/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, * 2018, 2019 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #include #import "OFString.h" #import "OFArray.h" #import "OFApplication.h" #import "OFURL.h" #import "OFHTTPRequest.h" #import "OFHTTPResponse.h" #import "OFHTTPClient.h" #import "OFFile.h" #import "OFStdIOStream.h" #import "OFOutOfRangeException.h" #import "TableGenerator.h" #import "copyright.h" #define UNICODE_DATA_URL \ @"http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt" #define CASE_FOLDING_URL \ @"http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/CaseFolding.txt" OF_APPLICATION_DELEGATE(TableGenerator) @implementation TableGenerator - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; @try { _HTTPClient = [[OFHTTPClient alloc] init]; [_HTTPClient setDelegate: self]; _uppercaseTableSize = SIZE_MAX; _lowercaseTableSize = SIZE_MAX; _titlecaseTableSize = SIZE_MAX; _casefoldingTableSize = SIZE_MAX; _decompositionTableSize = SIZE_MAX; _decompositionCompatTableSize = SIZE_MAX; } @catch (id e) { @throw e; [self release]; } return self; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching { OFHTTPRequest *request; [of_stdout writeString: @"Downloading UnicodeData.txt…"]; _state = STATE_UNICODE_DATA; request = [OFHTTPRequest requestWithURL: [OFURL URLWithString: UNICODE_DATA_URL]]; [_HTTPClient asyncPerformRequest: request]; } - (void)client: (OFHTTPClient *)client didPerformRequest: (OFHTTPRequest *)request response: (OFHTTPResponse *)response { [of_stdout writeLine: @" done"]; switch (_state) { case STATE_UNICODE_DATA: [self parseUnicodeData: response]; break; case STATE_CASE_FOLDING: [self parseCaseFolding: response]; break; } } - (void)client: (OFHTTPClient *)client didFailWithException: (id)exception request: (OFHTTPRequest *)request { @throw exception; } - (void)parseUnicodeData: (OFHTTPResponse *)response { OFString *line; OFHTTPRequest *request; [of_stdout writeString: @"Parsing UnicodeData.txt…"]; while ((line = [response readLine]) != nil) { void *pool2; OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFString *) *components; of_unichar_t codePoint; if ([line length] == 0) continue; pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); components = [line componentsSeparatedByString: @";"]; if ([components count] != 15) { of_log(@"Invalid line: %@\n", line); [OFApplication terminateWithStatus: 1]; } codePoint = (of_unichar_t) [[components objectAtIndex: 0] hexadecimalValue]; if (codePoint > 0x10FFFF) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception]; _uppercaseTable[codePoint] = (of_unichar_t) [[components objectAtIndex: 12] hexadecimalValue]; _lowercaseTable[codePoint] = (of_unichar_t) [[components objectAtIndex: 13] hexadecimalValue]; _titlecaseTable[codePoint] = (of_unichar_t) [[components objectAtIndex: 14] hexadecimalValue]; if ([[components objectAtIndex: 5] length] > 0) { OFArray *decomposed = [[components objectAtIndex: 5] componentsSeparatedByString: @" "]; bool compat = false; OFMutableString *string; if ([[decomposed firstObject] hasPrefix: @"<"]) { decomposed = [decomposed objectsInRange: of_range(1, [decomposed count] - 1)]; compat = true; } string = [OFMutableString string]; for (OFString *character in decomposed) { of_unichar_t unichar = (of_unichar_t)[character hexadecimalValue]; [string appendCharacters: &unichar length: 1]; } [string makeImmutable]; if (!compat) _decompositionTable[codePoint] = [string copy]; _decompositionCompatTable[codePoint] = [string copy]; } objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } [self applyDecompositionRecursivelyForTable: _decompositionTable]; [self applyDecompositionRecursivelyForTable: _decompositionCompatTable]; [of_stdout writeLine: @" done"]; [of_stdout writeString: @"Downloading CaseFolding.txt…"]; _state = STATE_CASE_FOLDING; request = [OFHTTPRequest requestWithURL: [OFURL URLWithString: CASE_FOLDING_URL]]; [_HTTPClient asyncPerformRequest: request]; } - (void)parseCaseFolding: (OFHTTPResponse *)response { OFString *line; [of_stdout writeString: @"Parsing CaseFolding.txt…"]; while ((line = [response readLine]) != nil) { void *pool2; OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFString *) *components; of_unichar_t codePoint; if ([line length] == 0 || [line hasPrefix: @"#"]) continue; pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); components = [line componentsSeparatedByString: @"; "]; if ([components count] != 4) { of_log(@"Invalid line: %s\n", line); [OFApplication terminateWithStatus: 1]; } if (![[components objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: @"S"] && ![[components objectAtIndex: 1] isEqual: @"C"]) continue; codePoint = (of_unichar_t) [[components objectAtIndex: 0] hexadecimalValue]; if (codePoint > 0x10FFFF) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception]; _casefoldingTable[codePoint] = (of_unichar_t) [[components objectAtIndex: 2] hexadecimalValue]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } [of_stdout writeLine: @" done"]; [self writeFiles]; } - (void)applyDecompositionRecursivelyForTable: (OFString *[0x110000])table { bool done; do { done = true; for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < 0x110000; i++) { void *pool; const of_unichar_t *characters; size_t length; OFMutableString *replacement; bool changed = false; if (table[i] == nil) continue; pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); characters = [table[i] characters]; length = [table[i] length]; replacement = [OFMutableString string]; for (size_t j = 0; j < length; j++) { if (characters[j] > 0x10FFFF) @throw [OFOutOfRangeException exception]; if (table[characters[j]] == nil) [replacement appendCharacters: &characters[j] length: 1]; else { [replacement appendString: table[characters[j]]]; changed = true; } } [replacement makeImmutable]; if (changed) { [table[i] release]; table[i] = [replacement copy]; done = false; } } } while (!done); } - (void)writeFiles { OFURL *URL; [of_stdout writeString: @"Writing files…"]; URL = [OFURL fileURLWithPath: @"../src/unicode.m"]; [self writeTablesToFile: [URL fileSystemRepresentation]]; URL = [OFURL fileURLWithPath: @"../src/unicode.h"]; [self writeHeaderToFile: [URL fileSystemRepresentation]]; [of_stdout writeLine: @" done"]; [OFApplication terminate]; } - (void)writeTablesToFile: (OFString *)path { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); OFFile *file = [OFFile fileWithPath: path mode: @"w"]; [file writeString: COPYRIGHT @"#include \"config.h\"\n" @"\n" @"#import \"OFString.h\"\n\n" @"static const of_unichar_t emptyPage[0x100] = { 0 };\n" @"static const char *emptyDecompositionPage[0x100] = { NULL };\n" @"\n"]; /* Write uppercasePage%u */ for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < 0x110000; i += 0x100) { bool isEmpty = true; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j++) { if (_uppercaseTable[j] != 0) { isEmpty = false; _uppercaseTableSize = i >> 8; _uppercaseTableUsed[_uppercaseTableSize] = 1; break; } } if (!isEmpty) { void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"static const of_unichar_t " @"uppercasePage%u[0x100] = {\n", i >> 8]]; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j += 8) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"\t%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u,\n", _uppercaseTable[j], _uppercaseTable[j + 1], _uppercaseTable[j + 2], _uppercaseTable[j + 3], _uppercaseTable[j + 4], _uppercaseTable[j + 5], _uppercaseTable[j + 6], _uppercaseTable[j + 7]]]; [file writeString: @"};\n\n"]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } } /* Write lowercasePage%u */ for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < 0x110000; i += 0x100) { bool isEmpty = true; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j++) { if (_lowercaseTable[j] != 0) { isEmpty = false; _lowercaseTableSize = i >> 8; _lowercaseTableUsed[_lowercaseTableSize] = 1; break; } } if (!isEmpty) { void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"static const of_unichar_t " @"lowercasePage%u[0x100] = {\n", i >> 8]]; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j += 8) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"\t%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u,\n", _lowercaseTable[j], _lowercaseTable[j + 1], _lowercaseTable[j + 2], _lowercaseTable[j + 3], _lowercaseTable[j + 4], _lowercaseTable[j + 5], _lowercaseTable[j + 6], _lowercaseTable[j + 7]]]; [file writeString: @"};\n\n"]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } } /* Write titlecasePage%u if it does NOT match uppercasePage%u */ for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < 0x110000; i += 0x100) { bool isEmpty = true; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j++) { if (_titlecaseTable[j] != 0) { isEmpty = !memcmp(_uppercaseTable + i, _titlecaseTable + i, 256 * sizeof(of_unichar_t)); _titlecaseTableSize = i >> 8; _titlecaseTableUsed[_titlecaseTableSize] = (isEmpty ? 2 : 1); break; } } if (!isEmpty) { void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"static const of_unichar_t " @"titlecasePage%u[0x100] = {\n", i >> 8]]; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j += 8) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"\t%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u,\n", _titlecaseTable[j], _titlecaseTable[j + 1], _titlecaseTable[j + 2], _titlecaseTable[j + 3], _titlecaseTable[j + 4], _titlecaseTable[j + 5], _titlecaseTable[j + 6], _titlecaseTable[j + 7]]]; [file writeString: @"};\n\n"]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } } /* Write casefoldingPage%u if it does NOT match lowercasePage%u */ for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < 0x110000; i += 0x100) { bool isEmpty = true; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j++) { if (_casefoldingTable[j] != 0) { isEmpty = !memcmp(_lowercaseTable + i, _casefoldingTable + i, 256 * sizeof(of_unichar_t)); _casefoldingTableSize = i >> 8; _casefoldingTableUsed[_casefoldingTableSize] = (isEmpty ? 2 : 1); break; } } if (!isEmpty) { void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"static const of_unichar_t " @"casefoldingPage%u[0x100] = {\n", i >> 8]]; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j += 8) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"\t%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u,\n", _casefoldingTable[j], _casefoldingTable[j + 1], _casefoldingTable[j + 2], _casefoldingTable[j + 3], _casefoldingTable[j + 4], _casefoldingTable[j + 5], _casefoldingTable[j + 6], _casefoldingTable[j + 7]]]; [file writeString: @"};\n\n"]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } } /* Write decompositionPage%u */ for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < 0x110000; i += 0x100) { bool isEmpty = true; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j++) { if (_decompositionTable[j] != nil) { isEmpty = false; _decompositionTableSize = i >> 8; _decompositionTableUsed[ _decompositionTableSize] = 1; break; } } if (!isEmpty) { void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"static const char *const " @"decompositionPage%u[0x100] = {\n", i >> 8]]; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j++) { if ((j - i) % 2 == 0) [file writeString: @"\t"]; else [file writeString: @" "]; if (_decompositionTable[j] != nil) { const char *UTF8String = [_decompositionTable[j] UTF8String]; size_t length = [_decompositionTable[j] UTF8StringLength]; [file writeString: @"\""]; for (size_t k = 0; k < length; k++) [file writeFormat: @"\\x%02X", (uint8_t)UTF8String[k]]; [file writeString: @"\","]; } else [file writeString: @"NULL,"]; if ((j - i) % 2 == 1) [file writeString: @"\n"]; } [file writeString: @"};\n\n"]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } } /* Write decompCompatPage%u if it does NOT match decompositionPage%u */ for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < 0x110000; i += 0x100) { bool isEmpty = true; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j++) { if (_decompositionCompatTable[j] != 0) { /* * We bulk-compare pointers via memcmp here. * This is safe, as we always set the same * pointer in both tables if both are the same. */ isEmpty = !memcmp(_decompositionTable + i, _decompositionCompatTable + i, 256 * sizeof(const char *)); _decompositionCompatTableSize = i >> 8; _decompositionCompatTableUsed[ _decompositionCompatTableSize] = (isEmpty ? 2 : 1); break; } } if (!isEmpty) { void *pool2 = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"static const char *const " @"decompCompatPage%u[0x100] = {\n", i >> 8]]; for (of_unichar_t j = i; j < i + 0x100; j++) { if ((j - i) % 2 == 0) [file writeString: @"\t"]; else [file writeString: @" "]; if (_decompositionCompatTable[j] != nil) { const char *UTF8String = [_decompositionCompatTable[j] UTF8String]; size_t length = [_decompositionCompatTable[j] UTF8StringLength]; [file writeString: @"\""]; for (size_t k = 0; k < length; k++) [file writeFormat: @"\\x%02X", (uint8_t)UTF8String[k]]; [file writeString: @"\","]; } else [file writeString: @"NULL,"]; if ((j - i) % 2 == 1) [file writeString: @"\n"]; } [file writeString: @"};\n\n"]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool2); } } /* * Those are currently set to the last index. * But from now on, we need the size. */ _uppercaseTableSize++; _lowercaseTableSize++; _titlecaseTableSize++; _casefoldingTableSize++; _decompositionTableSize++; _decompositionCompatTableSize++; /* Write of_unicode_uppercase_table */ [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"const of_unichar_t *const of_unicode_uppercase_table[0x%X] = " @"{\n\t", _uppercaseTableSize]]; for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < _uppercaseTableSize; i++) { if (_uppercaseTableUsed[i]) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"uppercasePage%u", i]]; else [file writeString: @"emptyPage"]; if (i + 1 < _uppercaseTableSize) { if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0) [file writeString: @",\n\t"]; else [file writeString: @", "]; } } [file writeString: @"\n};\n\n"]; /* Write of_unicode_lowercase_table */ [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"const of_unichar_t *const of_unicode_lowercase_table[0x%X] = " @"{\n\t", _lowercaseTableSize]]; for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < _lowercaseTableSize; i++) { if (_lowercaseTableUsed[i]) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"lowercasePage%u", i]]; else [file writeString: @"emptyPage"]; if (i + 1 < _lowercaseTableSize) { if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0) [file writeString: @",\n\t"]; else [file writeString: @", "]; } } [file writeString: @"\n};\n\n"]; /* Write of_unicode_titlecase_table */ [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"const of_unichar_t *const of_unicode_titlecase_table[0x%X] = {" @"\n\t", _titlecaseTableSize]]; for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < _titlecaseTableSize; i++) { if (_titlecaseTableUsed[i] == 1) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"titlecasePage%u", i]]; else if (_titlecaseTableUsed[i] == 2) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"uppercasePage%u", i]]; else [file writeString: @"emptyPage"]; if (i + 1 < _titlecaseTableSize) { if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0) [file writeString: @",\n\t"]; else [file writeString: @", "]; } } [file writeString: @"\n};\n\n"]; /* Write of_unicode_casefolding_table */ [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"const of_unichar_t *const of_unicode_casefolding_table[0x%X] = " @"{\n\t", _casefoldingTableSize]]; for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < _casefoldingTableSize; i++) { if (_casefoldingTableUsed[i] == 1) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"casefoldingPage%u", i]]; else if (_casefoldingTableUsed[i] == 2) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"lowercasePage%u", i]]; else [file writeString: @"emptyPage"]; if (i + 1 < _casefoldingTableSize) { if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0) [file writeString: @",\n\t"]; else [file writeString: @", "]; } } [file writeString: @"\n};\n\n"]; /* Write of_unicode_decomposition_table */ [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"const char *const *of_unicode_decomposition_table[0x%X] = " @"{\n\t", _decompositionTableSize]]; for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < _decompositionTableSize; i++) { if (_decompositionTableUsed[i]) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"decompositionPage%u", i]]; else [file writeString: @"emptyDecompositionPage"]; if (i + 1 < _decompositionTableSize) { if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0) [file writeString: @",\n\t"]; else [file writeString: @", "]; } } [file writeString: @"\n};\n\n"]; /* Write of_unicode_decomposition_compat_table */ [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"const char *const *of_unicode_decomposition_compat_table[0x%X] = " @"{\n\t", _decompositionCompatTableSize]]; for (of_unichar_t i = 0; i < _decompositionCompatTableSize; i++) { if (_decompositionCompatTableUsed[i] == 1) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"decompCompatPage%u", i]]; else if (_decompositionCompatTableUsed[i] == 2) [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"decompositionPage%u", i]]; else [file writeString: @"emptyDecompositionPage"]; if (i + 1 < _decompositionCompatTableSize) { if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0) [file writeString: @",\n\t"]; else [file writeString: @", "]; } } [file writeString: @"\n};\n"]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } - (void)writeHeaderToFile: (OFString *)path { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); OFFile *file = [OFFile fileWithPath: path mode: @"w"]; [file writeString: COPYRIGHT @"#import \"OFString.h\"\n\n"]; [file writeString: [OFString stringWithFormat: @"#define OF_UNICODE_UPPERCASE_TABLE_SIZE 0x%X\n" @"#define OF_UNICODE_LOWERCASE_TABLE_SIZE 0x%X\n" @"#define OF_UNICODE_TITLECASE_TABLE_SIZE 0x%X\n" @"#define OF_UNICODE_CASEFOLDING_TABLE_SIZE 0x%X\n" @"#define OF_UNICODE_DECOMPOSITION_TABLE_SIZE 0x%X\n" @"#define OF_UNICODE_DECOMPOSITION_COMPAT_TABLE_SIZE 0x%X\n\n", _uppercaseTableSize, _lowercaseTableSize, _titlecaseTableSize, _casefoldingTableSize, _decompositionTableSize, _decompositionCompatTableSize]]; [file writeString: @"#ifdef __cplusplus\n" @"extern \"C\" {\n" @"#endif\n" @"extern const of_unichar_t *const _Nonnull\n" @" of_unicode_uppercase_table[" @"OF_UNICODE_UPPERCASE_TABLE_SIZE];\n" @"extern const of_unichar_t *const _Nonnull\n" @" of_unicode_lowercase_table[" @"OF_UNICODE_LOWERCASE_TABLE_SIZE];\n" @"extern const of_unichar_t *const _Nonnull\n" @" of_unicode_titlecase_table[" @"OF_UNICODE_TITLECASE_TABLE_SIZE];\n" @"extern const of_unichar_t *const _Nonnull\n" @" of_unicode_casefolding_table[" @"OF_UNICODE_CASEFOLDING_TABLE_SIZE];\n" @"extern const char *const _Nullable *const _Nonnull\n" @" of_unicode_decomposition_table[" @"OF_UNICODE_DECOMPOSITION_TABLE_SIZE];\n" @"extern const char *const _Nullable *const _Nonnull\n" @" of_unicode_decomposition_compat_table[" @"OF_UNICODE_DECOMPOSITION_COMPAT_TABLE_SIZE];\n" @"#ifdef __cplusplus\n" @"}\n" @"#endif\n"]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } @end