ObjFW  Artifact [7dd17fb763]

Artifact 7dd17fb7637f8b7aa18faf9d99365f1f1913ba8d69e8896148db7a24d6c76745:

  • File src/OFExceptions.h — part of check-in [c83137e7cd] at 2008-12-11 13:43:35 on branch trunk — Remove - close from OFStream protocol.
    The reason is that closing a file isn't too useful, because an OFFile
    object can't be reused, whereas an OFTCPSocket can. So only the
    OFTCPSocket should have closed. Plus, we don't need to handle the case
    that someone tried to read from / write to a closed OFFile. (user: js, size: 6563) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in
 * the packaging of this file.

#import "OFObject.h"

 * The OFException class is the base class for all exceptions in ObjFW.
@interface OFException: OFObject
	id   object;
	char *string;

 * Creates a new exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \return A new exception
+ newWithObject: (id)obj;

 * Initializes an already allocated OFException.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \return An initialized OFException
- initWithObject: (id)obj;

- free;

 * \return The object that caused the exception
- (id)object;

 * \return An error message for the exception as a C String
- (char*)cString;

 * An OFException indicating there is not enough memory available.
@interface OFNoMemException: OFException
	size_t req_size;

 * Creates a new no memory exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \param size The size of the memory that couldn't be allocated
 * \return A new no memory exception
+ newWithObject: (id)obj
	andSize: (size_t)size;

 * Initializes an already allocated no memory exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \param size The size of the memory that couldn't be allocated
 * \return An initialized no memory exception
- initWithObject: (id)obj
	 andSize: (size_t)size;

 * \return An error message for the exception as a C String
- (char*)cString;

 * \return The size of the memoory that couldn't be allocated
- (size_t)requestedSize;

 * An OFException indicating the given memory is not part of the object.
@interface OFMemNotPartOfObjException: OFException
	void *pointer;

 * Creates a new memory not part of object exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \param ptr A pointer to the memory that is not part of the object
 * \return A new memory not part of object exception
+ newWithObject: (id)obj
     andPointer: (void*)ptr;

 * Initializes an already allocated memory not part of object exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \param ptr A pointer to the memory that is not part of the object
 * \return An initialized memory not part of object exception
- initWithObject: (id)obj
      andPointer: (void*)ptr;

 * \return An error message for the exception as a C String
- (char*)cString;

 * \return A pointer to the memory which is not part of the object
- (void*)pointer;

 * An OFException indicating the given value is out of range. 
@interface OFOutOfRangeException: OFException {}
 * \return An error message for the exception as a C String
- (char*)cString;

 * An OFException indicating that the conversation between two charsets failed.
@interface OFCharsetConversionFailedException: OFException {}
 * \return An error message for the exception as a C String
- (char*)cString;

 * An OFException indicating the file couldn't be opened.
@interface OFOpenFileFailedException: OFException
	char *path;
	char *mode;

 * Creates a new open file failed exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \param p A C string of the path to the file tried to open
 * \param m A C string of the mode in which the file should have been opened
 * \return A new open file failed exception
+ newWithObject: (id)obj
	andPath: (const char*)p
	andMode: (const char*)m;

 * Initializes an already allocated open file failed exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \param p A C string of the path to the file which couldn't be opened
 * \param m A C string of the mode in which the file should have been opened
 * \return An initialized open file failed exception
- initWithObject: (id)obj
	 andPath: (const char*)p
	 andMode: (const char*)m;

- free;

 * \return An error message for the exception as a C String
- (char*)cString;

 * \return A C string of the path to the file which couldn't be opened
- (char*)path;

 * \return A C string of the mode in which the file should have been opened
- (char*)mode;

 * An OFException indicating a read or write to the file failed.
@interface OFReadOrWriteFailedException: OFException
	size_t req_size;
	size_t req_items;

 * Creates a new read or write failed exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \param size The requested size of the data that couldn't be read / written
 * \param nitems The requested number of items that couldn't be read / written
 * \return A new open file failed exception
+ newWithObject: (id)obj
	andSize: (size_t)size
      andNItems: (size_t)nitems;

 * Initializes an already allocated read or write failed exception.
 * \param obj The object which caused the exception
 * \param size The requested size of the data that couldn't be read / written
 * \param nitems The requested number of items that couldn't be read / written
 * \return A new open file failed exception
- initWithObject: (id)obj
	 andSize: (size_t)size
       andNItems: (size_t)nitems;

 * \return The requested size of the data that couldn't be read / written
- (size_t)requestedSize;

 * \return The requested number of items that coudln't be read / written
- (size_t)requestedItems;

 * An OFException indicating a read to the file failed.
@interface OFReadFailedException: OFReadOrWriteFailedException {}
 * \return An error message for the exception as a C String
- (char*)cString;

 * An OFException indicating a write to the file failed.
@interface OFWriteFailedException: OFReadOrWriteFailedException {}
 * \return An error message for the exception as a C String
- (char*)cString;

 * An OFException indicating a socket is not connected or bound.
@interface OFNotConnectedException: OFException {}
 * \return An error message for the exception as a C string.
- (char*)cString;

 * An OFException indicating an attempt to connect or bind an already connected
 * or bound socket 
@interface OFAlreadyConnectedException: OFException {}
 * \return An error message for the exception as a C string.
- (char*)cString;