/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import "OFNumber.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" #define RETURN_AS(t) \ switch (type) { \ case OF_NUMBER_CHAR: \ return (t)value.char_; \ case OF_NUMBER_SHORT: \ return (t)value.short_; \ case OF_NUMBER_INT: \ return (t)value.int_; \ case OF_NUMBER_LONG: \ return (t)value.long_; \ case OF_NUMBER_UCHAR: \ return (t)value.uchar; \ case OF_NUMBER_USHORT: \ return (t)value.ushort; \ case OF_NUMBER_UINT: \ return (t)value.uint; \ case OF_NUMBER_ULONG: \ return (t)value.ulong; \ case OF_NUMBER_INT8: \ return (t)value.int8; \ case OF_NUMBER_INT16: \ return (t)value.int16; \ case OF_NUMBER_INT32: \ return (t)value.int32; \ case OF_NUMBER_INT64: \ return (t)value.int64; \ case OF_NUMBER_UINT8: \ return (t)value.uint8; \ case OF_NUMBER_UINT16: \ return (t)value.uint16; \ case OF_NUMBER_UINT32: \ return (t)value.uint32; \ case OF_NUMBER_UINT64: \ return (t)value.uint64; \ case OF_NUMBER_SIZE: \ return (t)value.size; \ case OF_NUMBER_SSIZE: \ return (t)value.ssize; \ case OF_NUMBER_INTMAX: \ return (t)value.intmax; \ case OF_NUMBER_UINTMAX: \ return (t)value.uintmax; \ case OF_NUMBER_PTRDIFF: \ return (t)value.ptrdiff; \ case OF_NUMBER_INTPTR: \ return (t)value.intptr; \ case OF_NUMBER_FLOAT: \ return (t)value.float_; \ case OF_NUMBER_DOUBLE: \ return (t)value.double_; \ case OF_NUMBER_LONG_DOUBLE: \ return (t)value.longdouble; \ default: \ @throw [OFInvalidFormatException newWithClass: [self class]]; \ \ /* Make gcc happy */ \ return 0; \ } @implementation OFNumber + numberWithChar: (char)char_ { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithChar: char_] autorelease]; } + numberWithShort: (short)short_ { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithShort: short_] autorelease]; } + numberWithInt: (int)int_ { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithInt: int_] autorelease]; } + numberWithLong: (long)long_ { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithLong: long_] autorelease]; } + numberWithUChar: (unsigned char)uchar { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithUChar: uchar] autorelease]; } + numberWithUShort: (unsigned short)ushort { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithUShort: ushort] autorelease]; } + numberWithUInt: (unsigned int)uint { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithUInt: uint] autorelease]; } + numberWithULong: (unsigned long)ulong { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithULong: ulong] autorelease]; } + numberWithInt8: (int8_t)int8 { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithInt8: int8] autorelease]; } + numberWithInt16: (int16_t)int16 { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithInt16: int16] autorelease]; } + numberWithInt32: (int32_t)int32 { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithInt32: int32] autorelease]; } + numberWithInt64: (int64_t)int64 { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithInt64: int64] autorelease]; } + numberWithUInt8: (uint8_t)uint8 { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithUInt8: uint8] autorelease]; } + numberWithUInt16: (uint16_t)uint16 { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithUInt16: uint16] autorelease]; } + numberWithUInt32: (uint32_t)uint32 { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithUInt32: uint32] autorelease]; } + numberWithUInt64: (uint64_t)uint64 { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithUInt64: uint64] autorelease]; } + numberWithSize: (size_t)size { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithSize: size] autorelease]; } + numberWithSSize: (ssize_t)ssize { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithSSize: ssize] autorelease]; } + numberWithIntMax: (intmax_t)intmax { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithIntMax: intmax] autorelease]; } + numberWithUIntMax: (uintmax_t)uintmax { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithIntMax: uintmax] autorelease]; } + numberWithPtrDiff: (ptrdiff_t)ptrdiff { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithPtrDiff: ptrdiff] autorelease]; } + numberWithIntPtr: (intptr_t)intptr { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithIntPtr: intptr] autorelease]; } + numberWithFloat: (float)float_ { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithFloat: float_] autorelease]; } + numberWithDouble: (double)double_ { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithDouble: double_] autorelease]; } + numberWithLongDouble: (long double)longdouble { return [[[OFNumber alloc] initWithLongDouble: longdouble] autorelease]; } - initWithChar: (char)char_ { if ((self = [super init])) { value.char_ = char_; type = OF_NUMBER_CHAR; } return self; } - initWithShort: (short)short_ { if ((self = [super init])) { value.short_ = short_; type = OF_NUMBER_SHORT; } return self; } - initWithInt: (int)int_ { if ((self = [super init])) { value.int_ = int_; type = OF_NUMBER_INT; } return self; } - initWithLong: (long)long_ { if ((self = [super init])) { value.long_ = long_; type = OF_NUMBER_LONG; } return self; } - initWithUChar: (unsigned char)uchar { if ((self = [super init])) { value.uchar = uchar; type = OF_NUMBER_UCHAR; } return self; } - initWithUShort: (unsigned short)ushort { if ((self = [super init])) { value.ushort = ushort; type = OF_NUMBER_USHORT; } return self; } - initWithUInt: (unsigned int)uint { if ((self = [super init])) { value.uint = uint; type = OF_NUMBER_UINT; } return self; } - initWithULong: (unsigned long)ulong { if ((self = [super init])) { value.ulong = ulong; type = OF_NUMBER_ULONG; } return self; } - initWithInt8: (int8_t)int8 { if ((self = [super init])) { value.int8 = int8; type = OF_NUMBER_INT8; } return self; } - initWithInt16: (int16_t)int16 { if ((self = [super init])) { value.int16 = int16; type = OF_NUMBER_INT16; } return self; } - initWithInt32: (int32_t)int32 { if ((self = [super init])) { value.int32 = int32; type = OF_NUMBER_INT32; } return self; } - initWithInt64: (int64_t)int64 { if ((self = [super init])) { value.int64 = int64; type = OF_NUMBER_INT64; } return self; } - initWithUInt8: (uint8_t)uint8 { if ((self = [super init])) { value.uint8 = uint8; type = OF_NUMBER_UINT8; } return self; } - initWithUInt16: (uint16_t)uint16 { if ((self = [super init])) { value.uint16 = uint16; type = OF_NUMBER_UINT16; } return self; } - initWithUInt32: (uint32_t)uint32 { if ((self = [super init])) { value.uint32 = uint32; type = OF_NUMBER_UINT32; } return self; } - initWithUInt64: (uint64_t)uint64 { if ((self = [super init])) { value.uint64 = uint64; type = OF_NUMBER_UINT64; } return self; } - initWithSize: (size_t)size { if ((self = [super init])) { value.size = size; type = OF_NUMBER_SIZE; } return self; } - initWithSSize: (ssize_t)ssize { if ((self = [super init])) { value.ssize = ssize; type = OF_NUMBER_SSIZE; } return self; } - initWithIntMax: (intmax_t)intmax { if ((self = [super init])) { value.intmax = intmax; type = OF_NUMBER_INTMAX; } return self; } - initWithUIntMax: (uintmax_t)uintmax { if ((self = [super init])) { value.uintmax = uintmax; type = OF_NUMBER_UINTMAX; } return self; } - initWithPtrDiff: (ptrdiff_t)ptrdiff { if ((self = [super init])) { value.ptrdiff = ptrdiff; type = OF_NUMBER_PTRDIFF; } return self; } - initWithIntPtr: (intptr_t)intptr { if ((self = [super init])) { value.intptr = intptr; type = OF_NUMBER_INTPTR; } return self; } - initWithFloat: (float)float_ { if ((self = [super init])) { value.float_ = float_; type = OF_NUMBER_FLOAT; } return self; } - initWithDouble: (double)double_ { if ((self = [super init])) { value.double_ = double_; type = OF_NUMBER_DOUBLE; } return self; } - initWithLongDouble: (long double)longdouble { if ((self = [super init])) { value.longdouble = longdouble; type = OF_NUMBER_LONG_DOUBLE; } return self; } - (enum of_number_type)type { return type; } - (char)asChar { RETURN_AS(char) } - (short)asShort { RETURN_AS(short) } - (int)asInt { RETURN_AS(int) } - (long)asLong { RETURN_AS(long) } - (unsigned char)asUChar { RETURN_AS(unsigned char) } - (unsigned short)asUShort { RETURN_AS(unsigned short) } - (unsigned int)asUInt { RETURN_AS(unsigned int) } - (unsigned long)asULong { RETURN_AS(unsigned long) } - (int8_t)asInt8 { RETURN_AS(int8_t) } - (int16_t)asInt16 { RETURN_AS(int16_t) } - (int32_t)asInt32 { RETURN_AS(int32_t) } - (int64_t)asInt64 { RETURN_AS(int64_t) } - (uint8_t)asUInt8 { RETURN_AS(uint8_t) } - (uint16_t)asUInt16 { RETURN_AS(uint16_t) } - (uint32_t)asUInt32 { RETURN_AS(uint32_t) } - (uint64_t)asUInt64 { RETURN_AS(uint64_t) } - (size_t)asSize { RETURN_AS(size_t) } - (ssize_t)asSSize { RETURN_AS(ssize_t) } - (intmax_t)asIntMax { RETURN_AS(intmax_t) } - (uintmax_t)asUIntMax { RETURN_AS(uintmax_t) } - (ptrdiff_t)asPtrDiff { RETURN_AS(ptrdiff_t) } - (intptr_t)asIntPtr { RETURN_AS(intptr_t) } - (float)asFloat { RETURN_AS(float) } - (double)asDouble { RETURN_AS(double) } - (long double)asLongDouble { RETURN_AS(long double) } - (BOOL)isEqual: (id)obj { if (![obj isKindOf: [OFNumber class]]) return NO; switch (type) { case OF_NUMBER_CHAR: case OF_NUMBER_SHORT: case OF_NUMBER_INT: case OF_NUMBER_LONG: case OF_NUMBER_INT8: case OF_NUMBER_INT16: case OF_NUMBER_INT32: case OF_NUMBER_INT64: case OF_NUMBER_INTMAX: case OF_NUMBER_PTRDIFF: return ([obj asIntMax] == [self asIntMax] ? YES : NO); case OF_NUMBER_SSIZE: case OF_NUMBER_UCHAR: case OF_NUMBER_USHORT: case OF_NUMBER_UINT: case OF_NUMBER_ULONG: case OF_NUMBER_UINT8: case OF_NUMBER_UINT16: case OF_NUMBER_UINT32: case OF_NUMBER_UINT64: case OF_NUMBER_SIZE: case OF_NUMBER_UINTMAX: case OF_NUMBER_INTPTR: return ([obj asUIntMax] == [self asUIntMax] ? YES : NO); case OF_NUMBER_FLOAT: case OF_NUMBER_DOUBLE: case OF_NUMBER_LONG_DOUBLE: return ([obj asLongDouble] == [self asLongDouble] ? YES : NO); default: @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException newWithClass: [self class] andSelector: _cmd]; } } @end