of_dimension_t | A dimension |
of_fast_enumeration_state_t | State information for fast enumerations |
of_list_object_t | A list object |
of_point_t | A point |
of_range_t | A range |
of_rectangle_t | A rectangle |
OFAcceptFailedException | An exception indicating that accepting a connection failed |
OFAddressTranslationFailedException | An exception indicating the translation of an address failed |
OFAllocFailedException | An exception indicating an object could not be allocated |
OFAlreadyConnectedException | An exception indicating an attempt to connect or bind an already connected or bound socket |
OFApplication | Represents the application as an object |
<OFApplicationDelegate> | A protocol for delegates of OFApplication |
OFArray | An abstract class for storing objects in an array |
OFAutoreleasePool | A pool that keeps track of objects to release |
OFBigDataArray | A class for storing arbitrary big data in an array |
OFBindFailedException | An exception indicating that binding a socket failed |
OFBlock | The class for all blocks, since all blocks are also objects |
OFChangeDirectoryFailedException | An exception indicating changing to a directory failed |
OFChangeFileModeFailedException | An exception indicating that changing the mode of a file failed |
OFChangeFileOwnerFailedException | An exception indicating that changing the owner of a file failed |
<OFCollection> | A protocol with methods common for all collections |
<OFComparing> | A protocol for comparing objects |
OFCondition | A class implementing a condition variable for thread synchronization |
OFConditionBroadcastFailedException | An exception indicating broadcasting a condition failed |
OFConditionSignalFailedException | An exception indicating signaling a condition failed |
OFConditionStillWaitingException | An exception indicating that a thread is still waiting for a condition |
OFConditionWaitFailedException | An exception indicating waiting for a condition failed |
OFConnectionFailedException | An exception indicating that a connection could not be established |
OFConstantString | A class for storing constant strings using the @"" literal |
OFCopyFileFailedException | An exception indicating that copying a file failed |
<OFCopying> | A protocol for the creation of copies |
OFCountedSet | An abstract class for a mutable unordered set of objects, counting how often it contains an object |
OFCreateDirectoryFailedException | An exception indicating a directory couldn't be created |
OFDataArray | A class for storing arbitrary data in an array |
OFDate | A class for storing, accessing and comparing dates |
OFDeleteDirectoryFailedException | An exception indicating that deleting a directory failed |
OFDeleteFileFailedException | An exception indicating that deleting a file failed |
OFDictionary | An abstract class for storing objects in a dictionary |
<OFEnumerating> | A protocol for getting an enumerator for the object |
OFEnumerationMutationException | An exception indicating that a mutation was detected during enumeration |
OFEnumerator | A class which provides methods to enumerate through collections |
OFException | The base class for all exceptions in ObjFW |
<OFFastEnumeration> | A protocol for fast enumeration |
OFFile | A class which provides functions to read, write and manipulate files |
OFHash | A base class for classes providing hash functions |
OFHashAlreadyCalculatedException | An exception indicating that the hash has already been calculated |
OFHTTPRequest | A class for storing and performing HTTP requests |
<OFHTTPRequestDelegate> | A delegate for OFHTTPRequests |
OFHTTPRequestFailedException | An exception indicating that a HTTP request failed |
OFHTTPRequestResult | A class for storing the result of an HTTP request |
OFInitializationFailedException | An exception indicating that initializing something failed |
OFInstanceVariable | A class for describing an instance variable |
OFIntrospection | A class for introspecting classes |
OFInvalidArgumentException | An exception indicating that the argument is invalid for this method |
OFInvalidEncodingException | An exception indicating that the encoding is invalid for this object |
OFInvalidFormatException | An exception indicating that the format is invalid |
OFInvalidServerReplyException | An exception indicating that the server sent an invalid reply |
<OFJSON> | A category implemented by classes that support encoding to a JSON representation |
OFLinkFailedException | An exception indicating that creating a link failed |
OFList | A class which provides easy to use double-linked lists |
OFListenFailedException | An exception indicating that listening on the socket failed |
OFMalformedXMLException | An exception indicating that a parser encountered malformed XML |
OFMD5Hash | A class which provides functions to create an MD5 hash |
OFMemoryNotPartOfObjectException | An exception indicating the given memory is not part of the object |
OFMethod | A class for describing a method |
OFMutableArray | An abstract class for storing, adding and removing objects in anr array |
<OFMutableCopying> | A protocol for the creation of mutable copies |
OFMutableDictionary | An abstract class for storing and changing objects in a dictionary |
OFMutableSet | An abstract class for a mutable unordered set of unique objects |
OFMutableString | A class for storing and modifying strings |
OFMutex | A class for creating mutual exclusions |
OFMutexLockFailedException | An exception indicating that locking a mutex failed |
OFMutexStillLockedException | An exception indicating that a mutex is still locked |
OFMutexUnlockFailedException | An exception indicating that unlocking a mutex failed |
OFNotConnectedException | An exception indicating a socket is not connected or bound |
OFNotImplementedException | An exception indicating that a method or part of it is not implemented |
OFNull | A class for representing null values in collections |
OFNumber | Provides a way to store a number in an object |
OFObject | The root class for all other classes inside ObjFW |
<OFObject> | The protocol which all root classes implement |
OFOpenFileFailedException | An exception indicating a file couldn't be opened |
OFOutOfMemoryException | An exception indicating there is not enough memory available |
OFOutOfRangeException | An exception indicating the given value is out of range |
OFPlugin | Provides a system for loading plugins at runtime |
OFProcess | A class for stream-like communication with a newly created process |
OFProperty | A class for describing a property |
OFReadFailedException | An exception indicating a read on a stream failed |
OFReadOrWriteFailedException | An exception indicating a read or write to a stream failed |
OFRenameFileFailedException | An exception indicating that renaming a file failed |
OFSeekableStream | A stream that supports seeking |
OFSeekFailedException | An exception indicating that seeking in a stream failed |
<OFSerialization> | A protocol for serializing objects |
OFSet | An abstract class for an unordered set of unique objects |
OFSetOptionFailedException | An exception indicating that setting an option for a stream failed |
OFSHA1Hash | A class which provides functions to create an SHA1 hash |
OFStream | A base class for different types of streams |
OFStreamObserver | A class that can observe multiple streams at once |
<OFStreamObserverDelegate> | A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for OFStreamObserver |
OFStreamSocket | A class which provides functions to create and use stream sockets |
OFString | A class for handling strings |
<OFStringXMLUnescapingDelegate> | A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for |
OFSymlinkFailedException | An exception indicating that creating a symlink failed |
OFTCPSocket | A class which provides functions to create and use TCP sockets |
OFThread | A class which provides portable threads |
OFThreadJoinFailedException | An exception indicating that joining a thread failed |
OFThreadStartFailedException | An exception indicating that starting a thread failed |
OFThreadStillRunningException | An exception indicating that a thread is still running |
OFTLSKey | A class for Thread Local Storage keys |
OFTruncatedDataException | An exception indicating that data was truncated while it should not have been truncated |
OFUnboundNamespaceException | An exception indicating an attempt to use an unbound namespace |
OFUnsupportedProtocolException | An exception indicating that the protocol specified by the URL is not supported |
OFURL | A class for parsing URLs and accessing parts of it |
OFWriteFailedException | An exception indicating a write to a stream failed |
OFXMLAttribute | A representation of an attribute of an XML element as an object |
OFXMLCDATA | A class representing XML CDATA |
OFXMLCharacters | A class representing XML characters |
OFXMLComment | A class for representing XML comments |
OFXMLElement | A class which stores an XML element |
OFXMLElementBuilder | A class implementing the OFXMLParserDelegate protocol that can build OFXMLElements from the document parsed by the OFXMLParser |
<OFXMLElementBuilderDelegate> | A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for OFXMLElementBuilder |
OFXMLNode | A class which stores an XML element |
OFXMLParser | An event-based XML parser |
<OFXMLParserDelegate> | A protocol that needs to be implemented by delegates for OFXMLParser |
OFXMLProcessingInstructions | A class for representing XML processing instructions |