ObjFW  View Ticket

00:03 Ticket [bdfd9cfc9d] Support `-mwindows` / `WinMain` on Windows status still Fixed with 3 other changes artifact: 6d34365240 user: js
21:14 Fixed ticket [bdfd9cfc9d]. artifact: 8c6da43dfc user: js
00:58 Ticket [bdfd9cfc9d]: 5 changes artifact: c1d21f141f user: js
22:34 New ticket [bdfd9cfc9d]. artifact: 5704e02892 user: js

Ticket UUID: bdfd9cfc9d7944a9e497680549d57a4c72e2a047
Title: Support `-mwindows` / `WinMain` on Windows
Status: Fixed Type: Enhancement
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2024-05-22 00:03:08
Version Found In: Milestone: 1.2
User Comments:
js added on 2024-05-04 22:34:56:

When using -mwindows, WinMain is used as entry point instead of main. Find a way to make OFApplication compatibile with that.

js added on 2024-05-06 21:14:03:

Fixed by [dcea3bad47].