/* * Copyright (c) 2008 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import #import #import #import "OFArray.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" #define CATCH_EXCEPTION(code, exception) \ caught = NO; \ @try { \ code; \ } @catch (exception *e) { \ caught = YES; \ puts("CAUGHT! Error string was:"); \ fputs([e cString], stdout); \ puts("Resuming..."); \ } \ if (!caught) { \ puts("NOT CAUGHT!"); \ return 1; \ } const char *str = "Hallo!"; #define TEST(type) \ puts("Trying to add too much to an array..."); \ a = [type newWithItemSize: 4096]; \ CATCH_EXCEPTION([a addNItems: SIZE_MAX \ fromCArray: NULL], \ OFOutOfRangeException) \ \ puts("Trying to add something after that error..."); \ p = [a getMemWithSize: 4096]; \ memset(p, 255, 4096); \ [a add: p]; \ if (!memcmp([a last], p, 4096)) \ puts("[a last] matches with p!"); \ else { \ puts("[a last] does not match p!"); \ abort(); \ } \ [a freeMem: p]; \ \ puts("Adding more data..."); \ q = [a getMemWithSize: 4096]; \ memset(q, 42, 4096); \ [a add: q]; \ if (!memcmp([a last], q, 4096)) \ puts("[a last] matches with q!"); \ else { \ puts("[a last] does not match q!"); \ abort(); \ } \ [a freeMem: q]; \ \ puts("Adding multiple items at once..."); \ p = [a getMemWithSize: 8192]; \ memset(p, 64, 8192); \ [a addNItems: 2 \ fromCArray: p]; \ if (!memcmp([a last], [a item: [a items] - 2], 4096) && \ !memcmp([a item: [a items] - 2], p, 4096)) \ puts("[a last], [a item: [a items] - 2] and p match!"); \ else { \ puts("[a last], [a item: [a items] - 2] and p did not match!");\ abort(); \ } \ [a freeMem: p]; \ \ i = [a items]; \ puts("Removing 2 items..."); \ [a removeNItems: 2]; \ if ([a items] + 2 != i) { \ puts("[a items] + 2 != i!"); \ abort(); \ } \ \ puts("Trying to remove more data than we added..."); \ CATCH_EXCEPTION([a removeNItems: [a items] + 1], \ OFOutOfRangeException); \ \ puts("Trying to access an index that does not exist..."); \ CATCH_EXCEPTION([a item: [a items]], OFOutOfRangeException); \ \ [a free]; \ \ puts("Creating new array and using it to build a string..."); \ a = [type newWithItemSize: 1]; \ \ for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) \ [a add: (void*)(str + i)]; \ [a add: ""]; \ \ if (!strcmp([a data], str)) \ puts("Built string matches!"); \ else { \ puts("Built string does not match!"); \ abort(); \ } \ \ [a free]; int main() { BOOL caught; id a; void *p, *q; size_t i; puts("== TESTING OFArray =="); TEST(OFArray) puts("== TESTING OFBigArray =="); TEST(OFBigArray) return 0; }