ObjFW  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 7dd17fb7637f8b7aa18faf9d99365f1f1913ba8d69e8896148db7a24d6c76745:

  • File src/OFExceptions.h — part of check-in [c83137e7cd] at 2008-12-11 13:43:35 on branch trunk — Remove - close from OFStream protocol.
    The reason is that closing a file isn't too useful, because an OFFile
    object can't be reused, whereas an OFTCPSocket can. So only the
    OFTCPSocket should have closed. Plus, we don't need to handle the case
    that someone tried to read from / write to a closed OFFile. (user: js, size: 6563) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

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