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20:13 Ticket [043f2b5021] Support mbedTLS status still Fixed with 1 other change artifact: 0c57f3d089 user: js
13:33 Ticket [043f2b5021]: 3 changes artifact: 970754664e user: js
01:09 Fixed ticket [043f2b5021]. artifact: f54c29bc11 user: js
00:37 New ticket [043f2b5021]. artifact: c8a33babc4 user: js

Ticket UUID: 043f2b50211c66e8c1e14ecfb9dd70c65a65fbde
Title: Support mbedTLS
Status: Fixed Type: Feature Request
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2024-05-22 20:13:26
Version Found In: Milestone: 1.1
User Comments:
js added on 2023-10-12 00:37:16:

mbedTLS support would make a lot of sense for many embedded platforms, such as gaming consoles or MS-DOS.

js added on 2024-01-06 01:09:31:

This was done in [11b2a17595].