/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see * . */ #import "OFObject.h" #import "OFString.h" #import "OFZIPArchiveEntry.h" OF_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @class OFArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType); @class OFMutableArray OF_GENERIC(ObjectType); @class OFMutableDictionary OF_GENERIC(KeyType, ObjectType); @class OFSeekableStream; @class OFStream; @class OFZIPArchive; /** * @protocol OFZIPArchiveDelegate OFZIPArchive.h ObjFW/ObjFW.h * * @brief A delegate for OFZIPArchive. */ @protocol OFZIPArchiveDelegate @optional /** * @brief A callback that is called when an @ref OFZIPArchive wants to read a * different archive part. * * @param archive The archive that wants to read another part * @param partNumber The number of the part the archive wants to read * @param lastPartNumber The number of the last archive part * @return The stream to read the needed part, or `nil` if no such part exists */ - (nullable OFSeekableStream *)archive: (OFZIPArchive *)archive wantsPartNumbered: (unsigned int)partNumber lastPartNumber: (unsigned int)lastPartNumber; @end /** * @class OFZIPArchive OFZIPArchive.h ObjFW/ObjFW.h * * @brief A class for accessing and manipulating ZIP files. */ OF_SUBCLASSING_RESTRICTED @interface OFZIPArchive: OFObject { #ifdef OF_ZIP_ARCHIVE_M @public #endif OFObject *_Nullable _delegate; OF_KINDOF(OFStream *) _stream; int64_t _offset; uint_least8_t _mode; uint32_t _diskNumber, _lastDiskNumber; @protected uint32_t _centralDirectoryDisk; uint64_t _centralDirectoryEntriesInDisk, _centralDirectoryEntries; uint64_t _centralDirectorySize; int64_t _centralDirectoryOffset; OFString *_Nullable _archiveComment; #ifdef OF_ZIP_ARCHIVE_M @public #endif OFMutableArray OF_GENERIC(OFZIPArchiveEntry *) *_entries; OFMutableDictionary OF_GENERIC(OFString *, OFZIPArchiveEntry *) *_pathToEntryMap; OFStream *_Nullable _lastReturnedStream; } /** * @brief The delegate of the ZIP archive. */ @property OF_NULLABLE_PROPERTY (assign, nonatomic) OFObject *delegate; /** * @brief The archive comment. */ @property OF_NULLABLE_PROPERTY (copy, nonatomic) OFString *archiveComment; /** * @brief The entries in the central directory of the archive as an array of * objects of class @ref OFZIPArchiveEntry. * * The objects of the array have the same order as the entries in the central * directory, which does not need to be the order in which the actual files are * stored. */ @property (readonly, nonatomic) OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFZIPArchiveEntry *) *entries; /** * @brief Creates a new OFZIPArchive object with the specified stream. * * @param stream A stream from which the ZIP archive will be read. * For read and append mode, this needs to be an OFSeekableStream. * @param mode The mode for the ZIP file. Valid modes are "r" for reading, * "w" for creating a new file and "a" for appending to an existing * archive. * @return A new, autoreleased OFZIPArchive * @throw OFInvalidFormatException The format is not that of a valid ZIP archive */ + (instancetype)archiveWithStream: (OFStream *)stream mode: (OFString *)mode; /** * @brief Creates a new OFZIPArchive object with the specified file. * * @param IRI The IRI to the ZIP file * @param mode The mode for the ZIP file. Valid modes are "r" for reading, * "w" for creating a new file and "a" for appending to an existing * archive. * @return A new, autoreleased OFZIPArchive * @throw OFInvalidFormatException The format is not that of a valid ZIP archive */ + (instancetype)archiveWithIRI: (OFIRI *)IRI mode: (OFString *)mode; /** * @brief Creates an IRI for accessing the specified file within the specified * ZIP archive. * * @param path The path of the file within the archive * @param IRI The IRI of the archive * @return An IRI for accessing the specified file within the specified ZIP * archive */ + (OFIRI *)IRIForFilePath: (OFString *)path inArchiveWithIRI: (OFIRI *)IRI; - (instancetype)init OF_UNAVAILABLE; /** * @brief Initializes an already allocated OFZIPArchive object with the * specified stream. * * @param stream A stream from which the ZIP archive will be read. * For read and append mode, this needs to be an OFSeekableStream. * @param mode The mode for the ZIP file. Valid modes are "r" for reading, * "w" for creating a new file and "a" for appending to an existing * archive. * @return An initialized OFZIPArchive * @throw OFInvalidFormatException The format is not that of a valid ZIP archive */ - (instancetype)initWithStream: (OFStream *)stream mode: (OFString *)mode OF_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /** * @brief Initializes an already allocated OFZIPArchive object with the * specified file. * * @param IRI The IRI to the ZIP file * @param mode The mode for the ZIP file. Valid modes are "r" for reading, * "w" for creating a new file and "a" for appending to an existing * archive. * @return An initialized OFZIPArchive * @throw OFInvalidFormatException The format is not that of a valid ZIP archive */ - (instancetype)initWithIRI: (OFIRI *)IRI mode: (OFString *)mode; /** * @brief Returns a stream for reading the specified file from the archive. * * @note This method is only available in read mode. * * @note The returned stream conforms to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving if the * underlying stream does so, too. * * @warning Calling @ref streamForReadingFile: will invalidate all streams * previously returned by @ref streamForReadingFile: or * @ref streamForWritingEntry:! Reading from or writing to an * invalidated stream will throw an @ref OFReadFailedException or * @ref OFWriteFailedException! * * @param path The path to the file inside the archive * @return A stream for reading the specified file form the archive * @throw OFNotOpenException The archive is not open * @throw OFInvalidArgumentException The archive is not in read mode * @throw OFOpenItemFailedException Opening the specified file within the * archive failed * @throw OFInvalidFormatException The local header and the header in the * central directory do not match enough * @throw OFUnsupportedVersionException The file uses a version of the ZIP * format that is not supported */ - (OFStream *)streamForReadingFile: (OFString *)path; /** * @brief Returns a stream for writing the specified entry to the archive. * * @note This method is only available in write and append mode. * * @note The returned stream conforms to @ref OFReadyForWritingObserving if the * underlying stream does so, too. * * @warning Calling @ref streamForWritingEntry: will invalidate all streams * previously returned by @ref streamForReadingFile: or * @ref streamForWritingEntry:! Reading from or writing to an * invalidated stream will throw an @ref OFReadFailedException or * @ref OFWriteFailedException! * * @param entry The entry to write to the archive.@n * The following parts of the specified entry will be ignored: * * The lower 8 bits of the version made by. * * The lower 8 bits of the minimum version needed. * * The compressed size. * * The uncompressed size. * * The CRC32. * * Bit 3 and 11 of the general purpose bit flag. * @return A stream for writing the specified entry to the archive * @throw OFNotOpenException The archive is not open * @throw OFInvalidArgumentException The archive is not in write mode * @throw OFOpenItemFailedException Opening the specified file within the * archive failed. If * @ref OFOpenItemFailedException#errNo is * `EEXIST`, it failed because there is * already a file with the same name in the * archive. * @throw OFNotImplementedException The desired compression method is not * implemented */ - (OFStream *)streamForWritingEntry: (OFZIPArchiveEntry *)entry; /** * @brief Closes the OFZIPArchive. * * @throw OFNotOpenException The archive is not open */ - (void)close; @end OF_ASSUME_NONNULL_END