ObjFW  Artifact [7bc3490907]

Artifact 7bc34909076d6f9cb90e9976e84d5447e6980149e5fd54de9fb7b8e79a626452:

  • File src/OFStream.h — part of check-in [c83137e7cd] at 2008-12-11 13:43:35 on branch trunk — Remove - close from OFStream protocol.
    The reason is that closing a file isn't too useful, because an OFFile
    object can't be reused, whereas an OFTCPSocket can. So only the
    OFTCPSocket should have closed. Plus, we don't need to handle the case
    that someone tried to read from / write to a closed OFFile. (user: js, size: 1472) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in
 * the packaging of this file.

 * The OFStream protocol provides functions to read from and write to streams.
@protocol OFStream
 * Reads from the stream into a buffer.
 * \param buf The buffer into which the data is read
 * \param size The size of the data that should be read.
 *	  The buffer MUST be at least size big!
 * \return The number of bytes read
- (size_t)readNBytes: (size_t)size
	  intoBuffer: (uint8_t*)buf;

 * Reads from the stream into a new buffer.
 * \param size The size of the data that should be read
 * \return A new buffer with the data read.
 *	   It is part of the memory pool of the OFFile.
- (uint8_t*)readNBytes: (size_t)size;

 * Writes from a buffer into the stream.
 * \param buf The buffer from which the data is written to the stream
 * \param size The size of the data that should be written
 * \return The number of bytes written
- (size_t)writeNBytes: (size_t)size
	   fromBuffer: (const uint8_t*)buf;

 * Writes a C string into the stream, without the trailing zero.
 * \param str The C string from which the data is written to the stream
 * \return The number of bytes written
- (size_t)writeCString: (const char*)str;