/* * Copyright (c) 2008 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import "config.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import "OFFile.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" @implementation OFFile + newWithPath: (const char*)path andMode: (const char*)mode { return [[self alloc] initWithPath: path andMode: mode]; } + (BOOL)changeModeOfFile: (const char*)path toMode: (mode_t)mode { // FIXME: On error, throw exception return (chmod(path, mode) == 0 ? YES : NO); } + (BOOL)changeOwnerOfFile: (const char*)path toOwner: (uid_t)owner andGroup: (gid_t)group { // FIXME: On error, throw exception return (chown(path, owner, group) == 0 ? YES : NO); } + (BOOL)delete: (const char*)path { // FIXME: On error, throw exception return (unlink(path) == 0 ? YES : NO); } + (BOOL)link: (const char*)src to: (const char*)dest { // FIXME: On error, throw exception return (link(src, dest) == 0 ? YES : NO); } + (BOOL)symlink: (const char*)src to: (const char*)dest { // FIXME: On error, throw exception return (symlink(src, dest) == 0 ? YES : NO); } - initWithPath: (const char*)path andMode: (const char*)mode { if ((self = [super init])) { if ((fp = fopen(path, mode)) == NULL) @throw [OFOpenFileFailedException newWithObject: self andPath: path andMode: mode]; } return self; } - free { fclose(fp); return [super free]; } - (BOOL)atEndOfFile { return (feof(fp) == 0 ? NO : YES); } - (size_t)readNItems: (size_t)nitems ofSize: (size_t)size intoBuffer: (uint8_t*)buf { size_t ret; if ((ret = fread(buf, size, nitems, fp)) == 0 && !feof(fp)) @throw [OFReadFailedException newWithObject: self andSize: size andNItems: nitems]; return ret; } - (size_t)readNBytes: (size_t)size intoBuffer: (uint8_t*)buf { return [self readNItems: size ofSize: 1 intoBuffer: buf]; } - (uint8_t*)readNItems: (size_t)nitems ofSize: (size_t)size { uint8_t *ret; ret = [self getMemForNItems: nitems ofSize: size]; @try { [self readNItems: nitems ofSize: size intoBuffer: ret]; } @catch (id exception) { [self freeMem: ret]; @throw exception; } return ret; } - (uint8_t*)readNBytes: (size_t)size { return [self readNItems: size ofSize: 1]; } - (size_t)writeNItems: (size_t)nitems ofSize: (size_t)size fromBuffer: (const uint8_t*)buf { size_t ret; if ((ret = fwrite(buf, size, nitems, fp)) == 0 && size != 0 && nitems != 0) @throw [OFWriteFailedException newWithObject: self andSize: size andNItems: nitems]; return ret; } - (size_t)writeNBytes: (size_t)size fromBuffer: (const uint8_t*)buf { return [self writeNItems: size ofSize: 1 fromBuffer: buf]; } - (size_t)writeCString: (const char*)str { return [self writeNItems: strlen(str) ofSize: 1 fromBuffer: (const uint8_t*)str]; } @end