/* * Copyright (c) 2008 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import #import "OFWideString.h" /* TODO: Do real checks */ int main() { OFWideString *s1 = [OFWideString new: L"test"]; OFWideString *s2 = [[OFWideString alloc] init: L""]; OFWideString *s3; OFWideString *s4 = [OFWideString new]; [s2 append: [OFConstWideString new: L"123"]]; s3 = [s1 clone]; [s4 setTo: (OFConstWideString*)s2]; if (![s1 compare: (OFConstWideString*)s3]) puts("s1 and s3 match! GOOD!"); else { puts("s1 and s3 don't match!"); return 1; } if (![s2 compare: (OFConstWideString*)s4]) puts("s2 and s4 match! GOOD!"); else { puts("s1 and s3 don't match!"); return 1; } if (!wcscmp([[s1 append: (OFConstWideString*)s2] wcString], L"test123")) puts("s1 appended with s2 is the expected string! GOOD!"); else { puts("s1 appended with s2 is not the expected string!"); return 1; } if (wcslen([s1 wcString]) == [s1 length] && [s1 length] == 7) puts("s1 has the expected length. GOOD!"); else { puts("s1 does not have the expected length!"); return 1; } [s1 free]; [s2 free]; [s3 free]; [s4 free]; return 0; }