ObjFW  Artifact [3007afbd2c]

Artifact 3007afbd2c8cf683d1d3c7e02bb3b5b38f2214ba5f531dffdcd67bf5238cae1f:

  • File src/OFHTTPClient.m — part of check-in [8d2a5052fd] at 2014-01-25 17:39:13 on branch trunk — Generalize stream / socket related exceptions

    This is in preparation for adding UDP sockets, as UDP sockets and TCP
    sockets have no common superclass, as one is stream-oriented while the
    other is packet-oriented.

    Read and write exceptions are for any object now, as they are useful for
    a lot more than just for streams, while the others (bind, listen, etc.)
    are for any socket now (the type is id in this case, though, as there is
    no common superclass). (user: js, size: 15246) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
 *   Jonathan Schleifer <js@webkeks.org>
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the
 * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in
 * the packaging of this file.
 * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file
 * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this
 * file.

#include "config.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include <errno.h>

#import "OFHTTPClient.h"
#import "OFHTTPRequest.h"
#import "OFHTTPResponse.h"
#import "OFString.h"
#import "OFURL.h"
#import "OFTCPSocket.h"
#import "OFDictionary.h"
#import "OFDataArray.h"

#import "OFHTTPRequestFailedException.h"
#import "OFInvalidEncodingException.h"
#import "OFInvalidFormatException.h"
#import "OFInvalidServerReplyException.h"
#import "OFNotConnectedException.h"
#import "OFNotImplementedException.h"
#import "OFOutOfMemoryException.h"
#import "OFOutOfRangeException.h"
#import "OFReadFailedException.h"
#import "OFTruncatedDataException.h"
#import "OFUnsupportedProtocolException.h"
#import "OFUnsupportedVersionException.h"
#import "OFWriteFailedException.h"

#import "autorelease.h"
#import "macros.h"

static OF_INLINE void
normalizeKey(char *str_)
	uint8_t *str = (uint8_t*)str_;
	bool firstLetter = true;

	while (*str != '\0') {
		if (!isalnum(*str)) {
			firstLetter = true;

		*str = (firstLetter ? toupper(*str) : tolower(*str));

		firstLetter = false;

@interface OFHTTPClientResponse: OFHTTPResponse
	OFTCPSocket *_socket;
	bool _hasContentLength, _chunked, _keepAlive, _atEndOfStream;
	size_t _toRead;

- initWithSocket: (OFTCPSocket*)socket;
- (void)setKeepAlive: (bool)keepAlive;

@implementation OFHTTPClientResponse
- initWithSocket: (OFTCPSocket*)socket
	self = [super init];

	_socket = [socket retain];

	return self;

- (void)setKeepAlive: (bool)keepAlive
	_keepAlive = keepAlive;

- (void)dealloc
	[_socket release];

	[super dealloc];

- (void)setHeaders: (OFDictionary*)headers
	OFString *contentLength;

	[super setHeaders: headers];

	_chunked = [[headers objectForKey: @"Transfer-Encoding"]
	    isEqual: @"chunked"];

	contentLength = [headers objectForKey: @"Content-Length"];
	if (contentLength != nil) {
		_hasContentLength = true;

		@try {
			_toRead = (size_t)[contentLength decimalValue];
		} @catch (OFInvalidFormatException *e) {
			@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

- (size_t)lowlevelReadIntoBuffer: (void*)buffer
			  length: (size_t)length
	if (_atEndOfStream) {
		OFReadFailedException *e;

		e = [OFReadFailedException exceptionWithObject: self
					       requestedLength: length];
		e->_errNo = ENOTCONN;
		@throw e;

	if (!_hasContentLength && !_chunked)
		return [_socket readIntoBuffer: buffer
					length: length];

	/* Content-Length */
	if (!_chunked) {
		size_t ret;

		if (_toRead == 0) {
			_atEndOfStream = true;

			if (!_keepAlive)
				[_socket close];

			return 0;

		if (_toRead < length)
			ret = [_socket readIntoBuffer: buffer
					       length: _toRead];
			ret = [_socket readIntoBuffer: buffer
					       length: length];

		_toRead -= ret;

		return ret;

	/* Chunked */
	if (_toRead > 0) {
		if (length > _toRead)
			length = _toRead;

		length = [_socket readIntoBuffer: buffer
					  length: length];

		_toRead -= length;

		if (_toRead == 0)
			if ([[_socket readLine] length] > 0)
				@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException

		return length;
	} else {
		void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
		OFString *line;
		of_range_t range;

		@try {
			line = [_socket readLine];
		} @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) {
			@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

		range = [line rangeOfString: @";"];
		if (range.location != OF_NOT_FOUND)
			line = [line substringWithRange:
			    of_range(0, range.location)];

		@try {
			_toRead =
			    (size_t)[line hexadecimalValue];
		} @catch (OFInvalidFormatException *e) {
			@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

		if (_toRead == 0) {
			_atEndOfStream = true;

			if (_keepAlive) {
				@try {
					line = [_socket readLine];
				} @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) {
					@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException

				if ([line length] > 0)
					@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException
			} else
				[_socket close];


		return 0;

- (bool)lowlevelIsAtEndOfStream
	if (!_hasContentLength && !_chunked)
		return [_socket isAtEndOfStream];

	return _atEndOfStream;

- (int)fileDescriptorForReading
	return [_socket fileDescriptorForReading];

- (size_t)numberOfBytesInReadBuffer
	return [super numberOfBytesInReadBuffer] +
	    [_socket numberOfBytesInReadBuffer];

- (void)close
	[_socket release];
	_socket = nil;

@implementation OFHTTPClient
+ (instancetype)client
	return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];

- (void)dealloc
	[self close];

	[super dealloc];

- (void)setDelegate: (id <OFHTTPClientDelegate>)delegate
	_delegate = delegate;

- (id <OFHTTPClientDelegate>)delegate
	return _delegate;

- (void)setInsecureRedirectsAllowed: (bool)allowed
	_insecureRedirectsAllowed = allowed;

- (bool)insecureRedirectsAllowed
	return _insecureRedirectsAllowed;

- (OFHTTPResponse*)performRequest: (OFHTTPRequest*)request
	return [self performRequest: request
			  redirects: 10];

- (OFTCPSocket*)OF_createSocketForRequest: (OFHTTPRequest*)request
	OFURL *URL = [request URL];
	OFTCPSocket *socket;

	[self close];

	if ([[URL scheme] isEqual: @"https"]) {
		if (of_tls_socket_class == Nil)
			@throw [OFUnsupportedProtocolException
			    exceptionWithURL: URL];

		socket = [[[of_tls_socket_class alloc] init]
	} else
		socket = [OFTCPSocket socket];

	if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:
		[_delegate client: self
		  didCreateSocket: socket
			  request: request];

	[socket connectToHost: [URL host]
			 port: [URL port]];

	return socket;

- (OFHTTPResponse*)performRequest: (OFHTTPRequest*)request
			redirects: (size_t)redirects
	void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
	OFURL *URL = [request URL];
	OFString *scheme = [URL scheme];
	of_http_request_method_t method = [request method];
	OFMutableString *requestString;
	OFDictionary *headers = [request headers];
	OFDataArray *entity = [request entity];
	OFTCPSocket *socket;
	OFHTTPClientResponse *response;
	OFString *line, *path, *version, *redirect, *keepAlive;
	OFMutableDictionary *serverHeaders;
	OFEnumerator *keyEnumerator, *objectEnumerator;
	OFString *key, *object;
	int status;

	if (![scheme isEqual: @"http"] && ![scheme isEqual: @"https"])
		@throw [OFUnsupportedProtocolException exceptionWithURL: URL];

	/* Can we reuse the socket? */
	if (_socket != nil && [[_lastURL scheme] isEqual: [URL scheme]] &&
	    [[_lastURL host] isEqual: [URL host]] &&
	    [_lastURL port] == [URL port]) {
		 * Set _socket to nil, so that in case of an error it won't be
		 * reused. If everything is successfull, we set _socket again
		 * at the end.
		socket = [_socket autorelease];
		_socket = nil;

		[_lastURL release];
		_lastURL = nil;

		/* Throw away content that has not been read yet */
		while (![_lastResponse isAtEndOfStream]) {
			char buffer[512];

			[_lastResponse readIntoBuffer: buffer
					       length: 512];

		[_lastResponse release];
		_lastResponse = nil;
	} else
		socket = [self OF_createSocketForRequest: request];

	if ([(path = [URL path]) length] == 0)
		path = @"/";

	 * As a work around for a bug with split packets in lighttpd when using
	 * HTTPS, we construct the complete request in a buffer string and then
	 * send it all at once.
	if ([URL query] != nil)
		requestString = [OFMutableString stringWithFormat:
		    @"%s %@?%@ HTTP/%@\r\n",
		    of_http_request_method_to_string(method), path, [URL query],
		    [request protocolVersionString]];
		requestString = [OFMutableString stringWithFormat:
		    @"%s %@ HTTP/%@\r\n",
		    of_http_request_method_to_string(method), path,
		    [request protocolVersionString]];

	if ([URL port] == 80)
		[requestString appendFormat: @"Host: %@\r\n", [URL host]];
		[requestString appendFormat: @"Host: %@:%d\r\n", [URL host],
		    [URL port]];

	if ([headers objectForKey: @"User-Agent"] == nil)
		[requestString appendString:
		    @"User-Agent: Something using ObjFW "

	keyEnumerator = [headers keyEnumerator];
	objectEnumerator = [headers objectEnumerator];

	while ((key = [keyEnumerator nextObject]) != nil &&
	    (object = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) != nil)
		[requestString appendFormat: @"%@: %@\r\n", key, object];

	if ([request protocolVersion].major == 1 &&
	    [request protocolVersion].minor == 0)
		[requestString appendString: @"Connection: keep-alive\r\n"];

	[requestString appendString: @"\r\n"];

	@try {
		[socket writeString: requestString];
	} @catch (OFWriteFailedException *e) {
		if ([e errNo] != ECONNRESET && [e errNo] != EPIPE)
			@throw e;

		/* Reconnect in case a keep-alive connection timed out */
		socket = [self OF_createSocketForRequest: request];
		[socket writeString: requestString];

	if (entity != nil)
		[socket writeBuffer: [entity items]
			     length: [entity count] * [entity itemSize]];

	@try {
		line = [socket readLine];
	} @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) {
		@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

	 * It's possible that the write succeeds on a connection that is
	 * keep-alive, but the connection has already been closed by the remote
	 * end due to a timeout. In this case, we need to reconnect.
	if (line == nil) {
		socket = [self OF_createSocketForRequest: request];
		[socket writeString: requestString];

		if (entity != nil)
			[socket writeBuffer: [entity items]
				     length: [entity count] *
					     [entity itemSize]];

		@try {
			line = [socket readLine];
		} @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) {
			@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

	if (![line hasPrefix: @"HTTP/"] || [line characterAtIndex: 8] != ' ')
		@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

	version = [line substringWithRange: of_range(5, 3)];
	if (![version isEqual: @"1.0"] && ![version isEqual: @"1.1"])
		@throw [OFUnsupportedVersionException
		    exceptionWithVersion: version];

	status = (int)[[line substringWithRange: of_range(9, 3)] decimalValue];

	serverHeaders = [OFMutableDictionary dictionary];

	for (;;) {
		OFString *key, *value;
		const char *lineC, *tmp;
		char *keyC;

		@try {
			line = [socket readLine];
		} @catch (OFInvalidEncodingException *e) {
			@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

		if (line == nil)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

		if ([line length] == 0)

		lineC = [line UTF8String];

		if ((tmp = strchr(lineC, ':')) == NULL)
			@throw [OFInvalidServerReplyException exception];

		if ((keyC = malloc(tmp - lineC + 1)) == NULL)
			@throw [OFOutOfMemoryException
			    exceptionWithRequestedSize: tmp - lineC + 1];

		memcpy(keyC, lineC, tmp - lineC);
		keyC[tmp - lineC] = '\0';

		@try {
			key = [OFString stringWithUTF8StringNoCopy: keyC
						      freeWhenDone: true];
		} @catch (id e) {
			@throw e;

		do {
		} while (*tmp == ' ');

		value = [OFString stringWithUTF8String: tmp];

		[serverHeaders setObject: value
				  forKey: key];

	[serverHeaders makeImmutable];

	if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:
		[_delegate     client: self
		    didReceiveHeaders: serverHeaders
			   statusCode: status
			      request: request];

	response = [[[OFHTTPClientResponse alloc] initWithSocket: socket]
	[response setProtocolVersionFromString: version];
	[response setStatusCode: status];
	[response setHeaders: serverHeaders];

	keepAlive = [serverHeaders objectForKey: @"Connection"];
	if ([version isEqual: @"1.1"] ||
	    (keepAlive != nil && [keepAlive isEqual: @"keep-alive"])) {
		[response setKeepAlive: true];

		_socket = [socket retain];
		_lastURL = [URL copy];
		_lastResponse = [response retain];

	if (redirects > 0 && (status == 301 || status == 302 ||
	    status == 303 || status == 307) &&
	    (redirect = [serverHeaders objectForKey: @"Location"]) != nil &&
	    (_insecureRedirectsAllowed || [scheme isEqual: @"http"] ||
	    ![redirect hasPrefix: @"http://"])) {
		OFURL *newURL;
		bool follow;

		newURL = [OFURL URLWithString: redirect
				relativeToURL: URL];

		if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:
			follow = [_delegate client: self
			      shouldFollowRedirect: newURL
					statusCode: status
					   request: request];
		else {
			 * 301, 302 and 307 should only redirect with user
			 * confirmation if the request method is not GET or
			 * HEAD. Asking the delegate and getting true returned
			 * is considered user confirmation.
			if (method == OF_HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET ||
				follow = true;
			 * 303 should always be redirected and converted to a
			 * GET request.
			else if (status == 303)
				follow = true;
				follow = false;

		if (follow) {
			OFHTTPRequest *newRequest;

			newRequest = [OFHTTPRequest requestWithURL: newURL];
			[newRequest setMethod: method];
			[newRequest setHeaders: headers];
			[newRequest setEntity: entity];

			 * 303 means the request should be converted to a GET
			 * request before redirection. This also means stripping
			 * the entity of the request.
			if (status == 303) {
				OFMutableDictionary *newHeaders;
				OFEnumerator *keyEnumerator, *objectEnumerator;
				id key, object;

				newHeaders = [OFMutableDictionary dictionary];
				keyEnumerator = [headers keyEnumerator];
				objectEnumerator = [headers objectEnumerator];
				while ((key = [keyEnumerator nextObject]) !=
				    nil &&
				    (object = [objectEnumerator nextObject]) !=
					if (![key hasPrefix: @"Content-"])
						[newHeaders setObject: object
							       forKey: key];

				    setMethod: OF_HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET];
				[newRequest setHeaders: newHeaders];
				[newRequest setEntity: nil];

			[newRequest retain];
			[newRequest autorelease];

			return [self performRequest: newRequest
					  redirects: redirects - 1];

	[response retain];
	[response autorelease];

	if (status / 100 != 2)
		@throw [OFHTTPRequestFailedException
		    exceptionWithRequest: request
				response: response];

	return response;

- (void)close
	[_socket close];
	[_socket release];
	_socket = nil;

	[_lastURL release];
	_lastURL = nil;

	[_lastResponse release];
	_lastResponse = nil;