/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #include "config.h" #import "OFArray.h" #import "OFAutoreleasePool.h" #import "OFString.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" #import "main.h" static OFString *module = @"OFArray"; static OFString *c_ary[] = { @"Foo", @"Bar", @"Baz", nil }; void array_tests() { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; OFArray *a[3]; TEST(@"+[array]", (a[0] = [OFMutableArray array])) TEST(@"+[arrayWithObjects:]", (a[1] = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: @"Foo", @"Bar", @"Baz", nil])) TEST(@"+[arrayWithCArray:]", (a[2] = [OFArray arrayWithCArray: c_ary])) TEST(@"-[addObject:]", [a[0] addObject: c_ary[0]] && [a[0] addObject: c_ary[1]] && [a[0] addObject: c_ary[2]]) TEST(@"-[count]", [a[0] count] == 3 && [a[1] count] == 3 && [a[2] count] == 3) TEST(@"-[isEqual:]", [a[0] isEqual: a[1]] && [a[1] isEqual: a[2]]) TEST(@"-[objectAtIndex:]", [[a[0] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]] && [[a[0] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[1]] && [[a[0] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]] && [[a[1] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]] && [[a[1] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[1]] && [[a[1] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]] && [[a[2] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]] && [[a[2] objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: c_ary[1]] && [[a[2] objectAtIndex: 2] isEqual: c_ary[2]]) TEST(@"-[removeNObjects:]", [a[0] removeNObjects: 2] && [a[0] count] == 1 && [[a[0] objectAtIndex: 0] isEqual: c_ary[0]]) EXPECT_EXCEPTION(@"Detect out of range in -[objectAtIndex:]", OFOutOfRangeException, [a[0] objectAtIndex: 1]) [pool release]; }