(void) | - parser:foundProcessingInstructionWithTarget:text: |
| This callback is called when the XML parser found a processing instruction.
(void) | - parser:didStartElement:prefix:namespace:attributes: |
| This callback is called when the XML parser found the start of a new tag.
(void) | - parser:didEndElement:prefix:namespace: |
| This callback is called when the XML parser found the end of a tag.
(void) | - parser:foundCharacters: |
| This callback is called when the XML parser found characters.
(void) | - parser:foundCDATA: |
| This callback is called when the XML parser found CDATA.
(void) | - parser:foundComment: |
| This callback is called when the XML parser found a comment.
(nullable OFString *) | - parser:foundUnknownEntityNamed: |
| This callback is called when the XML parser found an entity it doesn't know.
(Class) | - class |
| Returns the class of the object.
(nullable Class) | - superclass |
| Returns the superclass of the object.
(unsigned long) | - hash |
| Returns a hash for the object.
(unsigned int) | - retainCount |
| Returns the retain count.
(bool) | - isProxy |
| Returns whether the object is a proxy object.
(bool) | - isKindOfClass: |
| Returns a boolean whether the object is of the specified kind.
(bool) | - isMemberOfClass: |
| Returns a boolean whether the object is a member of the specified class.
(bool) | - respondsToSelector: |
| Returns a boolean whether the object responds to the specified selector.
(bool) | - conformsToProtocol: |
| Checks whether the object conforms to the specified protocol.
(nullable IMP) | - methodForSelector: |
| Returns the implementation for the specified selector.
(nullable id) | - performSelector: |
| Performs the specified selector.
(nullable id) | - performSelector:withObject: |
| Performs the specified selector with the specified object.
(nullable id) | - performSelector:withObject:withObject: |
| Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(nullable id) | - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject: |
| Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(nullable id) | - performSelector:withObject:withObject:withObject:withObject: |
| Performs the specified selector with the specified objects.
(bool) | - isEqual: |
| Checks two objects for equality.
(instancetype) | - retain |
| Increases the retain count.
(void) | - release |
| Decreases the retain count.
(instancetype) | - autorelease |
| Adds the object to the topmost autorelease pool of the thread's autorelease pool stack.
(instancetype) | - self |
| Returns the receiver.
(bool) | - allowsWeakReference |
| Returns whether the object allows a weak reference.
(bool) | - retainWeakReference |
| Retain a weak reference to this object.