/* * Copyright (c) 2008 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import "config.h" #import #import #import #import #import "OFXMLFactory.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" #import "OFMacros.h" /* * We don't use OFString in this file for performance reasons! * * We already have a clue about how big the resulting string will get, so we * can prealloc and only resize when really necessary - OFString would always * resize when we append, which would be slow here. */ static inline BOOL xf_resize_chars(char **str, size_t *len, size_t add) { char *str2; size_t len2; if (add > SIZE_MAX - *len) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; len2 = *len + add; if ((str2 = realloc(*str, len2)) == NULL) { if (*str) free(*str); *str = NULL; return NO; } *str = str2; *len = len2; return YES; } static inline BOOL xf_resize_wchars(wchar_t **str, size_t *len, size_t add) { wchar_t *str2; size_t len2; if (add > SIZE_MAX - *len) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; len2 = *len + add; if (len2 > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(wchar_t)) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; if ((str2 = realloc(*str, len2 * sizeof(wchar_t))) == NULL) { if (*str) free(*str); *str = NULL; return NO; } *str = str2; *len = len2; return YES; } static inline BOOL xf_add2chars(char **str, size_t *len, size_t *pos, const char *add) { size_t add_len; add_len = strlen(add); if (!xf_resize_chars(str, len, add_len)) return NO; memcpy(*str + *pos, add, add_len); *pos += add_len; return YES; } static inline BOOL xf_add2wchars(wchar_t **str, size_t *len, size_t *pos, const wchar_t *add) { size_t add_len; add_len = wcslen(add); if (!xf_resize_wchars(str, len, add_len)) return NO; wmemcpy(*str + *pos, add, add_len); *pos += add_len; return YES; } @implementation OFXMLFactory + (char*)escapeCString: (const char*)s { char *ret; size_t i, j, len, nlen; len = nlen = strlen(s); if (SIZE_MAX - len < 1) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; nlen++; if ((ret = malloc(nlen)) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: nlen]; for (i = j = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (s[i]) { case '<': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2chars(&ret, &nlen, &j, "<"))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: nlen + 4]; break; case '>': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2chars(&ret, &nlen, &j, ">"))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: nlen + 4]; break; case '"': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2chars(&ret, &nlen, &j, """))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: nlen + 6]; break; case '\'': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2chars(&ret, &nlen, &j, "'"))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: nlen + 6]; break; case '&': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2chars(&ret, &nlen, &j, "&"))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: nlen + 5]; break; default: ret[j++] = s[i]; break; } } ret[j] = 0; return ret; } + (wchar_t*)escapeWideCString: (const wchar_t*)s { wchar_t *ret; size_t i, j, len, nlen; len = nlen = wcslen(s); if (SIZE_MAX - len < 1) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; nlen++; if (nlen > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(wchar_t)) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; if ((ret = malloc(nlen * sizeof(wchar_t))) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: nlen * sizeof(wchar_t)]; for (i = j = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (s[i]) { case L'<': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2wchars(&ret, &nlen, &j, L"<"))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (nlen + 4) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; break; case L'>': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2wchars(&ret, &nlen, &j, L">"))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (nlen + 4) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; break; case L'"': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2wchars(&ret, &nlen, &j, L"""))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (nlen + 6) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; break; case L'\'': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2wchars(&ret, &nlen, &j, L"'"))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (nlen + 6) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; break; case L'&': if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2wchars(&ret, &nlen, &j, L"&"))) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (nlen + 5) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; break; default: ret[j++] = s[i]; break; } } ret[j] = 0; return ret; } + (char*)createStanza: (const char*)name withCloseTag: (BOOL)close andData: (const char*)data, ... { char *arg, *val, *xml; size_t i, len; va_list args; /* Start of tag */ len = strlen(name); if (SIZE_MAX - len < 3) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; len += 3; if ((xml = malloc(len)) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: len]; i = 0; xml[i++] = '<'; memcpy(xml + i, name, strlen(name)); i += strlen(name); /* Arguments */ va_start(args, data); while ((arg = va_arg(args, char*)) != NULL && (val = va_arg(args, char*)) != NULL) { char *esc_val; if (OF_UNLIKELY((esc_val = [OFXMLFactory escapeCString: val]) == NULL)) { /* * escapeCString already throws an exception, * no need to throw a second one here. */ free(xml); return NULL; } if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_resize_chars(&xml, &len, 1 + strlen(arg) + 2 + strlen(esc_val) + 1))) { free(esc_val); @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: len + 1 + strlen(arg) + 2 + strlen(esc_val) + 1]; } xml[i++] = ' '; memcpy(xml + i, arg, strlen(arg)); i += strlen(arg); xml[i++] = '='; xml[i++] = '\''; memcpy(xml + i, esc_val, strlen(esc_val)); i += strlen(esc_val); xml[i++] = '\''; free(esc_val); } va_end(args); /* End of tag */ if (close) { if (data == NULL) { if (!xf_resize_chars(&xml, &len, 2 - 1)) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: len + 2 - 1]; xml[i++] = '/'; xml[i++] = '>'; } else { if (!xf_resize_chars(&xml, &len, 1 + strlen(data) + 2 + strlen(name) + 1 - 1)) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: len + 1 + strlen(data) + 2 + strlen(name) + 1 - 1]; xml[i++] = '>'; memcpy(xml + i, data, strlen(data)); i += strlen(data); xml[i++] = '<'; xml[i++] = '/'; memcpy(xml + i, name, strlen(name)); i += strlen(name); xml[i++] = '>'; } } else xml[i++] = '>'; xml[i] = 0; return xml; } + (wchar_t*)createWideStanza: (const wchar_t*)name withCloseTag: (BOOL)close andData: (const wchar_t*)data, ... { wchar_t *arg, *val, *xml; size_t i, len; va_list args; /* Start of tag */ len = wcslen(name); if (SIZE_MAX - len < 3) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; len += 3; if (len > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(wchar_t)) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; if ((xml = malloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t))) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: len * sizeof(wchar_t)]; i = 0; xml[i++] = L'<'; wmemcpy(xml + i, name, wcslen(name)); i += wcslen(name); /* Arguments */ va_start(args, data); while ((arg = va_arg(args, wchar_t*)) != NULL && (val = va_arg(args, wchar_t*)) != NULL) { wchar_t *esc_val; if (OF_UNLIKELY((esc_val = [OFXMLFactory escapeWideCString: val]) == NULL)) { /* * escapeWideCString already throws an exception, * no need to throw a second one here. */ free(xml); return NULL; } if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_resize_wchars(&xml, &len, 1 + wcslen(arg) + 2 + wcslen(esc_val) + 1))) { free(esc_val); @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (len + 1 + wcslen(arg) + 2 + wcslen(esc_val) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; } xml[i++] = L' '; wmemcpy(xml + i, arg, wcslen(arg)); i += wcslen(arg); xml[i++] = L'='; xml[i++] = L'\''; wmemcpy(xml + i, esc_val, wcslen(esc_val)); i += wcslen(esc_val); xml[i++] = L'\''; free(esc_val); } va_end(args); /* End of tag */ if (close) { if (data == NULL) { if (!xf_resize_wchars(&xml, &len, 2 - 1)) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (len + 2 - 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; xml[i++] = L'/'; xml[i++] = L'>'; } else { if (!xf_resize_wchars(&xml, &len, 1 + wcslen(data) + 2 + wcslen(name) + 1 - 1)) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (len + 1 + wcslen(data) + 2 + wcslen(name) + 1 - 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; xml[i++] = L'>'; wmemcpy(xml + i, data, wcslen(data)); i += wcslen(data); xml[i++] = L'<'; xml[i++] = L'/'; wmemcpy(xml + i, name, wcslen(name)); i += wcslen(name); xml[i++] = L'>'; } } else xml[i++] = L'>'; xml[i] = 0; return xml; } + (char*)concatAndFreeCStrings: (char**)strs { char *ret; size_t i, len, pos; if (strs[0] == NULL) return NULL; len = strlen(*strs); if (SIZE_MAX - len < 1) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; len++; if ((ret = malloc(len)) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: len]; memcpy(ret, strs[0], len - 1); pos = len - 1; for (i = 1; strs[i] != NULL; i++) { if (OF_UNLIKELY(!xf_add2chars(&ret, &len, &pos, strs[i]))) { free(ret); @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: len + strlen(strs[i])]; } } for (i = 0; strs[i] != NULL; i++) free(strs[i]); ret[pos] = 0; return ret; } + (wchar_t*)concatAndFreeWideCStrings: (wchar_t**)strs { wchar_t *ret; size_t i, len, pos; if (strs[0] == NULL) return NULL; len = wcslen(*strs); if (SIZE_MAX - len < 1) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; len++; if (len > SIZE_MAX - sizeof(wchar_t)) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithObject: nil]; if ((ret = malloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t))) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: len * sizeof(wchar_t)]; wmemcpy(ret, strs[0], len - 1); pos = len - 1; for (i = 1; strs[i] != NULL; i++) { if (!xf_add2wchars(&ret, &len, &pos, strs[i])) { free(ret); @throw [OFNoMemException newWithObject: nil andSize: (wcslen(strs[i]) + len) * sizeof(wchar_t)]; } } for (i = 0; strs[i] != NULL; i++) free(strs[i]); ret[pos] = 0; return ret; } @end