/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see * . */ #include "config.h" #import "macros.h" #if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(nullability) # ifndef _Nonnull # define _Nonnull # endif # ifndef _Nullable # define _Nullable # endif #endif typedef uint32_t (*_Nonnull objc_hashtable_hash_func)(const void *_Nonnull key); typedef bool (*_Nonnull objc_hashtable_equal_func)(const void *_Nonnull key1, const void *_Nonnull key2); struct objc_class { Class _Nonnull isa; Class _Nullable superclass; const char *_Nonnull name; unsigned long version; unsigned long info; long instanceSize; struct objc_ivar_list *_Nullable ivars; struct objc_method_list *_Nullable methodList; struct objc_dtable *_Nullable dTable; Class _Nullable *_Nullable subclassList; void *_Nullable siblingClass; struct objc_protocol_list *_Nullable protocols; void *_Nullable GCObjectType; unsigned long ABIVersion; int32_t *_Nonnull *_Nullable ivarOffsets; struct objc_property_list *_Nullable propertyList; }; enum objc_class_info { OBJC_CLASS_INFO_CLASS = 0x001, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_METACLASS = 0x002, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_NEW_ABI = 0x010, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_SETUP = 0x100, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_LOADED = 0x200, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_DTABLE = 0x400, OBJC_CLASS_INFO_INITIALIZED = 0x800 }; struct objc_object { Class _Nonnull isa; }; struct objc_selector { uintptr_t UID; const char *_Nullable typeEncoding; }; struct objc_method { struct objc_selector selector; IMP _Nonnull implementation; }; struct objc_method_list { struct objc_method_list *_Nullable next; unsigned int count; struct objc_method methods[1]; }; struct objc_category { const char *_Nonnull categoryName; const char *_Nonnull className; struct objc_method_list *_Nullable instanceMethods; struct objc_method_list *_Nullable classMethods; struct objc_protocol_list *_Nullable protocols; }; struct objc_ivar { const char *_Nonnull name; const char *_Nonnull typeEncoding; unsigned int offset; }; struct objc_ivar_list { unsigned int count; struct objc_ivar ivars[1]; }; struct objc_method_description { const char *_Nonnull name; const char *_Nonnull typeEncoding; }; struct objc_method_description_list { int count; struct objc_method_description list[1]; }; struct objc_protocol_list { struct objc_protocol_list *_Nullable next; long count; Protocol *__unsafe_unretained _Nonnull list[1]; }; #if __has_attribute(__objc_root_class__) __attribute__((__objc_root_class__)) #endif @interface Protocol { @public Class _Nonnull isa; const char *_Nonnull name; struct objc_protocol_list *_Nullable protocolList; struct objc_method_description_list *_Nullable instanceMethods; struct objc_method_description_list *_Nullable classMethods; } @end enum objc_property_attributes { OBJC_PROPERTY_READONLY = 0x01, OBJC_PROPERTY_GETTER = 0x02, OBJC_PROPERTY_ASSIGN = 0x04, OBJC_PROPERTY_READWRITE = 0x08, OBJC_PROPERTY_RETAIN = 0x10, OBJC_PROPERTY_COPY = 0x20, OBJC_PROPERTY_NONATOMIC = 0x40, OBJC_PROPERTY_SETTER = 0x80 }; enum objc_property_extended_attributes { OBJC_PROPERTY_SYNTHESIZED = 0x1, OBJC_PROPERTY_DYNAMIC = 0x2, OBJC_PROPERTY_PROTOCOL = 0x3, OBJC_PROPERTY_ATOMIC = 0x4, OBJC_PROPERTY_WEAK = 0x8, OBJC_PROPERTY_STRONG = 0x10, OBJC_PROPERTY_UNSAFE_UNRETAINED = 0x20 }; struct objc_property { const char *_Nonnull name; unsigned char attributes, extendedAttributes; struct { const char *_Nullable name; const char *_Nullable typeEncoding; } getter, setter; }; struct objc_property_list { unsigned int count; struct objc_property_list *_Nullable next; struct objc_property properties[1]; }; struct objc_static_instances { const char *_Nonnull className; id _Nullable instances[1]; }; struct objc_symtab { unsigned long unknown; struct objc_selector *_Nullable selectorRefs; uint16_t classDefsCount; uint16_t categoryDefsCount; void *_Nonnull defs[1]; }; struct objc_module { unsigned long version; /* 9 = non-fragile */ unsigned long size; const char *_Nullable name; struct objc_symtab *_Nonnull symtab; }; struct objc_hashtable_bucket { const void *_Nonnull key, *_Nonnull object; uint32_t hash; }; struct objc_hashtable { objc_hashtable_hash_func hash; objc_hashtable_equal_func equal; uint32_t count, size; struct objc_hashtable_bucket *_Nonnull *_Nullable data; }; struct objc_sparsearray { struct objc_sparsearray_data { void *_Nullable next[256]; } *_Nonnull data; uint8_t levels; }; struct objc_dtable { struct objc_dtable_level2 { #ifdef OF_SELUID24 struct objc_dtable_level3 { IMP _Nullable buckets[256]; } *_Nonnull buckets[256]; #else IMP _Nullable buckets[256]; #endif } *_Nonnull buckets[256]; }; extern void objc_registerAllCategories(struct objc_symtab *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern struct objc_category *_Nullable *_Nullable objc_categoriesForClass(Class _Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_unregisterAllCategories(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_initializeClass(Class _Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_updateDTable(Class _Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_registerAllClasses(struct objc_symtab *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern Class _Nullable objc_classnameToClass(const char *_Nonnull, bool) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_unregisterClass(Class _Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_unregisterAllClasses(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern uint32_t objc_string_hash(const void *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern bool objc_string_equal(const void *_Nonnull, const void *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern struct objc_hashtable *_Nonnull objc_hashtable_new( objc_hashtable_hash_func, objc_hashtable_equal_func, uint32_t) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern struct objc_hashtable_bucket objc_deletedBucket OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_hashtable_set(struct objc_hashtable *_Nonnull, const void *_Nonnull, const void *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void *_Nullable objc_hashtable_get(struct objc_hashtable *_Nonnull, const void *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_hashtable_delete(struct objc_hashtable *_Nonnull, const void *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_hashtable_free(struct objc_hashtable *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_registerSelector(struct objc_selector *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_registerAllSelectors(struct objc_symtab *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_unregisterAllSelectors(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern struct objc_sparsearray *_Nonnull objc_sparsearray_new(uint8_t) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void *_Nullable objc_sparsearray_get(struct objc_sparsearray *_Nonnull, uintptr_t) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_sparsearray_set(struct objc_sparsearray *_Nonnull, uintptr_t, void *_Nullable) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_sparsearray_free(struct objc_sparsearray *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern struct objc_dtable *_Nonnull objc_dtable_new(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_dtable_copy(struct objc_dtable *_Nonnull, struct objc_dtable *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_dtable_set(struct objc_dtable *_Nonnull, uint32_t, IMP _Nullable) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_dtable_free(struct objc_dtable *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_dtable_cleanup(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_initStaticInstances(struct objc_symtab *_Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_forgetPendingStaticInstances(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_zeroWeakReferences(id _Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern Class _Nullable object_getTaggedPointerClass(id _Nonnull) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; #ifdef OF_HAVE_THREADS extern void objc_globalMutex_lock(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_globalMutex_unlock(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; extern void objc_globalMutex_free(void) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; #else # define objc_globalMutex_lock() # define objc_globalMutex_unlock() # define objc_globalMutex_free() #endif extern char *_Nullable objc_strdup(const char *_Nonnull string) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; static OF_INLINE IMP _Nullable objc_dtable_get(const struct objc_dtable *_Nonnull dtable, uint32_t idx) { #ifdef OF_SELUID24 uint8_t i = idx >> 16; uint8_t j = idx >> 8; uint8_t k = idx; return dtable->buckets[i]->buckets[j]->buckets[k]; #else uint8_t i = idx >> 8; uint8_t j = idx; return dtable->buckets[i]->buckets[j]; #endif } extern void OF_NO_RETURN_FUNC objc_error(const char *_Nonnull title, const char *_Nonnull format, ...) OF_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; #define OBJC_ERROR(...) \ objc_error("ObjFWRT @ " __FILE__ ":" OF_STRINGIFY(__LINE__), \ __VA_ARGS__) #if defined(OF_ELF) # if defined(OF_AMD64) || defined(OF_X86) || \ defined(OF_POWERPC64) || defined(OF_POWERPC) || \ defined(OF_ARM64) || defined(OF_ARM) || \ defined(OF_MIPS64_N64) || defined(OF_MIPS) || \ defined(OF_SPARC64) || defined(OF_SPARC) # define OF_ASM_LOOKUP # endif #elif defined(OF_MACH_O) # if defined(OF_AMD64) # define OF_ASM_LOOKUP # endif #elif defined(OF_WINDOWS) # if defined(OF_AMD64) || defined(OF_X86) # define OF_ASM_LOOKUP # endif #endif @interface DummyObject { Class _Nonnull isa; } @property (readonly, nonatomic) bool allowsWeakReference; + (void)initialize; + (bool)resolveClassMethod: (nonnull SEL)selector; + (bool)resolveInstanceMethod: (nonnull SEL)selector; - (nonnull id)retain; - (void)release; - (nonnull id)autorelease; - (nonnull id)copy; - (nonnull id)mutableCopy; - (bool)retainWeakReference; @end