/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #include #import "OFObject.h" #import "OFFastEnumeration.h" @class OFArray; struct of_dictionary_bucket { OFObject *key; OFObject *object; uint32_t hash; }; /** * The OFDictionary class is a class for using hash tables. */ @interface OFDictionary: OFObject { struct of_dictionary_bucket *data; size_t size; size_t count; } /** * Creates a new OFDictionary. * * \return A new autoreleased OFDictionary */ + dictionary; /** * Creates a new OFDictionary with the specified dictionary. * * \param dict An OFDictionary * \return A new autoreleased OFDictionary */ + dictionaryWithDictionary: (OFDictionary*)dict; /** * Creates a new OFDictionary with the specified key and object. * * \param key The key * \param obj The object * \return A new autoreleased OFDictionary */ + dictionaryWithObject: (OFObject*)obj forKey: (OFObject *)key; /** * Creates a new OFDictionary with the specified keys and objects. * * \param keys An array of keys * \param objs An array of objects * \return A new autoreleased OFDictionary */ + dictionaryWithObjects: (OFArray*)objs forKeys: (OFArray*)keys; /** * Creates a new OFDictionary with the specified keys objects. * * \param key The first key * \return A new autoreleased OFDictionary */ + dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects: (OFObject *)key, ...; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFDictionary. * * \return An initialized OFDictionary */ - init; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFDictionary with the specified * OFDictionary. * * \param dict An OFDictionary * \return An initialized OFDictionary */ - initWithDictionary: (OFDictionary*)dict; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFDictionary with the specified key and * object. * * \param key The key * \param obj The object * \return A new initialized OFDictionary */ - initWithObject: (OFObject*)obj forKey: (OFObject *)key; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFDictionary with the specified keys and * objects. * * \param keys An array of keys * \param objs An array of objects * \return A new initialized OFDictionary */ - initWithObjects: (OFArray*)objs forKeys: (OFArray*)keys; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFDictionary with the specified keys and * objects. * * \param first The first key * \return A new initialized OFDictionary */ - initWithKeysAndObjects: (OFObject *)first, ...; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFDictionary with the specified key and * va_list. * * \param first The first key * \param args A va_list of the other arguments * \return A new initialized OFDictionary */ - initWithKey: (OFObject *)first argList: (va_list)args; /** * \param key The key whose object should be returned * \return The object for the given key or nil if the key was not found */ - (id)objectForKey: (OFObject *)key; /** * \return The number of objects in the dictionary */ - (size_t)count; @end #import "OFEnumerator.h" #import "OFMutableDictionary.h"