/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, * 2018 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #include #import "OFTCPSocket+SOCKS5.h" #import "OFData.h" #import "OFConnectionFailedException.h" #import "OFOutOfRangeException.h" #import "OFReadFailedException.h" #import "OFWriteFailedException.h" #import "socket_helpers.h" /* Reference for static linking */ int _OFTCPSocket_SOCKS5_reference; static void sendOrThrow(OFTCPSocket *self, of_socket_t sock, char *buffer, int length) { #ifndef OF_WINDOWS ssize_t bytesWritten; #else int bytesWritten; #endif if ((bytesWritten = send(sock, (const void *)buffer, length, 0)) < 0) @throw [OFWriteFailedException exceptionWithObject: self requestedLength: length bytesWritten: 0 errNo: of_socket_errno()]; if ((int)bytesWritten != length) @throw [OFWriteFailedException exceptionWithObject: self requestedLength: length bytesWritten: bytesWritten errNo: 0]; } static void recvExact(OFTCPSocket *self, of_socket_t sock, char *buffer, int length) { while (length > 0) { ssize_t ret = recv(sock, (void *)buffer, length, 0); if (ret < 0) @throw [OFReadFailedException exceptionWithObject: self requestedLength: length errNo: of_socket_errno()]; buffer += ret; length -= ret; } } @implementation OFTCPSocket (SOCKS5) - (void)OF_SOCKS5ConnectToHost: (OFString *)host port: (uint16_t)port { char request[] = { 5, 1, 0, 3 }; char reply[256]; void *pool; OFMutableData *connectRequest; if ([host UTF8StringLength] > 255) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception]; /* 5 1 0 -> no authentication */ sendOrThrow(self, _socket, request, 3); recvExact(self, _socket, reply, 2); if (reply[0] != 5 || reply[1] != 0) { [self close]; @throw [OFConnectionFailedException exceptionWithHost: host port: port socket: self errNo: EPROTONOSUPPORT]; } /* CONNECT request */ pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); connectRequest = [OFMutableData data]; [connectRequest addItems: request count: 4]; request[0] = [host UTF8StringLength]; [connectRequest addItem: request]; [connectRequest addItems: [host UTF8String] count: request[0]]; request[0] = port >> 8; request[1] = port & 0xFF; [connectRequest addItems: request count: 2]; if ([connectRequest count] > INT_MAX) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception]; sendOrThrow(self, _socket, [connectRequest items], (int)[connectRequest count]); objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); recvExact(self, _socket, reply, 4); if (reply[0] != 5 || reply[2] != 0) { [self close]; @throw [OFConnectionFailedException exceptionWithHost: host port: port socket: self errNo: EPROTONOSUPPORT]; } if (reply[1] != 0) { int errNo; [self close]; switch (reply[1]) { case 0x02: errNo = EACCES; break; case 0x03: errNo = ENETUNREACH; break; case 0x04: errNo = EHOSTUNREACH; break; case 0x05: errNo = ECONNREFUSED; break; case 0x06: errNo = ETIMEDOUT; break; case 0x07: errNo = EPROTONOSUPPORT; break; case 0x08: errNo = EAFNOSUPPORT; break; default: errNo = 0; break; } @throw [OFConnectionFailedException exceptionWithHost: host port: port socket: self errNo: errNo]; } /* Skip the rest of the reply */ switch (reply[3]) { case 1: /* IPv4 */ recvExact(self, _socket, reply, 4); break; case 3: /* Domain name */ recvExact(self, _socket, reply, 1); recvExact(self, _socket, reply, reply[0]); break; case 4: /* IPv6 */ recvExact(self, _socket, reply, 16); break; default: [self close]; @throw [OFConnectionFailedException exceptionWithHost: host port: port socket: self errNo: EPROTONOSUPPORT]; } recvExact(self, _socket, reply, 2); } @end