/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import "config.h" #include #include #include #import "OFString.h" #import "OFMutableString.h" #import "OFAutoreleasePool.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" #import "OFMacros.h" @implementation OFString + string { return [[[OFMutableString alloc] init] autorelease]; } + stringWithCString: (const char*)str { return [[[OFMutableString alloc] initWithCString: str] autorelease]; } + stringWithFormat: (const char*)fmt, ... { id ret; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ret = [[[OFMutableString alloc] initWithFormat: fmt andArguments: args] autorelease]; va_end(args); return ret; } + stringWithFormat: (const char*)fmt andArguments: (va_list)args { return [[[OFMutableString alloc] initWithFormat: fmt andArguments: args] autorelease]; } - init { [super init]; length = 0; string = NULL; return self; } - (const char*)cString { return string; } - (size_t)length { return length; } - (id)copy { return [OFString stringWithCString: string]; } - (BOOL)isEqual: (id)obj { if (![obj isKindOf: [OFString class]]) return NO; if (strcmp(string, [obj cString])) return NO; return YES; } - (int)compare: (id)obj { if (![obj isKindOf: [OFString class]]) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException newWithClass: isa]; return strcmp(string, [obj cString]); } - (uint32_t)hash { uint32_t hash; size_t i; OF_HASH_INIT(hash); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) OF_HASH_ADD(hash, string[i]); OF_HASH_FINALIZE(hash); return hash; } - setTo: (const char*)str { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa andSelector: _cmd]; } - append: (OFString*)str { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa andSelector: _cmd]; } - appendCString: (const char*)str { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa andSelector: _cmd]; } - appendWithFormatCString: (const char*)fmt, ... { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa andSelector: _cmd]; } - appendWithFormatCString: (const char*)fmt andArguments: (va_list)args { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa andSelector: _cmd]; } - reverse { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa andSelector: _cmd]; } - upper { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa andSelector: _cmd]; } - lower { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa andSelector: _cmd]; } - (OFArray*)splitWithDelimiter: (OFString*)delimiter { OFAutoreleasePool *pool; OFArray *array = [[OFArray alloc] init]; const char *delim = [delimiter cString]; size_t delim_len = [delimiter length]; size_t i, last; @try { pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; } @catch (OFException *e) { [array release]; @throw e; } @try { for (i = 0, last = 0; i <= length; i++) { if (OF_UNLIKELY(i == length || !memcmp(string + i, delim, delim_len))) { OFString *str; char *tmp; /* * We can't use [self allocWithSize:] here as * self might be a @""-literal. */ if ((tmp = malloc(i - last + 1)) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: isa andSize: i - last + 1]; memcpy(tmp, string + last, i - last); tmp[i - last] = '\0'; @try { str = [OFString stringWithCString: tmp]; } @finally { free(tmp); } [array add: str]; [pool releaseObjects]; i += delim_len - 1; last = i + 1; } } } @catch (OFException *e) { [array release]; @throw e; } @finally { [pool release]; } return [array autorelease]; } @end