/* * Copyright (c) 2008 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import "config.h" #define _ISOC99_SOURCE #import #import #import #import "OFXMLFactory.h" inline void check_result(char *result, const char *should) { /* Use wprintf here so we don't mix printf and wprintf! */ if (!strcmp(result, should)) wprintf(L"%s is expected result\n", result); else { wprintf(L"%s is NOT expected result!\n", result); exit(1); } free(result); } inline void check_result_wide(wchar_t *result, const wchar_t *should) { if (!wcscmp(result, should)) wprintf(L"%ls is expected result\n", result); else { wprintf(L"%ls is NOT expected result!\n", result); exit(1); } free(result); } inline void test_concat() { const char *c1 = "", *c2 = "bar", *c3 = ""; char *s1, *s2, *s3; char *strs[4]; if ((s1 = malloc(strlen(c1) + 1)) == NULL || (s2 = malloc(strlen(c2) + 1)) == NULL || (s3 = malloc(strlen(c3) + 1)) == NULL) exit(1); strncpy(s1, c1, strlen(c1) + 1); strncpy(s2, c2, strlen(c2) + 1); strncpy(s3, c3, strlen(c3) + 1); strs[0] = s1; strs[1] = s2; strs[2] = s3; strs[3] = NULL; check_result([OFXMLFactory concatAndFreeCStrings: strs], "bar"); } inline void test_concat_wide() { const wchar_t *c1 = L"", *c2 = L"bar", *c3 = L""; wchar_t *s1, *s2, *s3; wchar_t *strs[4]; if ((s1 = malloc((wcslen(c1) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t))) == NULL || (s2 = malloc((wcslen(c2) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t))) == NULL || (s3 = malloc((wcslen(c3) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t))) == NULL) exit(1); wcsncpy(s1, c1, wcslen(c1) + 1); wcsncpy(s2, c2, wcslen(c2) + 1); wcsncpy(s3, c3, wcslen(c3) + 1); strs[0] = s1; strs[1] = s2; strs[2] = s3; strs[3] = NULL; check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory concatAndFreeWideCStrings: strs], L"bar"); } inline void test_create_stanza() { check_result([OFXMLFactory createStanza: "foo" withCloseTag: NO andData: NULL, NULL], ""); check_result([OFXMLFactory createStanza: "foo" withCloseTag: NO andData: NULL, "bar", "baz", "blub", "asd", NULL], ""); check_result([OFXMLFactory createStanza: "foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: NULL, NULL], ""); check_result([OFXMLFactory createStanza: "foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: "bar", NULL], "bar"); check_result([OFXMLFactory createStanza: "foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: NULL, "bar", "b&az", NULL], ""); check_result([OFXMLFactory createStanza: "foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: "bar", "bar", "b'az", NULL], "bar"); check_result([OFXMLFactory createStanza: "foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: NULL, "bar", "b&az", "x", "asd\"", NULL], ""); check_result([OFXMLFactory createStanza: "foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: "bar", "bar", "b'az", "x", "y", "a", "b", NULL], "bar"); } inline void test_create_stanza_wide() { check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory createWideStanza: L"foo" withCloseTag: NO andData: NULL, NULL], L""); check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory createWideStanza: L"foo" withCloseTag: NO andData: NULL, L"bar", L"baz", L"blub", L"asd", NULL], L""); check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory createWideStanza: L"foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: NULL, NULL], L""); check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory createWideStanza: L"foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: L"bar", NULL], L"bar"); check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory createWideStanza: L"foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: NULL, L"bar", L"b&az", NULL], L""); check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory createWideStanza: L"foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: L"bar", L"bar", L"b'az", NULL], L"bar"); check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory createWideStanza: L"foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: NULL, L"bar", L"b&az", L"x", L"asd\"", NULL], L""); check_result_wide([OFXMLFactory createWideStanza: L"foo" withCloseTag: YES andData: L"bar", L"bar", L"b'az", L"x", L"y", L"a", L"b", NULL], L"bar"); } inline void test_escape() { check_result([OFXMLFactory escapeCString: " &welt'\"!&"], "<hallo> &welt'"!&"); } inline void test_escape_wide() { check_result_wide( [OFXMLFactory escapeWideCString: L" &welt'\"!&"], L"<hallo> &welt'"!&"); } int main() { test_escape(); test_create_stanza(); test_concat(); wprintf(L"== Now testing with wide C strings ==\n"); test_escape_wide(); test_create_stanza_wide(); test_concat_wide(); return 0; }