ObjFW  History Of Ticket 5526a1d5678f485d17f894809c7ca88c2fd285b9

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 5526a1d5678f485d17f894809c7ca88c2fd285b9

  1. Ticket change [7d2a8c8326] (rid 47495) by js on 2024-05-19 14:03:34:

    1. icomment:
      Currently, the tests on Nintendo DS crash. This is because the binary is too big, leaving no memory for the actual tests. Just removing tests from the Makefile makes it work, however.
      Come up with a way to decrease the binary size enough so that tests can run.
    2. login: "js"
    3. milestone initialized to: "none"
    4. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
    5. priority initialized to: "Immediate"
    6. severity initialized to: "Severe"
    7. status initialized to: "Open"
    8. title initialized to: "Tests too big for Nintendo DS"
    9. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Ticket change [319bfded6b] (rid 47597) by js on 2024-05-22 00:07:18:

    1. login: "js"
    2. milestone changed to: ""
    3. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
    4. resolution changed to: "Open"
  3. Ticket change [8be442f578] (rid 47744) by js on 2024-05-22 20:14:03:

    1. type changed to: "Code Defect"
  4. Ticket change [6fb5b03d67] (rid 47803) by js on 2024-05-24 21:30:38:

    1. login: "js"
    2. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
    3. priority changed to: "High"