ObjFW  View Ticket

20:18 Ticket [4c4b0ddef1] Fix sockets on AmigaOS status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: 566d6ef748 user: js
20:14 Ticket [4c4b0ddef1]: 1 change artifact: 74136175eb user: js
17:26 Closed ticket [4c4b0ddef1]. artifact: decdd8564e user: js
23:15 Ticket [4c4b0ddef1]: 3 changes artifact: de6ae254f5 user: js
18:32 Ticket [4c4b0ddef1]: 3 changes artifact: 20eded59f3 user: js
23:06 Ticket [4c4b0ddef1]: 4 changes artifact: 4269375ac1 user: js
23:06 New ticket [4c4b0ddef1]. artifact: 7c3092dcdd user: js

Ticket UUID: 4c4b0ddef12a21d3e532070f10a0e8302111e4dc
Title: Fix sockets on AmigaOS
Status: Closed Type: Code Defect
Severity: Critical Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: External Bug
Last Modified: 2024-05-22 20:18:49
Version Found In: Milestone: 1.0
User Comments:
js added on 2020-12-29 23:06:25:

The tests currently just hang in -[bindToHost:port:].

js added on 2021-05-09 18:32:04:

Running the same m68k binary on MorphOS via JIT, it just works. So it might have something to do with fs-uae's bsdsocket.library after all. I should see to test this on a real Amiga, but since my Amiga needs some maintenance and currently does not have networking, this might not be possible in time for 1.0.

js added on 2023-07-30 23:15:05:

The problem seems to be that FS-UAE's bsdsocket.library's WaitSelect() ignores the timeout and waits forever. A print before WaitSelect() still works and confirms that the timeout is set to 1, but WaitSelect() never returns.

At this rate, it's unclear if this really should be a blocker for 1.0.

js added on 2023-08-01 17:26:59:

it has been confirmed that this works on a real Amiga using Roadshow. It's therefore a bug in FS-UAE / WinUAE and not in ObjFW. Closing.