) cString
maxLength: (size_t) maxLength
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Writes the OFString into the specified C string with the specified encoding, replacing characters that cannot be represented in the specified encoding with a question mark.

cStringThe C string to write into
maxLengthThe maximum number of bytes to write into the C string, including the terminating zero
encodingThe encoding to use for writing into the C string
The number of bytes written into the C string, without the terminating zero

◆ hasPrefix:

- (bool) hasPrefix: (OFString *) prefix

Checks whether the string has the specified prefix.

prefixThe prefix to check for
A boolean whether the string has the specified prefix

◆ hasSuffix:

- (bool) hasSuffix: (OFString *) suffix

Checks whether the string has the specified suffix.

suffixThe suffix to check for
A boolean whether the string has the specified suffix

◆ indexOfCharacterFromSet:

- (size_t) indexOfCharacterFromSet: (OFCharacterSet *) characterSet

Returns the index of the first character from the set.

characterSetThe set of characters to search for
The index of the first occurrence of a character from the set or OFNotFound if it was not found

◆ indexOfCharacterFromSet:options:

- (size_t) indexOfCharacterFromSet: (OFCharacterSet *) characterSet
options: (OFStringSearchOptions) options 

Returns the index of the first character from the set.

characterSetThe set of characters to search for
optionsOptions modifying search behavior
The index of the first occurrence of a character from the set or OFNotFound if it was not found

◆ indexOfCharacterFromSet:options:range:

- (size_t) indexOfCharacterFromSet: (OFCharacterSet *) characterSet
options: (OFStringSearchOptions) options
range: (OFRange) range 

Returns the index of the first character from the set.

characterSetThe set of characters to search for
optionsOptions modifying search behavior
rangeThe range in which to search
The index of the first occurrence of a character from the set or OFNotFound if it was not found

◆ init

- (instancetype) init

Initializes an already allocated OFString to be empty.

An initialized OFString

Reimplemented from OFObject.

◆ initWithCharacters:length:

- (instancetype) initWithCharacters: (const OFUnichar *) characters
length: (size_t) length 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a Unicode string with the specified length.

charactersAn array of Unicode characters
lengthThe length of the Unicode character array
An initialized OFString

◆ initWithContentsOfFile:

- (instancetype) initWithContentsOfFile: (OFString *) path

Initializes an already allocated OFString with the contents of the specified file in the specified encoding.

pathThe path to the file
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ initWithContentsOfFile:encoding:

- (instancetype) initWithContentsOfFile: (OFString *) path
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with the contents of the specified file in the specified encoding.

pathThe path to the file
encodingThe encoding of the file
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ initWithContentsOfIRI:

- (instancetype) initWithContentsOfIRI: (OFIRI *) IRI

Initializes an already allocated OFString with the contents of the specified IRI.

If the IRI's scheme is file, it tries UTF-8 encoding.

If the IRI's scheme is http or https, it tries to detect the encoding from the HTTP headers. If it could not detect the encoding using the HTTP headers, it tries UTF-8.

IRIThe IRI to the contents for the string
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the expected encoding

◆ initWithContentsOfIRI:encoding:

- (instancetype) initWithContentsOfIRI: (OFIRI *) IRI
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with the contents of the specified IRI in the specified encoding.

IRIThe IRI to the contents for the string
encodingThe encoding to assume
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ initWithCString:encoding:

- (instancetype) initWithCString: (const char *) cString
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Initializes an already allocated OFString from a C string with the specified encoding.

cStringA C string to initialize the OFString with
encodingThe encoding of the C string
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ initWithCString:encoding:length:

- (instancetype) initWithCString: (const char *) cString
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding
length: (size_t) cStringLength 

Initializes an already allocated OFString from a C string with the specified encoding and length.

cStringA C string to initialize the OFString with
encodingThe encoding of the C string
cStringLengthThe length of the C string
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ initWithData:encoding:

- (instancetype) initWithData: (OFData *) data
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Initializes an already allocated OFString from OFData with the specified encoding.

dataOFData with the contents of the string
encodingThe encoding in which the string is stored in the OFData
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ initWithFormat:

- (instancetype) initWithFormat: (OFConstantString *) format
, ... 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a format string.

See printf for the format syntax. As an addition, %@ is available as format specifier for objects, C for OFUnichar and S for const OFUnichar *.

formatA string used as format to initialize the OFString
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe specified format is invalid
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe resulting string is not in not in UTF-8 encoding

◆ initWithFormat:arguments:

- (instancetype) initWithFormat: (OFConstantString *) format
arguments: (va_list) arguments 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a format string.

See printf for the format syntax. As an addition, %@ is available as format specifier for objects, C for OFUnichar and S for const OFUnichar *.

formatA string used as format to initialize the OFString
argumentsThe arguments used in the format string
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe specified format is invalid
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe resulting string is not in not in UTF-8 encoding

◆ initWithString:

- (instancetype) initWithString: (OFString *) string

Initializes an already allocated OFString with another string.

stringA string to initialize the OFString with
An initialized OFString

◆ initWithUTF16String:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF16String: (const OFChar16 *) string

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-16 string.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-16 string
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-16-encoded

◆ initWithUTF16String:byteOrder:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF16String: (const OFChar16 *) string
byteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-16 string, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-16 string
byteOrderThe byte order to assume if there is no byte order mark
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-16-encoded

◆ initWithUTF16String:length:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF16String: (const OFChar16 *) string
length: (size_t) length 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-16 string with the specified length.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-16 string
lengthThe length of the UTF-16 string
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-16-encoded

◆ initWithUTF16String:length:byteOrder:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF16String: (const OFChar16 *) string
length: (size_t) length
byteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-16 string with the specified length, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-16 string
lengthThe length of the UTF-16 string
byteOrderThe byte order to assume if there is no byte order mark
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-16-encoded

◆ initWithUTF32String:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF32String: (const OFChar32 *) string

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-32 string.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-32 string
An initialized OFString

◆ initWithUTF32String:byteOrder:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF32String: (const OFChar32 *) string
byteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-32 string, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-32 string
byteOrderThe byte order to assume if there is no byte order mark
An initialized OFString

◆ initWithUTF32String:length:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF32String: (const OFChar32 *) string
length: (size_t) length 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-32 string with the specified length.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-32 string
lengthThe length of the UTF-32 string
An initialized OFString

◆ initWithUTF32String:length:byteOrder:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF32String: (const OFChar32 *) string
length: (size_t) length
byteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder 

Initializes an already allocated OFString with a UTF-32 string with the specified length, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-32 string
lengthThe length of the UTF-32 string
byteOrderThe byte order to assume if there is no byte order mark
An initialized OFString

◆ initWithUTF8String:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF8String: (const char *) UTF8String

Initializes an already allocated OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string.

UTF8StringA UTF-8 encoded C string to initialize the OFString with
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ initWithUTF8String:length:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF8String: (const char *) UTF8String
length: (size_t) UTF8StringLength 

Initializes an already allocated OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string with the specified length.

UTF8StringA UTF-8 encoded C string to initialize the OFString with
UTF8StringLengthThe length of the UTF-8 encoded C string
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ initWithUTF8StringNoCopy:freeWhenDone:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF8StringNoCopy: (char *) UTF8String
freeWhenDone: (bool) freeWhenDone 

Initializes an already allocated OFString from an UTF-8 encoded C string without copying the string, if possible.

If initialization fails for whatever reason, the passed C string is not freed if freeWhenDone is true.

OFMutableString always creates a copy!
UTF8StringA UTF-8 encoded C string to initialize the OFString with
freeWhenDoneWhether to free the C string when it is not needed anymore
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ initWithUTF8StringNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:

- (instancetype) initWithUTF8StringNoCopy: (char *) UTF8String
length: (size_t) UTF8StringLength
freeWhenDone: (bool) freeWhenDone 

Initializes an already allocated OFString from an UTF-8 encoded C string with the specified length without copying the string, if possible.

If initialization fails for whatever reason, the passed C string is not freed if freeWhenDone is true.

OFMutableString always creates a copy!
UTF8StringA UTF-8 encoded C string to initialize the OFString with
UTF8StringLengthThe length of the UTF-8 encoded C string
freeWhenDoneWhether to free the C string when it is not needed anymore
An initialized OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ longLongValueWithBase:

- (long long) longLongValueWithBase: (unsigned char) base

The value of the string in the specified base as a long long.

Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.

If the string contains any non-number characters, an OFInvalidFormatException is thrown.

If the number is too big to fit into a long long, an OFOutOfRangeException is thrown.

baseThe base to use. If the base is 0, base 16 is assumed if the string starts with 0x (after stripping white spaces). If the string starts with 0, base 8 is assumed. Otherwise, base 10 is assumed.
The value of the string in the specified base
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe string cannot be parsed as a long long
OFOutOfRangeExceptionThe value cannot be represented as a long long

◆ lossyCStringWithEncoding:

- (const char *) lossyCStringWithEncoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding

Returns the OFString as a C string in the specified encoding, replacing characters that cannot be represented in the specified encoding with a question mark.

The result is valid until the autorelease pool is released. If you want to use the result outside the scope of the current autorelease pool, you have to copy it.

encodingThe encoding for the C string
The OFString as a C string in the specified encoding

◆ objectByParsingJSONWithDepthLimit:

- (id) objectByParsingJSONWithDepthLimit: (size_t) depthLimit

Creates an object from the JSON value of the string.

This also allows parsing JSON5, an extension of JSON. See http://json5.org/ for more details.
Although not specified by the JSON specification, this can also return primitives like strings and numbers. The rationale behind this is that most JSON parsers allow JSON data just consisting of a single primitive, leading to real world JSON files sometimes only consisting of a single primitive. Therefore, you should not make any assumptions about the object returned by this method if you don't want your program to terminate due to a message not understood, but instead check the returned object using isKindOfClass: (OFObject-p).
depthLimitThe maximum depth the parser should accept (defaults to 32 if not specified, 0 means no limit (insecure!))
An object
OFInvalidJSONExceptionThe string contained invalid JSON

Provided by category OFString(JSONParsing).

◆ pathWithComponents:

+ (OFString *) pathWithComponents: (OFArray *) components

Creates a path from the specified path components.

componentsAn array of components for the path
A new autoreleased OFString

Provided by category OFString(PathAdditions).

◆ rangeOfString:

- (OFRange) rangeOfString: (OFString *) string

Returns the range of the first occurrence of the string.

stringThe string to search
The range of the first occurrence of the string or a range with OFNotFound as start position if it was not found

◆ rangeOfString:options:

- (OFRange) rangeOfString: (OFString *) string
options: (OFStringSearchOptions) options 

Returns the range of the string.

stringThe string to search
optionsOptions modifying search behavior
The range of the first occurrence of the string or a range with OFNotFound as start position if it was not found

◆ rangeOfString:options:range:

- (OFRange) rangeOfString: (OFString *) string
options: (OFStringSearchOptions) options
range: (OFRange) range 

Returns the range of the string in the specified range.

stringThe string to search
optionsOptions modifying search behaviour
rangeThe range in which to search
The range of the first occurrence of the string or a range with OFNotFound as start position if it was not found

◆ string

+ (instancetype) string

Creates a new OFString.

A new, autoreleased OFString

◆ stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:

- (OFString *) stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters: (OFCharacterSet *) allowedCharacters

Percent-encodes a string for use in an IRI, but does not escape the specified allowed characters.

allowedCharactersA character set of characters that should not be escaped
A new autoreleased string

Provided by category OFString(PercentEncoding).

◆ stringByAppendingFormat:

- (OFString *) stringByAppendingFormat: (OFConstantString *) format
, ... 

Creates a new string by appending the specified format.

formatA format string which generates the string to append
A new, autoreleased OFString with the specified format appended
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string was not properly UTF-8-encoded after formatting it
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe specified format is invalid

◆ stringByAppendingFormat:arguments:

- (OFString *) stringByAppendingFormat: (OFConstantString *) format
arguments: (va_list) arguments 

Creates a new string by appending the specified format.

formatA format string which generates the string to append
argumentsThe arguments used in the format string
A new, autoreleased OFString with the specified format appended
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string was not properly UTF-8-encoded after formatting it
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe specified format is invalid

◆ stringByAppendingPathComponent:

- (OFString *) stringByAppendingPathComponent: (OFString *) component

Creates a new string by appending a path component.

componentThe path component to append
A new, autoreleased OFString with the path component appended

Provided by category OFString(PathAdditions).

◆ stringByAppendingPathExtension:

- (OFString *) stringByAppendingPathExtension: (OFString *) extension

Creates a new string by appending a path extension.

extensionThe extension to append
A new, autoreleased OFString with the path extension appended

Provided by category OFString(PathAdditions).

◆ stringByAppendingString:

- (OFString *) stringByAppendingString: (OFString *) string

Creates a new string by appending another string.

stringThe string to append
A new, autoreleased OFString with the specified string appended

◆ stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString:

- (OFString *) stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: (OFString *) string
withString: (OFString *) replacement 

Creates a new string by replacing the occurrences of the specified string with the specified replacement.

stringThe string to replace
replacementThe string with which it should be replaced
A new string with the occurrences of the specified string replaced

◆ stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:

- (OFString *) stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: (OFString *) string
withString: (OFString *) replacement
options: (int) options
range: (OFRange) range 

Creates a new string by replacing the occurrences of the specified string in the specified range with the specified replacement.

stringThe string to replace
replacementThe string with which it should be replaced
optionsOptions modifying search behavior. Possible values are:
  • None yet, pass 0
rangeThe range in which to replace the string
A new string with the occurrences of the specified string replaced

◆ stringByXMLUnescapingWithBlock:

- (OFString *) stringByXMLUnescapingWithBlock: (OFStringXMLUnescapingBlock) block

Unescapes XML in the string and uses the specified block for unknown entities.

blockA block which handles unknown entities
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe string is not a valid XML string
OFUnknownXMLEntityExceptionThe string contains unknown XML entities

Provided by category OFString(XMLUnescaping).

◆ stringByXMLUnescapingWithDelegate:

- (OFString *) stringByXMLUnescapingWithDelegate: (nullable id< OFStringXMLUnescapingDelegate >) delegate

Unescapes XML in the string and uses the specified delegate for unknown entities.

delegateAn OFXMLUnescapingDelegate as a handler for unknown entities
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe string is not a valid XML string
OFUnknownXMLEntityExceptionThe string contains unknown XML entities

Provided by category OFString(XMLUnescaping).

◆ stringWithCharacters:length:

+ (instancetype) stringWithCharacters: (const OFUnichar *) characters
length: (size_t) length 

Creates a new OFString from a Unicode string with the specified length.

charactersAn array of Unicode characters
lengthThe length of the Unicode character array
A new autoreleased OFString

◆ stringWithContentsOfFile:

+ (instancetype) stringWithContentsOfFile: (OFString *) path

Creates a new OFString with the contents of the specified UTF-8 encoded file.

pathThe path to the file
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ stringWithContentsOfFile:encoding:

+ (instancetype) stringWithContentsOfFile: (OFString *) path
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Creates a new OFString with the contents of the specified file in the specified encoding.

pathThe path to the file
encodingThe encoding of the file
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ stringWithContentsOfIRI:

+ (instancetype) stringWithContentsOfIRI: (OFIRI *) IRI

Creates a new OFString with the contents of the specified IRI.

If the IRI's scheme is file, it tries UTF-8 encoding.

If the IRI's scheme is http or https, it tries to detect the encoding from the HTTP headers. If it could not detect the encoding using the HTTP headers, it tries UTF-8.

IRIThe IRI to the contents for the string
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the expected encoding

◆ stringWithContentsOfIRI:encoding:

+ (instancetype) stringWithContentsOfIRI: (OFIRI *) IRI
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Creates a new OFString with the contents of the specified IRI in the specified encoding.

IRIThe IRI to the contents for the string
encodingThe encoding to assume
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ stringWithCString:encoding:

+ (instancetype) stringWithCString: (const char *) cString
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Creates a new OFString from a C string with the specified encoding.

cStringA C string to initialize the OFString with
encodingThe encoding of the C string
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ stringWithCString:encoding:length:

+ (instancetype) stringWithCString: (const char *) cString
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding
length: (size_t) cStringLength 

Creates a new OFString from a C string with the specified encoding and length.

cStringA C string to initialize the OFString with
encodingThe encoding of the C string
cStringLengthThe length of the C string
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ stringWithData:encoding:

+ (instancetype) stringWithData: (OFData *) data
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Creates a new OFString from OFData with the specified encoding.

dataOFData with the contents of the string
encodingThe encoding in which the string is stored in the OFData
An new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not in the specified encoding

◆ stringWithFormat:

+ (instancetype) stringWithFormat: (OFConstantString *) format
, ... 

Creates a new OFString from a format string.

See printf for the format syntax. As an addition, %@ is available as format specifier for objects, C for OFUnichar and S for const OFUnichar *.

formatA string used as format to initialize the OFString
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe specified format is invalid
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe resulting string is not in not in UTF-8 encoding

◆ stringWithString:

+ (instancetype) stringWithString: (OFString *) string

Creates a new OFString from another string.

stringA string to initialize the OFString with
A new autoreleased OFString

◆ stringWithUTF16String:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF16String: (const OFChar16 *) string

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-16 encoded string.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-16 string
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-16-encoded

◆ stringWithUTF16String:byteOrder:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF16String: (const OFChar16 *) string
byteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-16 encoded string, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-16 string
byteOrderThe byte order to assume if there is no byte order mark
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-16-encoded

◆ stringWithUTF16String:length:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF16String: (const OFChar16 *) string
length: (size_t) length 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-16 encoded string with the specified length.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-16 string
lengthThe length of the UTF-16 string
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-16-encoded

◆ stringWithUTF16String:length:byteOrder:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF16String: (const OFChar16 *) string
length: (size_t) length
byteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-16 encoded string with the specified length, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-16 string
lengthThe length of the UTF-16 string
byteOrderThe byte order to assume if there is no byte order mark
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-16-encoded

◆ stringWithUTF32String:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF32String: (const OFChar32 *) string

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-32 encoded string.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-32 string
A new autoreleased OFString

◆ stringWithUTF32String:byteOrder:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF32String: (const OFChar32 *) string
byteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-32 encoded string, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-32 string
byteOrderThe byte order to assume if there is no byte order mark
A new autoreleased OFString

◆ stringWithUTF32String:length:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF32String: (const OFChar32 *) string
length: (size_t) length 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-32 encoded string with the specified length.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-32 string
lengthThe length of the UTF-32 string
A new autoreleased OFString

◆ stringWithUTF32String:length:byteOrder:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF32String: (const OFChar32 *) string
length: (size_t) length
byteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-32 encoded string with the specified length, assuming the specified byte order if no byte order mark is found.

stringA zero-terminated UTF-32 string
lengthThe length of the UTF-32 string
byteOrderThe byte order to assume if there is no byte order mark
A new autoreleased OFString

◆ stringWithUTF8String:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) UTF8String

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string.

UTF8StringA UTF-8 encoded C string to initialize the OFString with
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ stringWithUTF8String:length:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF8String: (const char *) UTF8String
length: (size_t) UTF8StringLength 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string with the specified length.

UTF8StringA UTF-8 encoded C string to initialize the OFString with
UTF8StringLengthThe length of the UTF-8 encoded C string
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ stringWithUTF8StringNoCopy:freeWhenDone:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF8StringNoCopy: (char *) UTF8String
freeWhenDone: (bool) freeWhenDone 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string without copying the string, if possible.

If initialization fails for whatever reason, the passed C string is not freed if freeWhenDone is true.

OFMutableString always creates a copy!
UTF8StringA UTF-8 encoded C string to initialize the OFString with
freeWhenDoneWhether to free the C string when the OFString gets deallocated
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ stringWithUTF8StringNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:

+ (instancetype) stringWithUTF8StringNoCopy: (char *) UTF8String
length: (size_t) UTF8StringLength
freeWhenDone: (bool) freeWhenDone 

Creates a new OFString from a UTF-8 encoded C string with the specified length without copying the string, if possible.

If initialization fails for whatever reason, the passed C string is not freed if freeWhenDone is true.

OFMutableString always creates a copy!
UTF8StringA UTF-8 encoded C string to initialize the OFString with
UTF8StringLengthThe length of the UTF-8 encoded C string
freeWhenDoneWhether to free the C string when the OFString gets deallocated
A new autoreleased OFString
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string is not properly UTF-8-encoded

◆ substringFromIndex:

- (OFString *) substringFromIndex: (size_t) idx

Creates a substring from the specified index to the end.

idxThe index from where the substring should start, inclusive
The substring from the specified index to the end

◆ substringToIndex:

- (OFString *) substringToIndex: (size_t) idx

Creates a substring from the beginning to the specified index.

idxThe index at which the substring should end, exclusive
The substring from the beginning to the specified index

◆ substringWithRange:

- (OFString *) substringWithRange: (OFRange) range

Creates a substring with the specified range.

rangeThe range of the substring
The substring as a new autoreleased OFString

◆ unsignedLongLongValueWithBase:

- (unsigned long long) unsignedLongLongValueWithBase: (unsigned char) base

The value of the string in the specified base as an unsigned long long.

Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.

If the string contains any non-number characters, an OFInvalidFormatException is thrown.

If the number is too big to fit into an unsigned long long, an OFOutOfRangeException is thrown.

baseThe base to use. If the base is 0, base 16 is assumed if the string starts with 0x (after stripping white spaces). If the string starts with 0, base 8 is assumed. Otherwise, base 10 is assumed.
The value of the string in the specified base
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe string cannot be parsed as an unsigned long long
OFOutOfRangeExceptionThe value cannot be represented as an unsigned long long

◆ UTF16StringWithByteOrder:

- (const OFChar16 *) UTF16StringWithByteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder

Returns the string in UTF-16 encoding with the specified byte order.

The result is valid until the autorelease pool is released. If you want to use the result outside the scope of the current autorelease pool, you have to copy it.

The returned string is null-terminated.

byteOrderThe byte order for the UTF-16 encoding
The string in UTF-16 encoding with the specified byte order
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string cannot be represented in UTF-16

◆ UTF32StringWithByteOrder:

- (const OFChar32 *) UTF32StringWithByteOrder: (OFByteOrder) byteOrder

Returns the string in UTF-32 encoding with the specified byte order.

The result is valid until the autorelease pool is released. If you want to use the result outside the scope of the current autorelease pool, you have to copy it.

The returned string is null-terminated.

byteOrderThe byte order for the UTF-32 encoding
The string in UTF-32 encoding with the specified byte order

◆ writeToFile:

- (void) writeToFile: (OFString *) path

Writes the string into the specified file using UTF-8 encoding.

pathThe path of the file to write to

◆ writeToFile:encoding:

- (void) writeToFile: (OFString *) path
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Writes the string into the specified file using the specified encoding.

pathThe path of the file to write to
encodingThe encoding to use to write the string into the file
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string cannot be represented in the specified encoding

◆ writeToIRI:

- (void) writeToIRI: (OFIRI *) IRI

Writes the string to the specified IRI using UTF-8 encoding.

IRIThe IRI to write to

◆ writeToIRI:encoding:

- (void) writeToIRI: (OFIRI *) IRI
encoding: (OFStringEncoding) encoding 

Writes the string to the specified IRI using the specified encoding.

IRIThe IRI to write to
encodingThe encoding to use to write the string to the IRI
OFInvalidEncodingExceptionThe string cannot be represented in the specified encoding

Property Documentation

◆ capitalizedString

- (OFString *) capitalizedString

The string in capitalized form.

This only considers spaces, tabs and newlines to be word delimiters! Also note that this might change in the future to all word delimiters specified by Unicode!

◆ characters

- (const OFUnichar *) characters

The string as an array of Unicode characters.

The result is valid until the autorelease pool is released. If you want to use the result outside the scope of the current autorelease pool, you have to copy it.

The returned string is not null-terminated.

◆ doubleValue

- (double) doubleValue

The double value of the string as a double.

OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe string cannot be parsed as a double
OFOutOfRangeExceptionThe value cannot be represented as a double

◆ floatValue

- (float) floatValue

The float value of the string as a float.

OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe string cannot be parsed as a float
OFOutOfRangeExceptionThe value cannot be represented as a float

◆ longLongValue

- (long long) longLongValue

The decimal value of the string as a long long.

Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.

If the string contains any non-number characters, an OFInvalidFormatException is thrown.

If the number is too big to fit into a long long, an OFOutOfRangeException is thrown.

◆ objectByParsingJSON

- (id) objectByParsingJSON

The string interpreted as JSON and parsed as an object.

This also allows parsing JSON5, an extension of JSON. See http://json5.org/ for more details.
Although not specified by the JSON specification, this can also return primitives like strings and numbers. The rationale behind this is that most JSON parsers allow JSON data just consisting of a single primitive, leading to real world JSON files sometimes only consisting of a single primitive. Therefore, you should not make any assumptions about the object returned by this method if you don't want your program to terminate due to a message not understood, but instead check the returned object using isKindOfClass: (OFObject-p).
OFInvalidJSONExceptionThe string contained invalid JSON

Provided by category OFString(JSONParsing).

◆ objectByParsingPropertyList

- (id) objectByParsingPropertyList

The string interpreted as a property list and parsed as an object.

This only supports XML property lists!
OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe string is not in correct XML property list format
OFUnsupportedVersionExceptionThe property list is using a version that is not supported

Provided by category OFString(PropertyListParsing).

◆ stringByRemovingPercentEncoding

- (OFString *) stringByRemovingPercentEncoding

The string with percent encoding removed.

OFInvalidFormatExceptionThe string is not in proper percent encoding

Provided by category OFString(PercentEncoding).

◆ unsignedLongLongValue

- (unsigned long long) unsignedLongLongValue

The decimal value of the string as an unsigned long long.

Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.

If the string contains any non-number characters, an OFInvalidFormatException is thrown.

If the number is too big to fit into an unsigned long long, an OFOutOfRangeException is thrown.

◆ UTF16String

- (const OFChar16 *) UTF16String

The string in UTF-16 encoding with native byte order.

The result is valid until the autorelease pool is released. If you want to use the result outside the scope of the current autorelease pool, you have to copy it.

The returned string is null-terminated.

◆ UTF32String

- (const OFChar32 *) UTF32String

The string in UTF-32 encoding with native byte order.

The result is valid until the autorelease pool is released. If you want to use the result outside the scope of the current autorelease pool, you have to copy it.

The returned string is null-terminated.

◆ UTF8String

- (const char *) UTF8String

The OFString as a UTF-8 encoded C string.

The result is valid until the autorelease pool is released. If you want to use the result outside the scope of the current autorelease pool, you have to copy it.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: