ObjFW  Artifact Description [dda54dd86e]

Artifact dda54dd86efd319b57182746f841be269c36ac47bb767a058c0e8b7542918aee:

  • File src/OFMutableUTF8String.m
    • 2024-08-24 23:43:39 — part of check-in [cacfcf1b9d] on branch 1.1 — Don't assume all custom string classes use Unicode

      Initially, isUTF8 was set to true for all custom string classes because
      having isUTF8 set to false was merely an optimization. However,
      -[OFUTF8String cStringWithEncoding: OFStringEncodingASCII] throws an
      exception when isUTF8 is true. (user: js, size: 18835) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

    • 2024-08-24 23:43:39 — part of check-in [cacfcf1b9d] on branch 1.1 — Don't assume all custom string classes use Unicode

      Initially, isUTF8 was set to true for all custom string classes because
      having isUTF8 set to false was merely an optimization. However,
      -[OFUTF8String cStringWithEncoding: OFStringEncodingASCII] throws an
      exception when isUTF8 is true. (user: js, size: 18835) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]