/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #import "OFHashes.h" #import "OFFile.h" const uint8_t testfile_md5[OF_MD5_DIGEST_SIZE] = "\x00\x8B\x9D\x1B\x58\xDF\xF8\xFE\xEE\xF3\xAE\x8D\xBB\x68\x2D\x38"; const uint8_t testfile_sha1[OF_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE] = "\xC9\x9A\xB8\x7E\x1E\xC8\xEC\x65\xD5\xEB\xE4\x2E\x0D\xA6\x80\x96\xF5" "\x94\xE7\x17"; int main() { char buf[64]; size_t len; OFMD5Hash *md5 = [OFMD5Hash md5Hash]; OFSHA1Hash *sha1 = [OFSHA1Hash sha1Hash]; OFFile *f = [OFFile fileWithPath: @"testfile" mode: @"rb"]; while (![f atEndOfStream]) { len = [f readNBytes: 64 intoBuffer: buf]; [md5 updateWithBuffer: buf ofSize: len]; [sha1 updateWithBuffer: buf ofSize: len]; } [f close]; if (!memcmp([md5 digest], testfile_md5, OF_MD5_DIGEST_SIZE)) { fputs("\r\033[1;33mTests successful: 1/2\033[0m", stdout); fflush(stdout); } else { puts("\r\033[K\033[1;31mTest 1/2 failed!\033[0m"); return 1; } if (!memcmp([sha1 digest], testfile_sha1, OF_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE)) puts("\r\033[1;32mTests successful: 2/2\033[0m"); else { puts("\r\033[K\033[1;31mTest 2/2 failed!\033[0m"); return 1; } return 0; }