Here is a list of all documented properties with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- scheme : OFIRI, OFIRIHandler, OFMutableIRI
- searchDomains : OFDNSResolver
- second : OFDate
- secondObject : OFMutablePair, OFMutableTriple, OFPair, OFTriple
- sections : OFINIFile
- secure : OFHTTPCookie
- securityAttributes : OFCreateWindowsRegistryKeyFailedException
- selector : OFNotImplementedException
- sendsKeepAlives : OFTCPSocket
- serialNumber : OFSOADNSResourceRecord
- shortValue : OFNumber, OFString
- size : OFLOCDNSResourceRecord
- sizeValue : OFValue
- socket : OFAcceptSocketFailedException, OFBindSocketFailedException, OFConnectSocketFailedException, OFListenOnSocketFailedException
- SOCKS5Host : OFTCPSocket
- SOCKS5Port : OFTCPSocket
- sortedArray : OFArray
- sourceIRI : OFCopyItemFailedException, OFLinkItemFailedException, OFMoveItemFailedException
- southButton : <OHGamepad>
- stackSize : OFThread
- staticHosts : OFDNSResolver
- status : OFCreateWindowsRegistryKeyFailedException, OFDeleteWindowsRegistryKeyFailedException, OFDeleteWindowsRegistryValueFailedException, OFGetWindowsRegistryValueFailedException, OFOpenWindowsRegistryKeyFailedException, OFSetWindowsRegistryValueFailedException
- statusCode : OFHTTPResponse
- stream : OFSeekFailedException, OFTLSHandshakeFailedException
- string : OFInvalidJSONException, OFIRI
- stringByBase64Encoding : OFData
- stringByDeletingEnclosingWhitespaces : OFString
- stringByDeletingLastPathComponent : OFString
- stringByDeletingLeadingWhitespaces : OFString
- stringByDeletingPathExtension : OFString
- stringByDeletingTrailingWhitespaces : OFString
- stringByExpandingWindowsEnvironmentStrings : OFString
- stringByMD5Hashing : OFData, OFString
- stringByRemovingPercentEncoding : OFString
- stringByRIPEMD160Hashing : OFData, OFString
- stringBySHA1Hashing : OFData, OFString
- stringBySHA224Hashing : OFData, OFString
- stringBySHA256Hashing : OFData, OFString
- stringBySHA384Hashing : OFData, OFString
- stringBySHA512Hashing : OFData, OFString
- stringByStandardizingPath : OFString
- stringByXMLEscaping : OFString
- stringByXMLUnescaping : OFString
- stringRepresentation : OFData
- stringValue : OFNumber, OFXMLNode
- subkeyPath : OFDeleteWindowsRegistryKeyFailedException
- supportsSockets : OFThread