/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import "config.h" #import #import #import #import "OFObject.h" #import "OFAutoreleasePool.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" #import "OFMacros.h" @implementation OFObject - init { if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { __memchunks = NULL; __memchunks_size = 0; __retain_count = 1; } return self; } - free { void **iter = __memchunks + __memchunks_size; while (iter-- > __memchunks) free(*iter); if (__memchunks != NULL) free(__memchunks); return [super free]; } - retain { __retain_count++; return self; } - release { if (!--__retain_count) return [self free]; return self; } - autorelease { [OFAutoreleasePool addToPool: self]; return self; } - addToMemoryPool: (void*)ptr { void **memchunks; size_t memchunks_size; memchunks_size = __memchunks_size + 1; if (SIZE_MAX - __memchunks_size < 1 || memchunks_size > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(void*)) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: [self class]]; if ((memchunks = realloc(__memchunks, memchunks_size * sizeof(void*))) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: [self class] andSize: memchunks_size]; __memchunks = memchunks; __memchunks[__memchunks_size] = ptr; __memchunks_size = memchunks_size; return self; } - (void*)getMemWithSize: (size_t)size { void *ptr, **memchunks; size_t memchunks_size; if (size == 0) return NULL; memchunks_size = __memchunks_size + 1; if (SIZE_MAX - __memchunks_size == 0 || memchunks_size > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(void*)) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: [self class]]; if ((ptr = malloc(size)) == NULL) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: [self class] andSize: size]; if ((memchunks = realloc(__memchunks, memchunks_size * sizeof(void*))) == NULL) { free(ptr); @throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: [self class] andSize: memchunks_size]; } __memchunks = memchunks; __memchunks[__memchunks_size] = ptr; __memchunks_size = memchunks_size; return ptr; } - (void*)getMemForNItems: (size_t)nitems ofSize: (size_t)size { if (nitems == 0 || size == 0) return NULL; if (nitems > SIZE_MAX / size) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: [self class]]; return [self getMemWithSize: nitems * size]; } - (void*)resizeMem: (void*)ptr toSize: (size_t)size { void **iter; if (ptr == NULL) return [self getMemWithSize: size]; if (size == 0) { [self freeMem: ptr]; return NULL; } iter = __memchunks + __memchunks_size; while (iter-- > __memchunks) { if (OF_UNLIKELY(*iter == ptr)) { if (OF_UNLIKELY((ptr = realloc(ptr, size)) == NULL)) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: [self class] andSize: size]; *iter = ptr; return ptr; } } @throw [OFMemNotPartOfObjException newWithClass: [self class] andPointer: ptr]; return NULL; /* never reached, but makes gcc happy */ } - (void*)resizeMem: (void*)ptr toNItems: (size_t)nitems ofSize: (size_t)size { size_t memsize; if (ptr == NULL) return [self getMemForNItems: nitems ofSize: size]; if (nitems == 0 || size == 0) { [self freeMem: ptr]; return NULL; } if (nitems > SIZE_MAX / size) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: [self class]]; memsize = nitems * size; return [self resizeMem: ptr toSize: memsize]; } - freeMem: (void*)ptr; { void **iter, *last, **memchunks; size_t i, memchunks_size; iter = __memchunks + __memchunks_size; i = __memchunks_size; while (iter-- > __memchunks) { i--; if (OF_UNLIKELY(*iter == ptr)) { memchunks_size = __memchunks_size - 1; last = __memchunks[memchunks_size]; if (OF_UNLIKELY(__memchunks_size == 0 || memchunks_size > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(void*))) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException newWithClass: [self class]]; if (OF_UNLIKELY(memchunks_size == 0)) { free(ptr); free(__memchunks); __memchunks = NULL; __memchunks_size = 0; return self; } if (OF_UNLIKELY((memchunks = realloc(__memchunks, memchunks_size * sizeof(void*))) == NULL)) @throw [OFNoMemException newWithClass: [self class] andSize: memchunks_size]; free(ptr); __memchunks = memchunks; __memchunks[i] = last; __memchunks_size = memchunks_size; return self; } } @throw [OFMemNotPartOfObjException newWithClass: [self class] andPointer: ptr]; return self; /* never reached, but makes gcc happy */ } @end