Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- calculate : <OFCryptographicHash>, OFHMAC
- cancel : OFKernelEventObserver
- cancelAsyncRequests : OFDatagramSocket, OFSequencedPacketSocket, OFStream
- capitalize : OFMutableString
- caseInsensitiveCompare: : OFString
- categoryForName: : OFINIFile
- certificateChainFromPEMFileAtIRI:privateKeyIRI: : OFX509Certificate
- certificateChainFromPKCS12FileAtIRI:passphrase: : OFX509Certificate
- changeCurrentDirectoryIRI: : OFFileManager
- changeCurrentDirectoryPath: : OFFileManager
- characterAtIndex: : OFString
- characterIsMember: : OFCharacterSet
- characterSetWithCharactersInString: : OFCharacterSet
- characterSetWithRange: : OFCharacterSet
- charactersWithString: : OFXMLCharacters
- charValueWithBase: : OFString
- class : OFObject, <OFObject>
- className : OFObject
- clear : OFStdIOStream
- client : OFHTTPClient
- client:didCreateTCPSocket:request: : <OFHTTPClientDelegate>
- client:didCreateTLSStream:request: : <OFHTTPClientDelegate>
- client:didPerformRequest:response:exception: : <OFHTTPClientDelegate>
- client:didReceiveHeaders:statusCode:request: : <OFHTTPClientDelegate>
- client:shouldFollowRedirectToIRI:statusCode:request:response: : <OFHTTPClientDelegate>
- client:wantsRequestBody:request: : <OFHTTPClientDelegate>
- close : OFDatagramSocket, OFDNSResolver, OFHTTPClient, OFLHAArchive, OFSequencedPacketSocket, OFStream, OFTarArchive, OFZIPArchive, OFZooArchive
- closeForWriting : OFSubprocess
- colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha: : OFColor
- commentWithText: : OFXMLComment
- compare: : <OFComparing>, OFData, OFDate, OFNumber, OFString, OFTimer, OFUUID
- componentsJoinedByString: : OFArray
- componentsJoinedByString:options: : OFArray
- componentsJoinedByString:usingSelector: : OFArray
- componentsJoinedByString:usingSelector:options: : OFArray
- componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: : OFString
- componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:options: : OFString
- componentsSeparatedByString: : OFString
- componentsSeparatedByString:options: : OFString
- condition : OFCondition
- conformsToProtocol: : OFObject, <OFObject>
- connectToHost:port: : OFSCTPSocket, OFTCPSocket
- connectToNetwork:node:port: : OFSPXSocket, OFSPXStreamSocket
- connectToPath: : OFUNIXSequencedPacketSocket, OFUNIXStreamSocket
- containsObject: : OFArray, <OFCollection>, OFDictionary, OFList, OFMapTable, OFSet
- containsObjectIdenticalTo: : OFArray, OFDictionary, OFList, OFMapTable
- containsString: : OFString
- contentsOfDirectoryAtIRI: : OFFileManager, OFIRIHandler
- contentsOfDirectoryAtPath: : OFFileManager
- controllers : OHGameController
- cookiesForIRI: : OFHTTPCookieManager
- cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields:forIRI: : OFHTTPCookie
- cookieWithName:value:domain: : OFHTTPCookie
- copy : OFObject, <OFCopying>
- copyItemAtIRI:toIRI: : OFFileManager, OFIRIHandler
- copyItemAtPath:toPath: : OFFileManager
- countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: : <OFFastEnumeration>
- countForObject: : OFCountedSet
- countryCode : OFLocale
- CPUModel : OFSystemInfo
- CPUVendor : OFSystemInfo
- createDirectoryAtIRI: : OFFileManager, OFIRIHandler
- createDirectoryAtIRI:createParents: : OFFileManager
- createDirectoryAtPath: : OFFileManager
- createDirectoryAtPath:createParents: : OFFileManager
- createSymbolicLinkAtIRI:withDestinationPath: : OFFileManager, OFIRIHandler
- createSymbolicLinkAtPath:withDestinationPath: : OFFileManager
- cStringLengthWithEncoding: : OFString
- cStringWithEncoding: : OFString
- currentLocale : OFLocale
- currentRunLoop : OFRunLoop
- currentThread : OFThread