/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #import "OFAutoreleasePool.h" #import "OFDictionary.h" #import "OFString.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" #define TESTS 12 int main() { int i = 0; OFDictionary *dict = [OFMutableDictionary dictionaryWithHashSize: 16]; OFIterator *iter = [dict iterator]; OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; OFString *key1 = [OFString stringWithCString: "key1"]; OFString *key2 = [OFString stringWithCString: "key2"]; OFString *value1 = [OFString stringWithCString: "value1"]; OFString *value2 = [OFString stringWithCString: "value2"]; [dict setObject: value1 forKey: key1]; [dict setObject: value2 forKey: key2]; [pool release]; i++; if (strcmp([[dict objectForKey: @"key1"] cString], "value1")) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; if (strcmp([[dict objectForKey: key2] cString], "value2")) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; if (![[iter nextObject] isEqual: @"key2"] || ![[iter nextObject] isEqual: @"value2"] || ![[iter nextObject] isEqual: @"key1"] || ![[iter nextObject] isEqual: @"value1"]) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; [dict changeHashSize: 8]; iter = [dict iterator]; if (![[iter nextObject] isEqual: @"key1"] || ![[iter nextObject] isEqual: @"value1"] || ![[iter nextObject] isEqual: @"key2"] || ![[iter nextObject] isEqual: @"value2"]) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; if ([dict averageItemsPerBucket] != 1.0) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; if ([iter nextObject] != nil) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; if ([dict objectForKey: @"key3"] != nil) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; [dict release]; dict = [OFDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects: @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"qux", nil]; if (![[dict objectForKey: @"foo"] isEqual: @"bar"]) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; if (![[dict objectForKey: @"baz"] isEqual: @"qux"]) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; [dict release]; dict = [OFDictionary dictionaryWithKey: @"foo" andObject: @"bar"]; if (![[dict objectForKey: @"foo"] isEqual: @"bar"]) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; [dict release]; dict = [OFDictionary dictionaryWithKeys: [OFArray arrayWithObjects: @"k1", @"k2", nil] andObjects: [OFArray arrayWithObjects: @"o1", @"o2", nil]]; if (![[dict objectForKey: @"k1"] isEqual: @"o1"]) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } i++; if (![[dict objectForKey: @"k2"] isEqual: @"o2"]) { printf("\033[K\033[1;31mTest %d/%d failed!\033[m\n", i, TESTS); return 1; } printf("\033[1;32mTests successful: %d/%d\033[0m\n", i, TESTS); return 0; }