ObjFW  Timeline

16 most recent events occurring on or after 2020-06-07 11:50:29.

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Add signal and sscanf to amiga-library.m check-in: e2fcdcb6bd user: js tags: amiga-library
Switch to -fbaserel32 and -resident32 check-in: 35cec55099 user: js tags: amiga-library
Add _Unwind_Backtrace to amiga-library.m check-in: b50dc283cf user: js tags: amiga-library
Add __(de)register_frame_info to amiga-library.m check-in: 45a8b2333d user: js tags: amiga-library
Pass __sF around instead of std* individually check-in: 514944f1ea user: js tags: amiga-library
Add libc symbols needed by the runtime to of_libc check-in: f822adb905 user: js tags: amiga-library
Add missing extern for of_init() check-in: eac02d83d6 user: js tags: amiga-library
14:39 New ticket [62fe928cfb] Have tests for ARC. artifact: b0a0e582b2 user: js
14:37 New ticket [ced9d8df0b] Exceptions during init in ARC code crash on Windows. artifact: 1b093eda3f user: js
OFDNSResolverTests: Fix broken format string check-in: 17bd18996f user: js tags: trunk
11:52 Ticket [6519b5a25e] Support for addresses like ::ffff: in of_socket_address_parse_ipv6() status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: ad25663dfd user: js
11:52 Ticket [ad0dd9dd62] Finish Unicode NF(K)D support status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: bf2c250b5d user: js
11:51 Ticket [6cd192758b] Create objfw.library for AmigaOS/MorphOS status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 5dbbb2c093 user: js
11:51 Ticket [037c915376] utils/ofhttp Average the speed and ETA status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 5896861dc3 user: js
11:50 Ticket [8c3fa1596f] OFDNSResolver Support for URI records status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: e1af7baa7b user: js
11:50 Ticket [0e15be9811] Automated test for OFProcess status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: ed642dcfb4 user: js
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