ObjFW  Artifact [d30e19048e]

Artifact d30e19048eda1656b66ed7174346d678598aee0f4e7b1bc175494b614fbf62e6:

  • File src/OFDNSResolver.m — part of check-in [7460d2ccd8] at 2024-08-17 17:30:51 on branch trunk — Delay socket initialization as long as possible

    On game consoles, initializing sockets takes a significant amount of
    time. When not delaying socket initializing, that time is spent during
    startup even when the application might never use sockets.

    Worse yet, on Amiga, sockets might not be available at all and the
    application will fail to start up, even when the application might never
    use sockets. (user: js, size: 37266) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer <js@nil.im>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3.0 for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see
 * <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "config.h"

#include <string.h>

#import "OFDNSResolver.h"
#import "OFArray.h"
#import "OFDNSQuery.h"
#import "OFDNSResolverSettings.h"
#import "OFDNSResponse.h"
#import "OFData.h"
#import "OFDate.h"
#import "OFDictionary.h"
#import "OFHostAddressResolver.h"
#import "OFNumber.h"
#import "OFPair.h"
#import "OFSocket.h"
#import "OFSocket+Private.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFTCPSocket.h"
#import "OFTimer.h"
#import "OFUDPSocket.h"
#import "OFUDPSocket+Private.h"

#import "OFDNSQueryFailedException.h"
#import "OFInitializationFailedException.h"
#import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h"
#import "OFInvalidFormatException.h"
#import "OFInvalidServerResponseException.h"
#import "OFNotImplementedException.h"
#import "OFOutOfRangeException.h"
#import "OFTruncatedDataException.h"

#ifndef SOCK_DNS
# define SOCK_DNS 0

static const size_t bufferLength = OFDNSResolverBufferLength;
static const size_t maxDNSResponseLength = 65536;

 * RFC 1035 doesn't specify if pointers to pointers are allowed, and if so how
 * many. Since it's unspecified, we have to assume that it might happen, but we
 * also want to limit it to avoid DoS. Limiting it to 16 levels of pointers and
 * immediately rejecting pointers to itself seems like a fair balance.
static const uint_fast8_t maxAllowedPointers = 16;

@interface OFDNSResolver () <OFUDPSocketDelegate, OFTCPSocketDelegate>
- (void)of_contextTimedOut: (OFDNSResolverContext *)context;

@interface OFDNSResolverContext: OFObject
	OFDNSQuery *_query;
	OFNumber *_ID;
	OFDNSResolverSettings *_settings;
	size_t _nameServersIndex;
	unsigned int _attempt;
	id <OFDNSResolverQueryDelegate> _delegate;
	OFData *_queryData;
	OFSocketAddress _usedNameServer;
	OFTCPSocket *_TCPSocket;
	OFMutableData *_TCPQueryData;
	void *_TCPBuffer;
	size_t _responseLength;
	OFTimer *_cancelTimer;

- (instancetype)initWithQuery: (OFDNSQuery *)query
			   ID: (OFNumber *)ID
		     settings: (OFDNSResolverSettings *)settings
		     delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverQueryDelegate>)delegate;

static OFString *
parseString(const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length, size_t *i)
	uint8_t stringLength;
	OFString *string;

	if (*i >= length)
		@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

	stringLength = buffer[(*i)++];

	if (*i + stringLength > length)
		@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

	string = [OFString stringWithUTF8String: (char *)&buffer[*i]
					 length: stringLength];
	*i += stringLength;

	return string;

static OFString *
parseName(const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length, size_t *i,
    uint_fast8_t pointerLevel)
	OFMutableArray *components = [OFMutableArray array];
	uint8_t componentLength;

	do {
		OFString *component;

		if (*i >= length)
			@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

		componentLength = buffer[(*i)++];

		if (componentLength & 0xC0) {
			size_t j;
			OFString *suffix;

			if (pointerLevel == 0)
				@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException

			if (*i >= length)
				@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

			j = ((componentLength & 0x3F) << 8) | buffer[(*i)++];

			if (j == *i - 2)
				/* Pointing to itself?! */
				@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException

			suffix = parseName(buffer, length, &j,
			    pointerLevel - 1);

			if (components.count == 0)
				return suffix;
			else {
				[components addObject: suffix];
				return [components
				    componentsJoinedByString: @"."];

		if (*i + componentLength > length)
			@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

		component = [OFString stringWithUTF8String: (char *)&buffer[*i]
						    length: componentLength];
		*i += componentLength;

		[components addObject: component];
	} while (componentLength > 0);

	return [components componentsJoinedByString: @"."];

static OF_KINDOF(OFDNSResourceRecord *)
parseResourceRecord(OFString *name, OFDNSClass DNSClass,
    OFDNSRecordType recordType, uint32_t TTL, const unsigned char *buffer,
    size_t length, size_t i, uint16_t dataLength)
	if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeA && DNSClass == OFDNSClassIN) {
		OFSocketAddress address;

		if (dataLength != 4)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address));
		address.family = OFSocketAddressFamilyIPv4;
		address.length = sizeof(address.sockaddr.in);

		address.sockaddr.in.sin_family = AF_INET;
		memcpy(&address.sockaddr.in.sin_addr.s_addr, buffer + i, 4);

		return [[[OFADNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			 address: &address
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeNS) {
		size_t j = i;
		OFString *authoritativeHost = parseName(buffer, length, &j,

		if (j != i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		return [[[OFNSDNSResourceRecord alloc]
			 initWithName: name
			     DNSClass: DNSClass
		    authoritativeHost: authoritativeHost
				  TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeCNAME) {
		size_t j = i;
		OFString *alias = parseName(buffer, length, &j,

		if (j != i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		return [[[OFCNAMEDNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			DNSClass: DNSClass
			   alias: alias
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeSOA) {
		size_t j = i;
		OFString *primaryNameServer = parseName(buffer, length, &j,
		OFString *responsiblePerson;
		uint32_t serialNumber, refreshInterval, retryInterval;
		uint32_t expirationInterval, minTTL;

		if (j > i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		responsiblePerson = parseName(buffer, length, &j,

		if (dataLength - (j - i) != 20)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		serialNumber = (buffer[j] << 24) | (buffer[j + 1] << 16) |
		    (buffer[j + 2] << 8) | buffer[j + 3];
		refreshInterval = (buffer[j + 4] << 24) |
		    (buffer[j + 5] << 16) | (buffer[j + 6] << 8) |
		    buffer[j + 7];
		retryInterval = (buffer[j + 8] << 24) | (buffer[j + 9] << 16) |
		    (buffer[j + 10] << 8) | buffer[j + 11];
		expirationInterval = (buffer[j + 12] << 24) |
		    (buffer[j + 13] << 16) | (buffer[j + 14] << 8) |
		    buffer[j + 15];
		minTTL = (buffer[j + 16] << 24) | (buffer[j + 17] << 16) |
		    (buffer[j + 18] << 8) | buffer[j + 19];

		return [[[OFSOADNSResourceRecord alloc]
			  initWithName: name
			      DNSClass: DNSClass
		     primaryNameServer: primaryNameServer
		     responsiblePerson: responsiblePerson
			  serialNumber: serialNumber
		       refreshInterval: refreshInterval
			 retryInterval: retryInterval
		    expirationInterval: expirationInterval
				minTTL: minTTL
				   TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypePTR) {
		size_t j = i;
		OFString *domainName = parseName(buffer, length, &j,

		if (j != i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		return [[[OFPTRDNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			DNSClass: DNSClass
		      domainName: domainName
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeHINFO) {
		size_t j = i;
		OFString *CPU = parseString(buffer, length, &j);
		OFString *OS;

		if (j > i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		OS = parseString(buffer, length, &j);

		if (j != i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		return [[[OFHINFODNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			DNSClass: DNSClass
			     CPU: CPU
			      OS: OS
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeMX) {
		uint16_t preference;
		size_t j;
		OFString *mailExchange;

		if (dataLength < 2)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		preference = (buffer[i] << 8) | buffer[i + 1];

		j = i + 2;
		mailExchange = parseName(buffer, length, &j,

		if (j != i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		return [[[OFMXDNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			DNSClass: DNSClass
		      preference: preference
		    mailExchange: mailExchange
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeTXT) {
		OFMutableArray *textStrings = [OFMutableArray array];

		while (dataLength > 0) {
			uint_fast8_t stringLength = buffer[i++];

			if (stringLength > dataLength)
				@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException

			[textStrings addObject:
			    [OFData dataWithItems: buffer + i
					    count: stringLength]];

			i += stringLength;
			dataLength -= stringLength;

		[textStrings makeImmutable];

		return [[[OFTXTDNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			DNSClass: DNSClass
		     textStrings: textStrings
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeRP) {
		size_t j = i;
		OFString *mailbox = parseName(buffer, length, &j,
		OFString *TXTDomainName;

		if (j > i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		TXTDomainName = parseName(buffer, length, &j,

		if (j != i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		return [[[OFRPDNSResourceRecord alloc]
		     initWithName: name
			 DNSClass: DNSClass
			  mailbox: mailbox
		    TXTDomainName: TXTDomainName
			      TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeAAAA &&
	    DNSClass == OFDNSClassIN) {
		OFSocketAddress address;

		if (dataLength != 16)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address));
		address.family = OFSocketAddressFamilyIPv6;
		address.length = sizeof(address.sockaddr.in6);

#ifdef AF_INET6
		address.sockaddr.in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
		address.sockaddr.in6.sin6_family = AF_UNSPEC;
		memcpy(address.sockaddr.in6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, buffer + i, 16);

		return [[[OFAAAADNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			 address: &address
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeLOC) {
		uint8_t size, horizontalPrecision, verticalPrecision;
		uint32_t latitude, longitude, altitude;

		if (dataLength < 16 || buffer[i] != 0)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		size = buffer[i + 1];
		horizontalPrecision = buffer[i + 2];
		verticalPrecision = buffer[i + 3];
		latitude = (buffer[i + 4] << 24) | (buffer[i + 5] << 16) |
		    (buffer[i + 6] << 8) | buffer[i + 7];
		longitude = (buffer[i + 8] << 24) | (buffer[i + 9] << 16) |
		    (buffer[i + 10] << 8) | buffer[i + 11];
		altitude = (buffer[i + 12] << 24) | (buffer[i + 13] << 16) |
		    (buffer[i + 14] << 8) | buffer[i + 15];

		return [[[OFLOCDNSResourceRecord alloc]
			   initWithName: name
			       DNSClass: DNSClass
				   size: size
		    horizontalPrecision: horizontalPrecision
		      verticalPrecision: verticalPrecision
			       latitude: latitude
			      longitude: longitude
			       altitude: altitude
				    TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeSRV &&
	    DNSClass == OFDNSClassIN) {
		uint16_t priority, weight, port;
		size_t j;
		OFString *target;

		if (dataLength < 6)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		priority = (buffer[i] << 8) | buffer[i + 1];
		weight = (buffer[i + 2] << 8) | buffer[i + 3];
		port = (buffer[i + 4] << 8) | buffer[i + 5];

		j = i + 6;
		target = parseName(buffer, length, &j, maxAllowedPointers);

		if (j != i + dataLength)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		return [[[OFSRVDNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			priority: priority
			  weight: weight
			  target: target
			    port: port
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else if (recordType == OFDNSRecordTypeURI) {
		uint16_t priority, weight;
		OFString *target;

		if (dataLength < 4)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		priority = (buffer[i] << 8) | buffer[i + 1];
		weight = (buffer[i + 2] << 8) | buffer[i + 3];

		target = [OFString stringWithUTF8String: (char *)buffer + i + 4
						 length: dataLength - 4];

		return [[[OFURIDNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			DNSClass: DNSClass
			priority: priority
			  weight: weight
			  target: target
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];
	} else
		return [[[OFDNSResourceRecord alloc]
		    initWithName: name
			DNSClass: DNSClass
		      recordType: recordType
			     TTL: TTL] autorelease];

static OFDictionary *
parseSection(const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length, size_t *i,
    uint_fast16_t count)
	OFMutableDictionary *ret = [OFMutableDictionary dictionary];
	OFEnumerator OF_GENERIC(OFMutableArray *) *objectEnumerator;
	OFMutableArray *array;

	for (uint_fast16_t j = 0; j < count; j++) {
		OFString *name = parseName(buffer, length, i,
		OFDNSClass DNSClass;
		OFDNSRecordType recordType;
		uint32_t TTL;
		uint16_t dataLength;
		OFDNSResourceRecord *record;

		if (*i + 10 > length)
			@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

		recordType = (buffer[*i] << 8) | buffer[*i + 1];
		DNSClass = (buffer[*i + 2] << 8) | buffer[*i + 3];
		TTL = (buffer[*i + 4] << 24) | (buffer[*i + 5] << 16) |
		    (buffer[*i + 6] << 8) | buffer[*i + 7];
		dataLength = (buffer[*i + 8] << 8) | buffer[*i + 9];

		*i += 10;

		if (*i + dataLength > length)
			@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

		record = parseResourceRecord(name, DNSClass, recordType, TTL,
		    buffer, length, *i, dataLength);
		*i += dataLength;

		array = [ret objectForKey: name];

		if (array == nil) {
			array = [OFMutableArray array];
			[ret setObject: array forKey: name];

		[array addObject: record];

	objectEnumerator = [ret objectEnumerator];
	while ((array = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) != nil)
		[array makeImmutable];

	[ret makeImmutable];

	return ret;

static bool
containsExpiredRecord(OFDNSResponseRecords responseRecords, uint32_t age)
	OFEnumerator *enumerator = [responseRecords objectEnumerator];
	OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFDNSResourceRecord *) *records;

	while ((records = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
		for (OFDNSResourceRecord *record in records)
			if (record.TTL < age)
				return true;

	return false;

@implementation OFDNSResolverContext
- (instancetype)initWithQuery: (OFDNSQuery *)query
			   ID: (OFNumber *)ID
		     settings: (OFDNSResolverSettings *)settings
		     delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverQueryDelegate>)delegate
	self = [super init];

	@try {
		void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
		OFMutableData *queryData;
		uint16_t tmp;

		_query = [query copy];
		_ID = [ID retain];
		_settings = [settings copy];
		_delegate = [delegate retain];

		queryData = [OFMutableData dataWithCapacity: 512];

		/* Header */

		tmp = OFToBigEndian16(_ID.unsignedShortValue);
		[queryData addItems: &tmp count: 2];
		/* RD */
		tmp = OFToBigEndian16(1u << 8);
		[queryData addItems: &tmp count: 2];
		/* QDCOUNT */
		tmp = OFToBigEndian16(1);
		[queryData addItems: &tmp count: 2];
		[queryData increaseCountBy: 6];

		/* Question */

		/* QNAME */
		for (OFString *component in
		    [_query.domainName componentsSeparatedByString: @"."]) {
			size_t length = component.UTF8StringLength;
			uint8_t length8;

			if (length > 63 || queryData.count + length > 512)
				@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

			length8 = (uint8_t)length;
			[queryData addItem: &length8];
			[queryData addItems: component.UTF8String
				      count: length];

		/* QTYPE */
		tmp = OFToBigEndian16(_query.recordType);
		[queryData addItems: &tmp count: 2];
		/* QCLASS */
		tmp = OFToBigEndian16(_query.DNSClass);
		[queryData addItems: &tmp count: 2];
		[queryData makeImmutable];

		_queryData = [queryData copy];

	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[_query release];
	[_ID release];
	[_settings release];
	[_delegate release];
	[_queryData release];
	[_TCPSocket release];
	[_TCPQueryData release];
	[_cancelTimer release];

	[super dealloc];

@implementation OFDNSResolver
+ (instancetype)resolver
	return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];

- (instancetype)init
	self = [super init];

	@try {
		if (!_OFSocketInit())
			@throw [OFInitializationFailedException
			    exceptionWithClass: self.class];

		_settings = [[OFDNSResolverSettings alloc] init];
		_queries = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init];
		_TCPQueries = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init];
		_cache = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init];

		[_settings reload];
	} @catch (id e) {
		[self release];
		@throw e;

	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	[self close];

	[_settings release];
	[_IPv4Socket cancelAsyncRequests];
	[_IPv4Socket release];
#ifdef OF_HAVE_IPV6
	[_IPv6Socket cancelAsyncRequests];
	[_IPv6Socket release];
	[_queries release];
	[_TCPQueries release];
	[_cache release];
	[_lastNameServers release];

	[super dealloc];

- (OFDictionary *)staticHosts
	return _settings->_staticHosts;

- (void)setStaticHosts: (OFDictionary *)staticHosts
	OFDictionary *old = _settings->_staticHosts;
	_settings->_staticHosts = [staticHosts copy];
	[old release];

- (OFArray *)nameServers
	return _settings->_nameServers;

- (void)setNameServers: (OFArray *)nameServers
	OFArray *old = _settings->_nameServers;
	_settings->_nameServers = [nameServers copy];
	[old release];

- (OFString *)localDomain
	return _settings->_localDomain;

- (OFArray *)searchDomains
	return _settings->_searchDomains;

- (void)setSearchDomains: (OFArray *)searchDomains
	OFArray *old = _settings->_searchDomains;
	_settings->_searchDomains = [searchDomains copy];
	[old release];

- (OFTimeInterval)timeout
	return _settings->_timeout;

- (void)setTimeout: (OFTimeInterval)timeout
	_settings->_timeout = timeout;

- (unsigned int)maxAttempts
	return _settings->_maxAttempts;

- (void)setMaxAttempts: (unsigned int)maxAttempts
	_settings->_maxAttempts = maxAttempts;

- (unsigned int)minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName
	return _settings->_minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName;

- (void)setMinNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName:
    (unsigned int)minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName
	_settings->_minNumberOfDotsInAbsoluteName =

- (bool)forcesTCP
	return _settings->_forcesTCP;

- (void)setForcesTCP: (bool)forcesTCP
	_settings->_forcesTCP = forcesTCP;

- (OFTimeInterval)configReloadInterval
	return _settings->_configReloadInterval;

- (void)setConfigReloadInterval: (OFTimeInterval)configReloadInterval
	_settings->_configReloadInterval = configReloadInterval;

- (void)of_sendQueryForContext: (OFDNSResolverContext *)context
		   runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
	OFUDPSocket *sock;
	OFString *nameServer;

	[_queries setObject: context forKey: context->_ID];

	[context->_cancelTimer invalidate];
	[context->_cancelTimer release];
	context->_cancelTimer = nil;
	context->_cancelTimer = [[OFTimer alloc]
	    initWithFireDate: [OFDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:
		    interval: context->_settings->_timeout
		      target: self
		    selector: @selector(of_contextTimedOut:)
		      object: context
		     repeats: false];
	[[OFRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: context->_cancelTimer
				     forMode: runLoopMode];

	nameServer = [context->_settings->_nameServers
	    objectAtIndex: context->_nameServersIndex];

	if (context->_settings->_forcesTCP) {
		OFEnsure(context->_TCPSocket == nil);

		context->_TCPSocket = [[OFTCPSocket alloc] init];
		[_TCPQueries setObject: context forKey: context->_TCPSocket];

		context->_TCPSocket.delegate = self;
		[context->_TCPSocket asyncConnectToHost: nameServer
						   port: 53
					    runLoopMode: runLoopMode];

	context->_usedNameServer = OFSocketAddressParseIP(nameServer, 53);

	switch (context->_usedNameServer.family) {
#ifdef OF_HAVE_IPV6
	case OFSocketAddressFamilyIPv6:
		if (_IPv6Socket == nil) {
			OFSocketAddress address =
			    OFSocketAddressParseIPv6(@"::", 0);

			_IPv6Socket = [[OFUDPSocket alloc] init];
			[_IPv6Socket of_bindToAddress: &address
					    extraType: SOCK_DNS];
			@try {
				_IPv6Socket.canBlock = false;
			} @catch (OFNotImplementedException *e) {
				/* Can't do anything about it... */
			_IPv6Socket.delegate = self;

		sock = _IPv6Socket;
	case OFSocketAddressFamilyIPv4:
		if (_IPv4Socket == nil) {
			OFSocketAddress address =
			    OFSocketAddressParseIPv4(@"", 0);

			_IPv4Socket = [[OFUDPSocket alloc] init];
			[_IPv4Socket of_bindToAddress: &address
					    extraType: SOCK_DNS];
			@try {
				_IPv4Socket.canBlock = false;
			} @catch (OFNotImplementedException *e) {
				/* Can't do anything about it... */
			_IPv4Socket.delegate = self;

		sock = _IPv4Socket;
		@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

	[sock asyncSendData: context->_queryData
		   receiver: &context->_usedNameServer
		runLoopMode: runLoopMode];
	[sock asyncReceiveIntoBuffer: _buffer
			      length: bufferLength
			 runLoopMode: runLoopMode];

- (void)of_cleanUpCache
	OFTimeInterval now = [[OFDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
	OFMutableArray *removeList;

	if (_lastNameServers != _settings->_nameServers &&
	    ![_lastNameServers isEqual: _settings->_nameServers]) {
		OFArray *old = _lastNameServers;
		_lastNameServers = [_settings->_nameServers copy];
		[old release];

		[_cache removeAllObjects];


	if (now - _lastCacheCleanup < 1)

	_lastCacheCleanup = now;
	removeList = [OFMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: _cache.count];

	for (OFDNSQuery *query in _cache) {
		OFPair OF_GENERIC(OFDate *, OFDNSResponse *) *entry =
		    [_cache objectForKey: query];
		uint32_t age = (uint32_t)now -
		    (uint32_t)[entry.firstObject timeIntervalSince1970];
		OFDNSResponse *response = entry.secondObject;

		if (containsExpiredRecord(response.answerRecords, age) ||
		    containsExpiredRecord(response.authorityRecords, age) ||
		    containsExpiredRecord(response.additionalRecords, age))
			[removeList addObject: query];

	for (OFDNSQuery *query in removeList)
		[_cache removeObjectForKey: query];

- (void)asyncPerformQuery: (OFDNSQuery *)query
		 delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverQueryDelegate>)delegate
	[self asyncPerformQuery: query
		    runLoopMode: OFDefaultRunLoopMode
		       delegate: delegate];

- (void)asyncPerformQuery: (OFDNSQuery *)query
	      runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
		 delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverQueryDelegate>)delegate
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFNumber *ID;
	OFDNSResolverContext *context;
	OFPair OF_GENERIC(OFDate *, OFDNSResponse *) *cacheEntry;

	[self of_cleanUpCache];

	if ((cacheEntry = [_cache objectForKey: query]) != nil) {
		uint32_t age =
		    (uint32_t)-[cacheEntry.firstObject timeIntervalSinceNow];
		OFDNSResponse *response = cacheEntry.secondObject;

		if (!containsExpiredRecord(response.answerRecords, age) &&
		    !containsExpiredRecord(response.authorityRecords, age) &&
		    !containsExpiredRecord(response.additionalRecords, age)) {
			OFTimer *timer = [OFTimer
			    timerWithTimeInterval: 0
					   target: delegate
					 selector: @selector(resolver:
					   object: self
					   object: query
					   object: response
					   object: nil
					  repeats: false];
			[[OFRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: timer
						     forMode: runLoopMode];


	/* Random, unused ID */
	do {
		ID = [OFNumber numberWithUnsignedShort: OFRandom16()];
	} while ([_queries objectForKey: ID] != nil);

	if (query.domainName.UTF8StringLength > 253)
		@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

	if (_settings->_nameServers.count == 0) {
		id exception = [OFDNSQueryFailedException
		    exceptionWithQuery: query
			     errorCode: OFDNSResolverErrorCodeNoNameServer];
		[delegate  resolver: self
		    didPerformQuery: query
			   response: nil
			  exception: exception];

	context = [[[OFDNSResolverContext alloc]
	    initWithQuery: query
		       ID: ID
		 settings: _settings
		 delegate: delegate] autorelease];
	[self of_sendQueryForContext: context runLoopMode: runLoopMode];


- (void)of_contextTimedOut: (OFDNSResolverContext *)context
	OFRunLoopMode runLoopMode = [OFRunLoop currentRunLoop].currentMode;
	OFDNSQueryFailedException *exception;

	if (context->_TCPSocket != nil) {
		context->_TCPSocket.delegate = nil;
		[context->_TCPSocket cancelAsyncRequests];

		[_TCPQueries removeObjectForKey: context->_TCPSocket];
		[context->_TCPSocket release];
		context->_TCPSocket = nil;
		context->_responseLength = 0;

	if (context->_nameServersIndex + 1 <
	    context->_settings->_nameServers.count) {
		[self of_sendQueryForContext: context runLoopMode: runLoopMode];

	if (++context->_attempt < context->_settings->_maxAttempts) {
		context->_nameServersIndex = 0;
		[self of_sendQueryForContext: context runLoopMode: runLoopMode];

	context = [[context retain] autorelease];
	[_queries removeObjectForKey: context->_ID];

	 * Cancel any pending queries, to avoid a send being still pending and
	 * trying to access the query once it no longer exists.
	[_IPv4Socket cancelAsyncRequests];
	[_IPv4Socket asyncReceiveIntoBuffer: _buffer length: bufferLength];
#ifdef OF_HAVE_IPV6
	[_IPv6Socket cancelAsyncRequests];
	[_IPv6Socket asyncReceiveIntoBuffer: _buffer length: bufferLength];

	exception = [OFDNSQueryFailedException
	    exceptionWithQuery: context->_query
		     errorCode: OFDNSResolverErrorCodeTimeout];

	[context->_delegate resolver: self
		     didPerformQuery: context->_query
			    response: nil
			   exception: exception];

- (bool)of_handleResponseBuffer: (unsigned char *)buffer
			 length: (size_t)length
			 sender: (const OFSocketAddress *)sender
	OFDictionary *answerRecords = nil, *authorityRecords = nil;
	OFDictionary *additionalRecords = nil;
	OFDNSResponse *response = nil;
	id exception = nil;
	OFNumber *ID;
	OFDNSResolverContext *context;

	if (length < 2)
		/* We can't get the ID to get the context. Ignore packet. */
		return true;

	ID = [OFNumber numberWithUnsignedShort: (buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]];
	context = [[[_queries objectForKey: ID] retain] autorelease];

	if (context == nil)
		return true;

	if (context->_TCPSocket != nil) {
		if ([_TCPQueries objectForKey: context->_TCPSocket] != context)
			return true;
	} else if (sender == NULL ||
	    !OFSocketAddressEqual(sender, &context->_usedNameServer))
		return true;

	[context->_cancelTimer invalidate];
	[context->_cancelTimer release];
	context->_cancelTimer = nil;
	[_queries removeObjectForKey: ID];

	@try {
		OFDNSResolverErrorCode errorCode = 0;
		bool tryNextNameServer = false;
		const unsigned char *queryDataBuffer;
		size_t i;
		uint16_t numQuestions, numAnswers, numAuthorityRecords;
		uint16_t numAdditionalRecords;

		if (length < 12)
			@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

		if (context->_queryData.itemSize != 1 ||
		    context->_queryData.count < 12)
			@throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception];

		queryDataBuffer = context->_queryData.items;

		/* QR */
		if ((buffer[2] & 0x80) == 0)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		/* Opcode */
		if ((buffer[2] & 0x78) != (queryDataBuffer[2] & 0x78))
			@throw [OFInvalidServerResponseException exception];

		/* TC */
		if (buffer[2] & 0x02) {
			OFRunLoopMode runLoopMode;

			if (context->_settings->_forcesTCP)
				@throw [OFTruncatedDataException exception];

			context->_settings->_forcesTCP = true;
			runLoopMode = [OFRunLoop currentRunLoop].currentMode;
			[self of_sendQueryForContext: context
					 runLoopMode: runLoopMode];
			return false;

		/* RCODE */
		switch (buffer[3] & 0x0F) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			errorCode = OFDNSResolverErrorCodeServerInvalidFormat;
		case 2:
			errorCode = OFDNSResolverErrorCodeServerFailure;
			tryNextNameServer = true;
		case 3:
			errorCode = OFDNSResolverErrorCodeServerNameError;
		case 4:
			errorCode = OFDNSResolverErrorCodeServerNotImplemented;
			tryNextNameServer = true;
		case 5:
			errorCode = OFDNSResolverErrorCodeServerRefused;
			tryNextNameServer = true;
			errorCode = OFDNSResolverErrorCodeUnknown;
			tryNextNameServer = true;

		if (tryNextNameServer) {
			if (context->_nameServersIndex + 1 <
			    context->_settings->_nameServers.count) {
				OFRunLoopMode runLoopMode =
				    [OFRunLoop currentRunLoop].currentMode;


				[self of_sendQueryForContext: context
						 runLoopMode: runLoopMode];
				return false;

		if (buffer[3] & 0x0F)
			@throw [OFDNSQueryFailedException
			    exceptionWithQuery: context->_query
				     errorCode: errorCode];

		numQuestions = (buffer[4] << 8) | buffer[5];
		numAnswers = (buffer[6] << 8) | buffer[7];
		numAuthorityRecords = (buffer[8] << 8) | buffer[9];
		numAdditionalRecords = (buffer[10] << 8) | buffer[11];

		i = 12;

		 * Skip over the questions - we use the ID to identify the
		 * query.
		 * TODO: Compare to our query, just in case?
		for (uint_fast16_t j = 0; j < numQuestions; j++) {
			parseName(buffer, length, &i, maxAllowedPointers);
			i += 4;

		answerRecords = parseSection(buffer, length, &i, numAnswers);
		authorityRecords = parseSection(buffer, length, &i,
		additionalRecords = parseSection(buffer, length, &i,
		response = [OFDNSResponse
		    responseWithDomainName: context->_query.domainName
			     answerRecords: answerRecords
			  authorityRecords: authorityRecords
			 additionalRecords: additionalRecords];
	} @catch (id e) {
		exception = e;

	if (exception != nil)
		response = nil;

	[self of_cleanUpCache];

	if (response != nil)
		[_cache setObject: [OFPair pairWithFirstObject: [OFDate date]
						  secondObject: response]
			   forKey: context->_query];
		[_cache removeObjectForKey: context->_query];

	[context->_delegate resolver: self
		     didPerformQuery: context->_query
			    response: response
			   exception: exception];

	return false;

-	  (bool)socket: (OFDatagramSocket *)sock
  didReceiveIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
		length: (size_t)length
		sender: (const OFSocketAddress *)sender
	     exception: (id)exception
	if (exception != nil)
		return true;

	return [self of_handleResponseBuffer: buffer
				      length: length
				      sender: sender];

-     (void)socket: (OFTCPSocket *)sock
  didConnectToHost: (OFString *)host
	      port: (uint16_t)port
	 exception: (id)exception
	OFDNSResolverContext *context = [_TCPQueries objectForKey: sock];

	OFEnsure(context != nil);

	if (exception != nil) {
		 * TODO: Handle error immediately instead of waiting for the
		 *	 timer to try the next nameserver or to retry.
		[_TCPQueries removeObjectForKey: context->_TCPSocket];
		[context->_TCPSocket release];
		context->_TCPSocket = nil;
		context->_responseLength = 0;

	if (context->_TCPQueryData == nil) {
		size_t queryDataCount = context->_queryData.count;
		uint16_t tmp;

		if (queryDataCount > UINT16_MAX)
			@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

		context->_TCPQueryData = [[OFMutableData alloc]
		    initWithCapacity: queryDataCount + 2];

		tmp = OFToBigEndian16(queryDataCount);
		[context->_TCPQueryData addItems: &tmp count: sizeof(tmp)];
		[context->_TCPQueryData addItems: context->_queryData.items
					   count: queryDataCount];

	[sock asyncWriteData: context->_TCPQueryData];

- (OFData *)stream: (OFStream *)stream
      didWriteData: (OFData *)data
      bytesWritten: (size_t)bytesWritten
	 exception: (id)exception
	OFTCPSocket *sock = (OFTCPSocket *)stream;
	OFDNSResolverContext *context = [_TCPQueries objectForKey: sock];

	OFEnsure(context != nil);

	if (exception != nil) {
		 * TODO: Handle error immediately instead of waiting for the
		 *	 timer to try the next nameserver or to retry.
		[_TCPQueries removeObjectForKey: context->_TCPSocket];
		[context->_TCPSocket release];
		context->_TCPSocket = nil;
		context->_responseLength = 0;
		return nil;

	if (context->_TCPBuffer == nil)
		context->_TCPBuffer = OFAllocMemory(maxDNSResponseLength, 1);

	[sock asyncReadIntoBuffer: context->_TCPBuffer exactLength: 2];
	return nil;

-      (bool)stream: (OFStream *)stream
  didReadIntoBuffer: (void *)buffer
	     length: (size_t)length
	  exception: (id)exception
	OFTCPSocket *sock = (OFTCPSocket *)stream;
	OFDNSResolverContext *context = [_TCPQueries objectForKey: sock];

	OFEnsure(context != nil);

	if (exception != nil) {
		 * TODO: Handle error immediately instead of waiting for the
		 *	 timer to try the next nameserver or to retry.
		goto done;

	if (context->_responseLength == 0) {
		unsigned char *ucBuffer = buffer;

		OFEnsure(length == 2);

		context->_responseLength = (ucBuffer[0] << 8) | ucBuffer[1];

		if (context->_responseLength > maxDNSResponseLength)
			@throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception];

		if (context->_responseLength == 0)
			goto done;

		[sock asyncReadIntoBuffer: context->_TCPBuffer
			      exactLength: context->_responseLength];
		return false;

	if (length != context->_responseLength)
		 * The connection was closed before we received the entire
		 * response.
		goto done;

	[self of_handleResponseBuffer: buffer length: length sender: NULL];

	[_TCPQueries removeObjectForKey: context->_TCPSocket];
	[context->_TCPSocket release];
	context->_TCPSocket = nil;
	context->_responseLength = 0;

	return false;

- (void)asyncResolveAddressesForHost: (OFString *)host
			    delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate>)delegate
	[self asyncResolveAddressesForHost: host
			     addressFamily: OFSocketAddressFamilyAny
			       runLoopMode: OFDefaultRunLoopMode
				  delegate: delegate];

- (void)asyncResolveAddressesForHost: (OFString *)host
		       addressFamily: (OFSocketAddressFamily)addressFamily
			    delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate>)delegate
	[self asyncResolveAddressesForHost: host
			     addressFamily: addressFamily
			       runLoopMode: OFDefaultRunLoopMode
				  delegate: delegate];

- (void)asyncResolveAddressesForHost: (OFString *)host
		       addressFamily: (OFSocketAddressFamily)addressFamily
			 runLoopMode: (OFRunLoopMode)runLoopMode
			    delegate: (id <OFDNSResolverHostDelegate>)delegate
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFHostAddressResolver *resolver = [[[OFHostAddressResolver alloc]
	    initWithHost: host
	   addressFamily: addressFamily
		resolver: self
		settings: _settings
	     runLoopMode: runLoopMode
		delegate: delegate] autorelease];

	[resolver asyncResolve];


- (OFData *)resolveAddressesForHost: (OFString *)host
		      addressFamily: (OFSocketAddressFamily)addressFamily
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFHostAddressResolver *resolver = [[[OFHostAddressResolver alloc]
	    initWithHost: host
	   addressFamily: addressFamily
		resolver: self
		settings: _settings
	     runLoopMode: nil
		delegate: nil] autorelease];
	OFData *addresses = [resolver resolve];

	[addresses retain];


	return [addresses autorelease];

- (void)close
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFEnumerator OF_GENERIC(OFDNSResolverContext *) *enumerator;
	OFDNSResolverContext *context;

	[_IPv4Socket cancelAsyncRequests];
	[_IPv4Socket release];
	_IPv4Socket = nil;

#ifdef OF_HAVE_IPV6
	[_IPv6Socket cancelAsyncRequests];
	[_IPv6Socket release];
	_IPv6Socket = nil;

	enumerator = [_queries objectEnumerator];
	while ((context = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
		OFDNSQueryFailedException *exception;

		exception = [OFDNSQueryFailedException
		    exceptionWithQuery: context->_query
			     errorCode: OFDNSResolverErrorCodeCanceled];

		[context->_delegate resolver: self
			     didPerformQuery: context->_query
				    response: nil
				   exception: exception];

	[_queries removeAllObjects];
