ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact d30e19048eda1656b66ed7174346d678598aee0f4e7b1bc175494b614fbf62e6:

  • File src/OFDNSResolver.m — part of check-in [7460d2ccd8] at 2024-08-17 17:30:51 on branch trunk — Delay socket initialization as long as possible

    On game consoles, initializing sockets takes a significant amount of
    time. When not delaying socket initializing, that time is spent during
    startup even when the application might never use sockets.

    Worse yet, on Amiga, sockets might not be available at all and the
    application will fail to start up, even when the application might never
    use sockets. (user: js, size: 37266) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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