/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see * . */ #ifndef OBJFWRT_OBJFWRT_H #define OBJFWRT_OBJFWRT_H #ifndef __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS # define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #endif #ifndef __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS # define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #endif #include #include #include /** @file */ #ifndef __has_feature # define __has_feature(x) 0 #endif #ifndef __has_attribute # define __has_attribute(x) 0 #endif #if !__has_feature(nullability) # ifndef _Nonnull # define _Nonnull # endif # ifndef _Nullable # define _Nullable # endif # ifndef _Null_unspecified # define _Null_unspecified # endif #endif #if !__has_feature(objc_arc) && !defined(__unsafe_unretained) # define __unsafe_unretained #endif /** * @brief A value representing no class. */ #define Nil (Class _Null_unspecified)0 /** * @brief A value representing no object. */ #define nil (id _Null_unspecified)0 /** * @brief An Objective-C boolean representing true. * * @note This is a legacy from before C had a boolean type. Prefer the standard * C99 true instead! */ #define YES true /** * @brief An Objective-C boolean representing false. * * @note This is a legacy from before C had a boolean type. Prefer the standard * C99 false instead! */ #define NO false /** * @brief A pointer to a class. */ typedef struct objc_class *Class; /** * @brief A pointer to any object. */ typedef struct objc_object *id; /** * @brief A selector. * * A selector is the name of a method including the colons and an optional type * encoding. */ typedef const struct objc_selector *SEL; /** * @brief A method. * * A method consists of a selector with a type encoding and an implementation. */ typedef const struct objc_method *Method; /** * @brief A protocol. */ #if defined(__OBJC__) && !defined(DOXYGEN) @class Protocol; #else typedef const struct objc_protocol *Protocol; #endif /** * @brief An instance variable. */ typedef const struct objc_ivar *Ivar; /** * @brief A property. */ typedef const struct objc_property *objc_property_t; #if !defined(__wii__) && !defined(__amigaos__) /** * @brief An Objective-C boolean. Either @ref YES or @ref NO. * * @note This is a legacy from before C had a boolean type. Prefer the standard * C99 bool instead! */ typedef bool BOOL; #endif /** * @brief A method implementation. * * @param object The messaged object * @param selector The selector sent */ typedef id _Nullable (*IMP)(id _Nonnull object, SEL _Nonnull selector, ...); /** * @brief A handler for uncaught exceptions. * * @param exception The exception which was not caught. */ typedef void (*objc_uncaught_exception_handler)(id _Nullable exception); /** * @brief A handler for mutation during enumeration. * * @param object The object that was mutated during enumeration */ typedef void (*objc_enumeration_mutation_handler)(id _Nonnull object); /** * @brief A struct representing a call to super. */ struct objc_super { /** * @brief The object on which to perform the super call. */ id __unsafe_unretained _Nullable self; /** * @brief The class from which to take the method. */ #ifdef __cplusplus Class _Nonnull class_; #else Class _Nonnull class; #endif }; /** * @brief A policy for object association, see @ref objc_setAssociatedObject. */ typedef enum objc_associationPolicy { /** @brief Associate the object like an assigned property. */ OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN = 0, /** @brief Associate the object like a retained, nonatomic property. */ OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC = 1, /** @brief Associate the object like a retained property. */ OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN = OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC | 0x300, /** @brief Associate the object like a copied, nonatomic property. */ OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC = 3, /** @brief Associate the object like a copied property. */ OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY = OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC | 0x300 } objc_associationPolicy; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @brief Registers a selector with the specified name with the runtime. * * @param name The name for the selector to register * @return The registered selector */ extern SEL _Nonnull sel_registerName(const char *_Nonnull name); /** * @brief Returns the name of the specified selector. * * @param selector The selector whose name should be returned * @return The name of the specified selector */ extern const char *_Nonnull sel_getName(SEL _Nonnull selector); /** * @brief Checks two selectors for equality. * * Selectors are considered equal if they have the same name - any type * encoding is ignored. * * @param selector1 The first selector * @param selector2 The second selector * @return Whether the two selectors are equal */ extern bool sel_isEqual(SEL _Nonnull selector1, SEL _Nonnull selector2); /** * @brief Allocates a new class and its metaclass. * * @param superclass The superclass for the new class * @param name The name for the new class * @param extraBytes Extra bytes to add to the instance size * @return A new, unregistered class pair */ extern Class _Nonnull objc_allocateClassPair(Class _Nullable superclass, const char *_Nonnull name, size_t extraBytes); /** * @brief Registers an already allocated class pair. * * @param class_ The class pair to register */ extern void objc_registerClassPair(Class _Nonnull class_); /** * @brief Gets the list of all classes known to the runtime. * * @param buffer An array of Class to write to. If the buffer does not have * enough space, the result is truncated. * @param count The number of classes for which there is space in `buffer` * @return The number of classes written */ extern unsigned int objc_getClassList(Class _Nonnull *_Nullable buffer, unsigned int count); /** * @brief Copies the list of all classes known to the runtime. * * This is like @ref objc_getClassList, but allocates a buffer large enough for * all classes. * * @param length An optional pointer to an `unsigned int` that will be set to * the number of classes returned * @return An array of classes, terminated by `Nil`. You need to call `free()` * on it when done. */ extern Class _Nonnull *_Nonnull objc_copyClassList( unsigned int *_Nullable length); /** * @brief Returns whether the specified class is a metaclass. * * @param class_ The class which should be examined * @return Whether the specified class is a metaclass */ extern bool class_isMetaClass(Class _Nullable class_); /** * @brief Returns the name of the specified class. * * @param class_ The class whose name should be returned * @return The name of the specified class */ extern const char *_Nullable class_getName(Class _Nullable class_); /** * @brief Returns the superclass of the specified class. * * @param class_ The class whose superclass should be returned * @return The superclass of the specified class */ extern Class _Nullable class_getSuperclass(Class _Nullable class_); /** * @brief Returns the instance size of the specified class. * * @param class_ The class whose instance size should be returned * @return The instance size of the specified class */ extern unsigned long class_getInstanceSize(Class _Nullable class_); /** * @brief Returns whether the specified class responds to the specified * selector. * * @param class_ The class which should be examined * @param selector The selector which should be checked * @return Whether the specified class responds to the specified selector */ extern bool class_respondsToSelector(Class _Nullable class_, SEL _Nonnull selector); /** * @brief Returns whether the specified class conforms to the specified * protocol. * * @param class_ The class which should be examined * @param protocol The protocol for which conformance should be checked * @return Whether the specified class conforms to the specified protocol */ extern bool class_conformsToProtocol(Class _Nullable class_, Protocol *_Nonnull protocol); /** * @brief Returns the class's method implementation for the specified selector. * * @warning If the method uses the struct return ABI, you need to use * @ref class_getMethodImplementation_stret instead! Depending on the * ABI, small structs might not use the struct return ABI. * * @param class_ The class whose method implementation should be returned * @param selector The selector for the method whose implementation should be * returned * @return The class's method implementation for the specified selector */ extern IMP _Nullable class_getMethodImplementation(Class _Nullable class_, SEL _Nonnull selector); /** * @brief Returns the class's method implementation for the specified selector. * * @warning If the method does not use use the struct return ABI, you need to * use @ref class_getMethodImplementation instead! Depending on the * ABI, small structs might not use the struct return ABI. * * @param class_ The class whose method implementation should be returned * @param selector The selector for the method whose implementation should be * returned * @return The class's method implementation for the specified selector */ extern IMP _Nullable class_getMethodImplementation_stret(Class _Nullable class_, SEL _Nonnull selector); /** * @brief Returns the class's instance method for the specified selector * * @param class_ The class whose instance method should be returned * @param selector The selector of the instance method to return * @return The class's instance method for the specified selector */ extern Method _Nullable class_getInstanceMethod(Class _Nullable class_, SEL _Nonnull selector); /** * @brief Adds the specified method to the class. * * @param class_ The class to which to add the method * @param selector The selector for the method to add * @param implementation The implementation of the method to add * @param typeEncoding The type encoding of the method to add * @return Whether the specified method was added */ extern bool class_addMethod(Class _Nonnull class_, SEL _Nonnull selector, IMP _Nonnull implementation, const char *_Nullable typeEncoding); /** * @brief Replaces or adds the specified method of the class. * * @param class_ The class to which to replace the method * @param selector The selector for the method to replace * @param implementation The implementation of the method to replace * @param typeEncoding The type encoding of the method to replace. Only used if * the method does not exist yet. * @return The old implementation of the method */ extern IMP _Nullable class_replaceMethod(Class _Nonnull class_, SEL _Nonnull selector, IMP _Nonnull implementation, const char *_Nullable typeEncoding); /** * @brief Returns the object's class. * * @param object The object whose class should be returned * @return The object's class */ extern Class _Nullable object_getClass(id _Nullable object); /** * @brief Sets the object's class. * * This can be used to swizzle an object's class. * * @param object The object whose class should be set * @param class_ The new class for the object * @return The old class of the object */ extern Class _Nullable object_setClass(id _Nullable object, Class _Nonnull class_); /** * @brief Returns the object's class name. * * @param object The object whose class name should be returned * @return The object's class name */ extern const char *_Nullable object_getClassName(id _Nullable object); /** * @brief Returns the name of the specified protocol. * * @param protocol The protocol whose name should be returned * @return The name of the specified protocol */ extern const char *_Nonnull protocol_getName(Protocol *_Nonnull protocol); /** * @brief Returns whether two protocols are equal. * * @param protocol1 The first protocol * @param protocol2 The second protocol * @return Whether the two protocols are equal */ extern bool protocol_isEqual(Protocol *_Nonnull protocol1, Protocol *_Nonnull protocol2); /** * @brief Returns whether the first protocol conforms to the second protocol. * * @param protocol1 The first protocol * @param protocol2 The second protocol * @return Whether the first protocol conforms to the second protocol */ extern bool protocol_conformsToProtocol(Protocol *_Nonnull protocol1, Protocol *_Nonnull protocol2); /** * @brief Copies the method list of the specified class. * * @param class_ The class whose method list should be copied * @param outCount An optional pointer to an `unsigned int` that should be set * to the number of methods returned * @return An array of methods, terminated by `NULL`. You need to call `free()` * on it when done. */ extern Method _Nullable *_Nullable class_copyMethodList(Class _Nullable class_, unsigned int *_Nullable outCount); /** * @brief Returns the name of the specified method. * * @param method The method whose name should be returned * @return The name of the specified method */ extern SEL _Nonnull method_getName(Method _Nonnull method); /** * @brief Returns the type encoding of the specified method. * * @param method The method whose type encoding should be returned * @return The type encoding of the specified method */ extern const char *_Nullable method_getTypeEncoding(Method _Nonnull method); /** * @brief Copies the instance variable list of the specified class. * * @param class_ The class whose instance variable list should be copied * @param outCount An optional pointer to an `unsigned int` that should be set * to the number of instance variables returned * @return An array of instance variables, terminated by `NULL`. You need to * call `free()` on it when done. */ extern Ivar _Nullable *_Nullable class_copyIvarList(Class _Nullable class_, unsigned int *_Nullable outCount); /** * @brief Returns the name of the specified instance variable. * * @param ivar The instance variable whose name should be returned * @return The name of the specified instance variable */ extern const char *_Nonnull ivar_getName(Ivar _Nonnull ivar); /** * @brief Returns the type encoding of the specified instance variable. * * @param ivar The instance variable whose type encoding should be returned * @return The type encoding of the specified instance variable */ extern const char *_Nonnull ivar_getTypeEncoding(Ivar _Nonnull ivar); /** * @brief Returns the offset of the specified instance variable. * * @param ivar The instance variable whose offset should be returned * @return The offset of the specified instance variable */ extern ptrdiff_t ivar_getOffset(Ivar _Nonnull ivar); /** * @brief Copies the property list of the specified class. * * @param class_ The class whose property list should be copied * @param outCount An optional pointer to an `unsigned int` that should be set * to the number of properties returned * @return An array of properties, terminated by `NULL`. You need to call * `free()` on it when done. */ extern objc_property_t _Nullable *_Nullable class_copyPropertyList( Class _Nullable class_, unsigned int *_Nullable outCount); /** * @brief Returns the name of the specified property. * * @param property The property whose name should be returned * @return The name of the specified property */ extern const char *_Nonnull property_getName(objc_property_t _Nonnull property); /** * @brief Copies the specified attribute value. * * @param property The property whose attribute value should be copied * @param name The name of the attribute value to copy * @return A copy of the attribute value. You need to call `free()` on it when * done. */ extern char *_Nullable property_copyAttributeValue( objc_property_t _Nonnull property, const char *_Nonnull name); /** * @brief Deinitializes the Objective-C runtime. * * This frees all data structures used by the runtime, after which Objective-C * can no longer be used inside the current process. This is only useful for * debugging and tests. */ extern void objc_deinit(void); /** * @brief Sets the handler for uncaught exceptions. * * @param handler The new handler for uncaught exceptions * @return The old handler for uncaught exceptions */ extern _Nullable objc_uncaught_exception_handler objc_setUncaughtExceptionHandler( objc_uncaught_exception_handler _Nullable handler); /** * @brief Sets the forwarding handler for unimplemented methods. * * @param forward The forwarding handler for regular methods * @param stretForward The forwarding handler for methods using the struct * return ABI */ extern void objc_setForwardHandler(IMP _Nullable forward, IMP _Nullable stretForward); /** * @brief Sets the handler for mutations during enumeration. * * @param handler The handler for mutations during enumeration */ extern void objc_setEnumerationMutationHandler( objc_enumeration_mutation_handler _Nullable handler); /** * @brief Constructs an instance of the specified class in the specified array * of bytes. * * @param class_ The class of which to construct an instance * @param bytes An array of bytes of at least the length of the instance size. * Must be properly aligned for the class. * @return The constructed instance */ extern id _Nullable objc_constructInstance(Class _Nullable class_, void *_Nullable bytes); /** * @brief Destructs the specified object. * * @param object The object to destruct * @return The array of bytes that was used to back the instance */ extern void *_Nullable objc_destructInstance(id _Nullable object); /** * @brief Creates a new autorelease pool and puts it on top of the stack of * autorelease pools. * * @return A new autorelease pool, which is now on the top of the stack of * autorelease pools */ extern void *_Null_unspecified objc_autoreleasePoolPush(void); /** * @brief Drains the specified autorelease pool and all pools on top of it and * removes it from the stack of autorelease pools. * * @param pool The pool which should be drained together with all pools on top * of it */ extern void objc_autoreleasePoolPop(void *_Null_unspecified pool); /** * @brief Adds the specified object to the topmost autorelease pool. * * This is only to be used to implement the `autorelease` method in a root * class. * * @param object The object to add to the topmost autorelease pool * @return The autoreleased object */ extern id _Nullable _objc_rootAutorelease(id _Nullable object); /** * @brief Sets the tagged pointer secret. * * @param secret A secret, random value that will be used to XOR all tagged * pointers with */ extern void objc_setTaggedPointerSecret(uintptr_t secret); /** * @brief Registers a class for tagged pointers. * * @param class_ The class to register for tagged pointers * @return The tagged pointer ID for the registered class */ extern int objc_registerTaggedPointerClass(Class _Nonnull class_); /** * @brief Returns whether the specified object is a tagged pointer. * * @param object The object to inspect * @return Whether the specified object is a tagged pointer */ extern bool object_isTaggedPointer(id _Nullable object); /** * @brief Returns the value of the specified tagged pointer. * * @param object The object whose tagged pointer value should be returned * @return The tagged pointer value of the object */ extern uintptr_t object_getTaggedPointerValue(id _Nonnull object); /** * @brief Creates a new tagged pointer. * * @param class_ The tag ID for the tagged pointer class to use * @param value The value the tagged pointer should have * @return A tagged pointer, or `nil` if it could not be created */ extern id _Nullable objc_createTaggedPointer(int class_, uintptr_t value); /** * @brief Sets an associated object on the specified object for the specified * key. * * @param object The object on which to set an associated object * @param key A unique pointer to use as the key for the association * @param value The object to associate with the specified object * @param policy The association policy, see @ref objc_associationPolicy */ extern void objc_setAssociatedObject(id _Nonnull object, const void *_Nonnull key, id _Nullable value, objc_associationPolicy policy); /** * @brief Returns the associated object on the specified object for the * specified key. * * @param object The object on which to get the associated object * @param key The key of the association * @return The associated object on the specified object for the specified key */ extern id _Nullable objc_getAssociatedObject(id _Nonnull object, const void *_Nonnull key); /** * @brief Removes all associated objects for the specified object. * * @param object The object on which to remove all associated objects */ extern void objc_removeAssociatedObjects(id _Nonnull object); /* * Used by the compiler, but can also be called manually. * * These declarations are also required to prevent Clang's implicit * declarations which include __declspec(dllimport) on Windows. */ struct _objc_module; extern void __objc_exec_class(struct _objc_module *_Nonnull module); extern IMP _Nonnull objc_msg_lookup(id _Nullable object, SEL _Nonnull selector); extern IMP _Nonnull objc_msg_lookup_stret(id _Nullable object, SEL _Nonnull selector); extern IMP _Nonnull objc_msg_lookup_super(struct objc_super *_Nonnull super, SEL _Nonnull selector); extern IMP _Nonnull objc_msg_lookup_super_stret( struct objc_super *_Nonnull super, SEL _Nonnull selector); extern Class _Nullable objc_lookUpClass(const char *_Nonnull name); extern Class _Nullable objc_getClass(const char *_Nonnull name); extern Class _Nonnull objc_getRequiredClass(const char *_Nonnull name); extern Class _Nullable objc_lookup_class(const char *_Nonnull name); extern Class _Nonnull objc_get_class(const char *_Nonnull name); extern void objc_exception_throw(id _Nullable object); extern int objc_sync_enter(id _Nullable object); extern int objc_sync_exit(id _Nullable object); extern id _Nullable objc_getProperty(id _Nonnull self, SEL _Nonnull _cmd, ptrdiff_t offset, bool atomic); extern void objc_setProperty(id _Nonnull self, SEL _Nonnull _cmd, ptrdiff_t offset, id _Nullable value, bool atomic, signed char copy); extern void objc_getPropertyStruct(void *_Nonnull dest, const void *_Nonnull src, ptrdiff_t size, bool atomic, bool strong); extern void objc_setPropertyStruct(void *_Nonnull dest, const void *_Nonnull src, ptrdiff_t size, bool atomic, bool strong); extern void objc_enumerationMutation(id _Nonnull object); #ifndef OBJC_NO_PERSONALITY_DECLARATION /* * No objfw-defs.h or config.h is available for the installed runtime headers, * so we don't know which exceptions we have. */ extern int __gnu_objc_personality_v0(int version, int actions, uint64_t exClass, void *_Nonnull ex, void *_Nonnull ctx); extern int __gnu_objc_personality_sj0(int version, int actions, uint64_t exClass, void *_Nonnull ex, void *_Nonnull ctx); #endif extern id _Nullable objc_retain(id _Nullable object); extern id _Nullable objc_retainBlock(id _Nullable block); extern id _Nullable objc_retainAutorelease(id _Nullable object); extern void objc_release(id _Nullable object); extern id _Nullable objc_autorelease(id _Nullable object); extern id _Nullable objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(id _Nullable object); extern id _Nullable objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue(id _Nullable object); extern id _Nullable objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(id _Nullable object); extern id _Nullable objc_storeStrong(id _Nullable *_Nonnull object, id _Nullable value); extern id _Nullable objc_storeWeak(id _Nullable *_Nonnull object, id _Nullable value); extern id _Nullable objc_loadWeakRetained(id _Nullable *_Nonnull object); extern _Nullable id objc_initWeak(id _Nullable *_Nonnull object, id _Nullable value); extern void objc_destroyWeak(id _Nullable *_Nonnull object); extern id _Nullable objc_loadWeak(id _Nullable *_Nonnull object); extern void objc_copyWeak(id _Nullable *_Nonnull dest, id _Nullable *_Nonnull src); extern void objc_moveWeak(id _Nullable *_Nonnull dest, id _Nullable *_Nonnull src); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif