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21:28 Ticket [92e2cd2254] Support for structs in `-OFInvocation invoke` on x86_64/SysV status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 5ccd358049 user: js
00:11 Ticket [92e2cd2254]: 3 changes artifact: 86a95c5873 user: js
14:48 Ticket [92e2cd2254]: 3 changes artifact: d8a4995e6c user: js
13:19 Ticket [92e2cd2254]: 5 changes artifact: abd4f628b1 user: js
23:58 New ticket [481786666b] Finish support for OFInvocation. artifact: a1d1f77c05 user: js
19:14 New ticket [92e2cd2254] Support for structs in -NSInvocation invoke on x86_64/SysV. artifact: 733a276df1 user: js

Ticket UUID: 92e2cd2254acb45f1528d0c39d400b0a57614059
Title: Support for structs in `-[OFInvocation invoke]` on x86_64/SysV
Status: Open Type: Enhancement
Severity: Severe Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2024-05-24 21:28:00
Version Found In: Milestone:
User Comments:
js added on 2020-05-23 19:14:48:

Currently structs (and unions and arrays) are unsupported in -[NSInvocation invoke] on x86_64, as the rules to pass them are quite complex. This needs to be implemented for methods like substringWithRange: to work via forwarding. This will require a lot of tests to make sure each and every corner case from the ABI (and there are many) is handled.

On Win64, the situation is luckily better, because for once, Microsoft did the sensible thing and everyone else didn't.