Here is a list of all documented properties with links to the class documentation for each member:
- f -
- failedAttribute : OFSetItemAttributesFailedException
- fileComment : <OFArchiveEntry>, <OFMutableArchiveEntry>
- fileCreationDate : OFDictionary
- fileDescriptorForReading : <OFReadyForReadingObserving>
- fileDescriptorForWriting : <OFReadyForWritingObserving>
- fileExtendedAttributesNames : OFDictionary
- fileGroupOwnerAccountID : OFDictionary
- fileGroupOwnerAccountName : OFDictionary
- fileLastAccessDate : OFDictionary
- fileModificationDate : OFDictionary
- fileName : <OFArchiveEntry>, <OFMutableArchiveEntry>
- fileOwnerAccountID : OFDictionary
- fileOwnerAccountName : OFDictionary
- filePOSIXPermissions : OFDictionary
- fileSize : OFDictionary
- fileStatusChangeDate : OFDictionary
- fileSymbolicLinkDestination : OFDictionary
- fileSystemRepresentation : OFIRI
- fileType : OFDictionary
- finishedParsing : OFXMLParser
- fireDate : OFTimer
- firstItem : OFData
- firstListItem : OFList
- firstObject : OFArray, OFList, OFMutablePair, OFMutableTriple, OFPair, OFTriple
- floatValue : OFNumber, OFString, OFXMLNode
- forcesTCP : OFDNSResolver
- foregroundColor : OFStdIOStream
- fragment : OFIRI, OFMutableIRI
- frameLength : OFMethodSignature