ObjFW  History Of Ticket a7760ac9cb

Artifacts Associated With Ticket a7760ac9cb

  1. Ticket change [43fc8c5856] (rid 42974) by letterus on 2023-08-31 19:43:04:

    1. icomment:
      After serialisation was removed we do need a proper protocol to handle implementation of how to encode and decode object trees.
      User Story: As an application developer I'd like to port a library like [Mantle](https://github.com/Mantle/Mantle) or [RestKit](https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit) to ObjFW to easily consume RESTful APIs. They rely on `NSCoding` and KVO heavily.
      Reference: [Apple Doc](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/archives_and_serialization?language=objc)
    2. login: "letterus"
    3. milestone initialized to: "none"
    4. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
    5. priority initialized to: "Immediate"
    6. private_contact initialized to: "9e4f597d98a6b64c5508a7962cda8170c1acfe06"
    7. severity initialized to: "Critical"
    8. status initialized to: "Open"
    9. title initialized to: "Add OFCoding and OFCoder"
    10. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Ticket change [12e044d424] (rid 42975) by js on 2023-08-31 20:04:05:

    1. login: "js"
    2. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
    3. priority changed to: "Medium"
    4. resolution changed to: "Open"
    5. severity changed to: "Important"
  3. Ticket change [6469bca5c2] (rid 42976) by letterus on 2023-08-31 20:06:46:

    1. login: "letterus"
    2. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
    3. type changed to: "Feature_Request"