/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import "OFObject.h" #import "OFString.h" @class OFDictionary; @class OFMutableArray; extern int _OFXMLElement_reference; /** * \brief A representation of an attribute of an XML element as an object. */ @interface OFXMLAttribute: OFObject { OFString *prefix; OFString *name; OFString *namespace; OFString *stringValue; } #ifdef OF_HAVE_PROPERTIES @property (readonly, retain) OFString *prefix; @property (readonly, retain) OFString *name; @property (readonly, retain) OFString *namespace; @property (readonly, retain) OFString *stringValue; #endif /** * \param name The name of the attribute * \param prefix The prefix of the attribute * \param ns The namespace of the attribute * \param value The string value of the attribute * \return A new autoreleased OFXMLAttribute with the specified parameters */ + attributeWithName: (OFString*)name prefix: (OFString*)prefix namespace: (OFString*)ns stringValue: (OFString*)value; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFXMLAttribute. * * \param name The name of the attribute * \param prefix The prefix of the attribute * \param ns The namespace of the attribute * \param value The string value of the attribute * \return An initialized OFXMLAttribute with the specified parameters */ - initWithName: (OFString*)name prefix: (OFString*)prefix namespace: (OFString*)ns stringValue: (OFString*)value; /** * \return The name of the attribute as an autoreleased OFString */ - (OFString*)name; /** * \return The prefix of the attribute as an autoreleased OFString */ - (OFString*)prefix; /** * \return The namespace of the attribute as an autoreleased OFString */ - (OFString*)namespace; /** * \return The string value of the attribute as an autoreleased OFString */ - (OFString*)stringValue; @end /** * \brief A representation of an XML element as an object. * * The OFXMLElement represents an XML element as an object which can be * modified and converted back to XML again. */ @interface OFXMLElement: OFObject { OFString *name; OFMutableArray *attributes; OFString *stringValue; OFMutableArray *children; } /** * \param name The name for the element * \return A new autorelease OFXMLElement with the specified element name */ + elementWithName: (OFString*)name; /** * \param name The name for the element * \param stringval The value for the element * \return A new autorelease OFXMLElement with the specified element name and * value */ + elementWithName: (OFString*)name stringValue: (OFString*)stringval; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFXMLElement with the specified name. * * \param name The name for the element * \return An initialized OFXMLElement with the specified element name */ - initWithName: (OFString*)name; /** * Initializes an already allocated OFXMLElement with the specified name and * value. * * \param name The name for the element * \param stringval The value for the element * \return An initialized OFXMLElement with the specified element name and * value */ - initWithName: (OFString*)name stringValue: (OFString*)stringval; /** * \return A new autoreleased OFString representing the OFXMLElement as an * XML string */ - (OFString*)string; /** * Adds the specified attribute. * * \param attr The attribute to add */ - (void)addAttribute: (OFXMLAttribute*)attr; /** * Adds the specified attribute with the specified value. * * \param name The name of the attribute * \param value The value of the attribute */ - (void)addAttributeWithName: (OFString*)name stringValue: (OFString*)value; /** * Adds a child to the OFXMLElement. * * \param child Another OFXMLElement which is added as a child */ - (void)addChild: (OFXMLElement*)child; @end /** * \brief A category to escape strings for use in an XML document. */ @interface OFString (OFXMLEscaping) /** * Escapes a string for use in an XML document. * * \return A new autoreleased string */ - (OFString*)stringByXMLEscaping; @end