/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #import "OFString.h" #import "OFString_UTF8.h" #import "OFMutableString_UTF8.h" #import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h" #import "OFInvalidEncodingException.h" #import "OFInvalidFormatException.h" #import "OFOutOfMemoryException.h" #import "OFOutOfRangeException.h" #import "autorelease.h" #import "macros.h" #import "of_asprintf.h" #import "unicode.h" @implementation OFMutableString_UTF8 + (void)initialize { if (self == [OFMutableString_UTF8 class]) [self inheritMethodsFromClass: [OFString_UTF8 class]]; } - initWithUTF8StringNoCopy: (char*)UTF8String freeWhenDone: (BOOL)freeWhenDone { @try { self = [self initWithUTF8String: UTF8String]; } @finally { if (freeWhenDone) free(UTF8String); } return self; } - (void)OF_convertWithWordStartTable: (const of_unichar_t *const[])startTable wordMiddleTable: (const of_unichar_t *const[])middleTable wordStartTableSize: (size_t)startTableSize wordMiddleTableSize: (size_t)middleTableSize { of_unichar_t *unicodeString; size_t unicodeLen, newCStringLength; size_t i, j; char *newCString; BOOL isStart = YES; if (!s->isUTF8) { uint8_t t; const of_unichar_t *const *table; assert(startTableSize >= 1 && middleTableSize >= 1); s->hashed = NO; for (i = 0; i < s->cStringLength; i++) { if (isStart) table = startTable; else table = middleTable; switch (s->cString[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': isStart = YES; break; default: isStart = NO; break; } if ((t = table[0][(uint8_t)s->cString[i]]) != 0) s->cString[i] = t; } return; } unicodeLen = [self length]; unicodeString = [self allocMemoryWithSize: sizeof(of_unichar_t) count: unicodeLen]; i = j = 0; newCStringLength = 0; while (i < s->cStringLength) { const of_unichar_t *const *table; size_t tableSize; of_unichar_t c; size_t cLen; if (isStart) { table = startTable; tableSize = middleTableSize; } else { table = middleTable; tableSize = middleTableSize; } cLen = of_string_utf8_decode(s->cString + i, s->cStringLength - i, &c); if (cLen == 0 || c > 0x10FFFF) { [self freeMemory: unicodeString]; @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': isStart = YES; break; default: isStart = NO; break; } if (c >> 8 < tableSize) { of_unichar_t tc = table[c >> 8][c & 0xFF]; if (tc) c = tc; } unicodeString[j++] = c; if (c < 0x80) newCStringLength++; else if (c < 0x800) newCStringLength += 2; else if (c < 0x10000) newCStringLength += 3; else if (c < 0x110000) newCStringLength += 4; else { [self freeMemory: unicodeString]; @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } i += cLen; } @try { newCString = [self allocMemoryWithSize: newCStringLength + 1]; } @catch (id e) { [self freeMemory: unicodeString]; @throw e; } j = 0; for (i = 0; i < unicodeLen; i++) { size_t d; if ((d = of_string_utf8_encode(unicodeString[i], newCString + j)) == 0) { [self freeMemory: unicodeString]; [self freeMemory: newCString]; @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } j += d; } assert(j == newCStringLength); newCString[j] = 0; [self freeMemory: unicodeString]; [self freeMemory: s->cString]; s->hashed = NO; s->cString = newCString; s->cStringLength = newCStringLength; /* * Even though cStringLength can change, length cannot, therefore no * need to change it. */ } - (void)setCharacter: (of_unichar_t)character atIndex: (size_t)index { char buffer[4]; of_unichar_t c; size_t lenNew, lenOld; if (s->isUTF8) index = of_string_utf8_get_position(s->cString, index, s->cStringLength); if (index > s->cStringLength) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; /* Shortcut if old and new character both are ASCII */ if (!(character & 0x80) && !(s->cString[index] & 0x80)) { s->hashed = NO; s->cString[index] = character; return; } if ((lenNew = of_string_utf8_encode(character, buffer)) == 0) @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; if ((lenOld = of_string_utf8_decode(s->cString + index, s->cStringLength - index, &c)) == 0) @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; s->hashed = NO; if (lenNew == lenOld) memcpy(s->cString + index, buffer, lenNew); else if (lenNew > lenOld) { s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength - lenOld + lenNew + 1]; memmove(s->cString + index + lenNew, s->cString + index + lenOld, s->cStringLength - index - lenOld); memcpy(s->cString + index, buffer, lenNew); s->cStringLength -= lenOld; s->cStringLength += lenNew; s->cString[s->cStringLength] = '\0'; if (character & 0x80) s->isUTF8 = YES; } else if (lenNew < lenOld) { memmove(s->cString + index + lenNew, s->cString + index + lenOld, s->cStringLength - index - lenOld); memcpy(s->cString + index, buffer, lenNew); s->cStringLength -= lenOld; s->cStringLength += lenNew; s->cString[s->cStringLength] = '\0'; @try { s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength + 1]; } @catch (OFOutOfMemoryException *e) { /* We don't really care, as we only made it smaller */ } } else assert(0); } - (void)appendUTF8String: (const char*)UTF8String { size_t UTF8StringLength = strlen(UTF8String); size_t length; if (UTF8StringLength >= 3 && !memcmp(UTF8String, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3)) { UTF8String += 3; UTF8StringLength -= 3; } switch (of_string_utf8_check(UTF8String, UTF8StringLength, &length)) { case 1: s->isUTF8 = YES; break; case -1: @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } s->hashed = NO; s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength + UTF8StringLength + 1]; memcpy(s->cString + s->cStringLength, UTF8String, UTF8StringLength + 1); s->cStringLength += UTF8StringLength; s->length += length; } - (void)appendUTF8String: (const char*)UTF8String length: (size_t)UTF8StringLength { size_t length; if (UTF8StringLength >= 3 && !memcmp(UTF8String, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3)) { UTF8String += 3; UTF8StringLength -= 3; } switch (of_string_utf8_check(UTF8String, UTF8StringLength, &length)) { case 1: s->isUTF8 = YES; break; case -1: @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } s->hashed = NO; s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength + UTF8StringLength + 1]; memcpy(s->cString + s->cStringLength, UTF8String, UTF8StringLength); s->cStringLength += UTF8StringLength; s->length += length; s->cString[s->cStringLength] = 0; } - (void)appendCString: (const char*)cString encoding: (of_string_encoding_t)encoding { return [self appendCString: cString encoding: encoding length: strlen(cString)]; } - (void)appendCString: (const char*)cString encoding: (of_string_encoding_t)encoding length: (size_t)cStringLength { if (encoding == OF_STRING_ENCODING_UTF_8) [self appendUTF8String: cString length: cStringLength]; else { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); [self appendString: [OFString stringWithCString: cString encoding: encoding length: cStringLength]]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } } - (void)appendString: (OFString*)string { size_t UTF8StringLength; if (string == nil) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exceptionWithClass: [self class] selector: _cmd]; UTF8StringLength = [string UTF8StringLength]; s->hashed = NO; s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength + UTF8StringLength + 1]; memcpy(s->cString + s->cStringLength, [string UTF8String], UTF8StringLength); s->cStringLength += UTF8StringLength; s->length += [string length]; s->cString[s->cStringLength] = 0; if ([string isKindOfClass: [OFString_UTF8 class]] || [string isKindOfClass: [OFMutableString_UTF8 class]]) { if (((OFString_UTF8*)string)->s->isUTF8) s->isUTF8 = YES; } else s->isUTF8 = YES; } - (void)appendFormat: (OFConstantString*)format arguments: (va_list)arguments { char *UTF8String; int UTF8StringLength; if (format == nil) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exceptionWithClass: [self class] selector: _cmd]; if ((UTF8StringLength = of_vasprintf(&UTF8String, [format UTF8String], arguments)) == -1) @throw [OFInvalidFormatException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; @try { [self appendUTF8String: UTF8String length: UTF8StringLength]; } @finally { free(UTF8String); } } - (void)reverse { size_t i, j; s->hashed = NO; /* We reverse all bytes and restore UTF-8 later, if necessary */ for (i = 0, j = s->cStringLength - 1; i < s->cStringLength / 2; i++, j--) { s->cString[i] ^= s->cString[j]; s->cString[j] ^= s->cString[i]; s->cString[i] ^= s->cString[j]; } if (!s->isUTF8) return; for (i = 0; i < s->cStringLength; i++) { /* ASCII */ if OF_LIKELY (!(s->cString[i] & 0x80)) continue; /* A start byte can't happen first as we reversed everything */ if OF_UNLIKELY (s->cString[i] & 0x40) @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; /* Next byte must not be ASCII */ if OF_UNLIKELY (s->cStringLength < i + 1 || !(s->cString[i + 1] & 0x80)) @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; /* Next byte is the start byte */ if OF_LIKELY (s->cString[i + 1] & 0x40) { s->cString[i] ^= s->cString[i + 1]; s->cString[i + 1] ^= s->cString[i]; s->cString[i] ^= s->cString[i + 1]; i++; continue; } /* Second next byte must not be ASCII */ if OF_UNLIKELY (s->cStringLength < i + 2 || !(s->cString[i + 2] & 0x80)) @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; /* Second next byte is the start byte */ if OF_LIKELY (s->cString[i + 2] & 0x40) { s->cString[i] ^= s->cString[i + 2]; s->cString[i + 2] ^= s->cString[i]; s->cString[i] ^= s->cString[i + 2]; i += 2; continue; } /* Third next byte must not be ASCII */ if OF_UNLIKELY (s->cStringLength < i + 3 || !(s->cString[i + 3] & 0x80)) @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; /* Third next byte is the start byte */ if OF_LIKELY (s->cString[i + 3] & 0x40) { s->cString[i] ^= s->cString[i + 3]; s->cString[i + 3] ^= s->cString[i]; s->cString[i] ^= s->cString[i + 3]; s->cString[i + 1] ^= s->cString[i + 2]; s->cString[i + 2] ^= s->cString[i + 1]; s->cString[i + 1] ^= s->cString[i + 2]; i += 3; continue; } /* UTF-8 does not allow more than 4 bytes per character */ @throw [OFInvalidEncodingException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; } } - (void)insertString: (OFString*)string atIndex: (size_t)index { size_t newCStringLength; if (index > s->length) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; if (s->isUTF8) index = of_string_utf8_get_position(s->cString, index, s->cStringLength); newCStringLength = s->cStringLength + [string UTF8StringLength]; s->hashed = NO; s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: newCStringLength + 1]; memmove(s->cString + index + [string UTF8StringLength], s->cString + index, s->cStringLength - index); memcpy(s->cString + index, [string UTF8String], [string UTF8StringLength]); s->cString[newCStringLength] = '\0'; s->cStringLength = newCStringLength; s->length += [string length]; if ([string isKindOfClass: [OFString_UTF8 class]] || [string isKindOfClass: [OFMutableString_UTF8 class]]) { if (((OFString_UTF8*)string)->s->isUTF8) s->isUTF8 = YES; } else s->isUTF8 = YES; } - (void)deleteCharactersInRange: (of_range_t)range { size_t start = range.location; size_t end = range.location + range.length; if (range.length > SIZE_MAX - range.location || end > s->length) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; if (s->isUTF8) { start = of_string_utf8_get_position(s->cString, start, s->cStringLength); end = of_string_utf8_get_position(s->cString, end, s->cStringLength); } memmove(s->cString + start, s->cString + end, s->cStringLength - end); s->hashed = NO; s->length -= range.length; s->cStringLength -= end - start; s->cString[s->cStringLength] = 0; @try { s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength + 1]; } @catch (OFOutOfMemoryException *e) { /* We don't really care, as we only made it smaller */ } } - (void)replaceCharactersInRange: (of_range_t)range withString: (OFString*)replacement { size_t start = range.location; size_t end = range.location + range.length; size_t newCStringLength, newLength; if (range.length > SIZE_MAX - range.location || end > s->length) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; newLength = s->length - range.length + [replacement length]; if (s->isUTF8) { start = of_string_utf8_get_position(s->cString, start, s->cStringLength); end = of_string_utf8_get_position(s->cString, end, s->cStringLength); } newCStringLength = s->cStringLength - (end - start) + [replacement UTF8StringLength]; s->hashed = NO; s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: newCStringLength + 1]; memmove(s->cString + start + [replacement UTF8StringLength], s->cString + end, s->cStringLength - end); memcpy(s->cString + start, [replacement UTF8String], [replacement UTF8StringLength]); s->cString[newCStringLength] = '\0'; s->cStringLength = newCStringLength; s->length = newLength; } - (void)replaceOccurrencesOfString: (OFString*)string withString: (OFString*)replacement options: (int)options range: (of_range_t)range { const char *searchString = [string UTF8String]; const char *replacementString = [replacement UTF8String]; size_t searchLength = [string UTF8StringLength]; size_t replacementLength = [replacement UTF8StringLength]; size_t i, last, newCStringLength, newLength; char *newCString; if (range.length > SIZE_MAX - range.location || range.location + range.length > [self length]) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exceptionWithClass: [self class]]; if (s->isUTF8) { range.location = of_string_utf8_get_position(s->cString, range.location, s->cStringLength); range.length = of_string_utf8_get_position( s->cString + range.location, range.length, s->cStringLength - range.location); } if ([string UTF8StringLength] > range.length) return; newCString = NULL; newCStringLength = 0; newLength = s->length; last = 0; for (i = range.location; i <= range.length - searchLength; i++) { if (memcmp(s->cString + i, searchString, searchLength)) continue; @try { newCString = [self resizeMemory: newCString size: newCStringLength + i - last + replacementLength + 1]; } @catch (id e) { [self freeMemory: newCString]; @throw e; } memcpy(newCString + newCStringLength, s->cString + last, i - last); memcpy(newCString + newCStringLength + i - last, replacementString, replacementLength); newCStringLength += i - last + replacementLength; newLength = newLength - [string length] + [replacement length]; i += searchLength - 1; last = i + 1; } @try { newCString = [self resizeMemory: newCString size: newCStringLength + s->cStringLength - last + 1]; } @catch (id e) { [self freeMemory: newCString]; @throw e; } memcpy(newCString + newCStringLength, s->cString + last, s->cStringLength - last); newCStringLength += s->cStringLength - last; newCString[newCStringLength] = 0; [self freeMemory: s->cString]; s->hashed = NO; s->cString = newCString; s->cStringLength = newCStringLength; s->length = newLength; } - (void)deleteLeadingWhitespaces { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < s->cStringLength; i++) if (s->cString[i] != ' ' && s->cString[i] != '\t' && s->cString[i] != '\n' && s->cString[i] != '\r' && s->cString[i] != '\f') break; s->hashed = NO; s->cStringLength -= i; s->length -= i; memmove(s->cString, s->cString + i, s->cStringLength); s->cString[s->cStringLength] = '\0'; @try { s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength + 1]; } @catch (OFOutOfMemoryException *e) { /* We don't really care, as we only made it smaller */ } } - (void)deleteTrailingWhitespaces { size_t d; char *p; s->hashed = NO; d = 0; for (p = s->cString + s->cStringLength - 1; p >= s->cString; p--) { if (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\f') break; *p = '\0'; d++; } s->cStringLength -= d; s->length -= d; @try { s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength + 1]; } @catch (OFOutOfMemoryException *e) { /* We don't really care, as we only made it smaller */ } } - (void)deleteEnclosingWhitespaces { size_t d, i; char *p; s->hashed = NO; d = 0; for (p = s->cString + s->cStringLength - 1; p >= s->cString; p--) { if (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\f') break; *p = '\0'; d++; } s->cStringLength -= d; s->length -= d; for (i = 0; i < s->cStringLength; i++) if (s->cString[i] != ' ' && s->cString[i] != '\t' && s->cString[i] != '\n' && s->cString[i] != '\r' && s->cString[i] != '\f') break; s->cStringLength -= i; s->length -= i; memmove(s->cString, s->cString + i, s->cStringLength); s->cString[s->cStringLength] = '\0'; @try { s->cString = [self resizeMemory: s->cString size: s->cStringLength + 1]; } @catch (OFOutOfMemoryException *e) { /* We don't really care, as we only made it smaller */ } } - (void)makeImmutable { object_setClass(self, [OFString_UTF8 class]); } @end