/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2022 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #import "TestsAppDelegate.h" static OFString *module; static OFString *keys[] = { @"key1", @"key2" }; static OFString *values[] = { @"value1", @"value2" }; @interface SimpleDictionary: OFDictionary { OFMutableDictionary *_dictionary; } @end @interface SimpleMutableDictionary: OFMutableDictionary { OFMutableDictionary *_dictionary; unsigned long _mutations; } @end @implementation SimpleDictionary - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; @try { _dictionary = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (instancetype)initWithKey: (id)key arguments: (va_list)arguments { self = [super init]; @try { _dictionary = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] initWithKey: key arguments: arguments]; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (instancetype)initWithObjects: (const id *)objects forKeys: (const id *)keys_ count: (size_t)count { self = [super init]; @try { _dictionary = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys_ count: count]; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [_dictionary release]; [super dealloc]; } - (id)objectForKey: (id)key { return [_dictionary objectForKey: key]; } - (size_t)count { return _dictionary.count; } - (OFEnumerator *)keyEnumerator { return [_dictionary keyEnumerator]; } @end @implementation SimpleMutableDictionary + (void)initialize { if (self == [SimpleMutableDictionary class]) [self inheritMethodsFromClass: [SimpleDictionary class]]; } - (void)setObject: (id)object forKey: (id)key { bool existed = ([_dictionary objectForKey: key] == nil); [_dictionary setObject: object forKey: key]; if (existed) _mutations++; } - (void)removeObjectForKey: (id)key { bool existed = ([_dictionary objectForKey: key] == nil); [_dictionary removeObjectForKey: key]; if (existed) _mutations++; } - (int)countByEnumeratingWithState: (OFFastEnumerationState *)state objects: (id *)objects count: (int)count { int ret = [super countByEnumeratingWithState: state objects: objects count: count]; state->mutationsPtr = &_mutations; return ret; } @end @implementation TestsAppDelegate (OFDictionaryTests) - (void)dictionaryTestsWithClass: (Class)dictionaryClass mutableClass: (Class)mutableDictionaryClass { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); OFMutableDictionary *mutableDict = [mutableDictionaryClass dictionary]; OFDictionary *dict; OFEnumerator *keyEnumerator, *objectEnumerator; OFArray *keysArray, *valuesArray; [mutableDict setObject: values[0] forKey: keys[0]]; [mutableDict setValue: values[1] forKey: keys[1]]; TEST(@"-[objectForKey:]", [[mutableDict objectForKey: keys[0]] isEqual: values[0]] && [[mutableDict objectForKey: keys[1]] isEqual: values[1]] && [mutableDict objectForKey: @"key3"] == nil) TEST(@"-[valueForKey:]", [[mutableDict valueForKey: keys[0]] isEqual: values[0]] && [[mutableDict valueForKey: @"@count"] isEqual: [OFNumber numberWithInt: 2]]) EXPECT_EXCEPTION(@"Catching -[setValue:forKey:] on immutable " @"dictionary", OFUndefinedKeyException, [[dictionaryClass dictionary] setValue: @"x" forKey: @"x"]) TEST(@"-[containsObject:]", [mutableDict containsObject: values[0]] && ![mutableDict containsObject: @"nonexistent"]) TEST(@"-[containsObjectIdenticalTo:]", [mutableDict containsObjectIdenticalTo: values[0]] && ![mutableDict containsObjectIdenticalTo: [OFString stringWithString: values[0]]]) TEST(@"-[description]", [[mutableDict description] isEqual: @"{\n\tkey1 = value1;\n\tkey2 = value2;\n}"]) TEST(@"-[allKeys]", [[mutableDict allKeys] isEqual: [OFArray arrayWithObjects: keys[0], keys[1], nil]]) TEST(@"-[allObjects]", [[mutableDict allObjects] isEqual: [OFArray arrayWithObjects: values[0], values[1], nil]]) TEST(@"-[keyEnumerator]", (keyEnumerator = [mutableDict keyEnumerator])) TEST(@"-[objectEnumerator]", (objectEnumerator = [mutableDict objectEnumerator])) TEST(@"OFEnumerator's -[nextObject]", [[keyEnumerator nextObject] isEqual: keys[0]] && [[objectEnumerator nextObject] isEqual: values[0]] && [[keyEnumerator nextObject] isEqual: keys[1]] && [[objectEnumerator nextObject] isEqual: values[1]] && [keyEnumerator nextObject] == nil && [objectEnumerator nextObject] == nil) [mutableDict removeObjectForKey: keys[0]]; EXPECT_EXCEPTION(@"Detection of mutation during enumeration", OFEnumerationMutationException, [keyEnumerator nextObject]); [mutableDict setObject: values[0] forKey: keys[0]]; size_t i = 0; bool ok = true; for (OFString *key in mutableDict) { if (i > 1 || ![key isEqual: keys[i]]) { ok = false; break; } [mutableDict setObject: [mutableDict objectForKey: key] forKey: key]; i++; } TEST(@"Fast Enumeration", ok) ok = false; @try { for (OFString *key in mutableDict) { (void)key; [mutableDict setObject: @"" forKey: @""]; } } @catch (OFEnumerationMutationException *e) { ok = true; } TEST(@"Detection of mutation during Fast Enumeration", ok) [mutableDict removeObjectForKey: @""]; TEST(@"-[stringByURLEncoding]", [[[OFDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects: @"foo", @"bar", @"q&x", @"q=x", nil] stringByURLEncoding] isEqual: @"q%26x=q%3Dx&foo=bar"]) #ifdef OF_HAVE_BLOCKS { __block size_t j = 0; __block bool blockOk = true; [mutableDict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock: ^ (id key, id object, bool *stop) { if (j > 1 || ![key isEqual: keys[j]]) { blockOk = false; *stop = true; return; } [mutableDict setObject: [mutableDict objectForKey: key] forKey: key]; j++; }]; TEST(@"Enumeration using blocks", blockOk) blockOk = false; @try { [mutableDict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock: ^ (id key, id object, bool *stop) { [mutableDict setObject: @"" forKey: @""]; }]; } @catch (OFEnumerationMutationException *e) { blockOk = true; } TEST(@"Detection of mutation during enumeration using blocks", blockOk) [mutableDict removeObjectForKey: @""]; } TEST(@"-[replaceObjectsUsingBlock:]", R([mutableDict replaceObjectsUsingBlock: ^ id (id key, id object) { if ([key isEqual: keys[0]]) return @"value_1"; if ([key isEqual: keys[1]]) return @"value_2"; return nil; }]) && [[mutableDict objectForKey: keys[0]] isEqual: @"value_1"] && [[mutableDict objectForKey: keys[1]] isEqual: @"value_2"]) TEST(@"-[mappedDictionaryUsingBlock:]", [[[mutableDict mappedDictionaryUsingBlock: ^ id (id key, id object) { if ([key isEqual: keys[0]]) return @"val1"; if ([key isEqual: keys[1]]) return @"val2"; return nil; }] description] isEqual: @"{\n\tkey1 = val1;\n\tkey2 = val2;\n}"]) TEST(@"-[filteredDictionaryUsingBlock:]", [[[mutableDict filteredDictionaryUsingBlock: ^ bool (id key, id object) { return [key isEqual: keys[0]]; }] description] isEqual: @"{\n\tkey1 = value_1;\n}"]) #endif TEST(@"-[count]", mutableDict.count == 2) TEST(@"+[dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects:]", (dict = [dictionaryClass dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects: @"foo", @"bar", @"baz", @"qux", nil]) && [[dict objectForKey: @"foo"] isEqual: @"bar"] && [[dict objectForKey: @"baz"] isEqual: @"qux"]) TEST(@"+[dictionaryWithObject:forKey:]", (dict = [dictionaryClass dictionaryWithObject: @"bar" forKey: @"foo"]) && [[dict objectForKey: @"foo"] isEqual: @"bar"]) keysArray = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: keys[0], keys[1], nil]; valuesArray = [OFArray arrayWithObjects: values[0], values[1], nil]; TEST(@"+[dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:]", (dict = [dictionaryClass dictionaryWithObjects: valuesArray forKeys: keysArray]) && [[dict objectForKey: keys[0]] isEqual: values[0]] && [[dict objectForKey: keys[1]] isEqual: values[1]]) TEST(@"-[copy]", (dict = [[dict copy] autorelease]) && [[dict objectForKey: keys[0]] isEqual: values[0]] && [[dict objectForKey: keys[1]] isEqual: values[1]]) TEST(@"-[mutableCopy]", (mutableDict = [[dict mutableCopy] autorelease]) && mutableDict.count == dict.count && [[mutableDict objectForKey: keys[0]] isEqual: values[0]] && [[mutableDict objectForKey: keys[1]] isEqual: values[1]] && R([mutableDict setObject: @"value3" forKey: @"key3"]) && [[mutableDict objectForKey: @"key3"] isEqual: @"value3"] && [[mutableDict objectForKey: keys[0]] isEqual: values[0]] && R([mutableDict setObject: @"foo" forKey: keys[0]]) && [[mutableDict objectForKey: keys[0]] isEqual: @"foo"]) TEST(@"-[removeObjectForKey:]", R([mutableDict removeObjectForKey: keys[0]]) && [mutableDict objectForKey: keys[0]] == nil) [mutableDict setObject: @"foo" forKey: keys[0]]; TEST(@"-[isEqual:]", ![mutableDict isEqual: dict] && R([mutableDict removeObjectForKey: @"key3"]) && ![mutableDict isEqual: dict] && R([mutableDict setObject: values[0] forKey: keys[0]]) && [mutableDict isEqual: dict]) objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } - (void)dictionaryTests { module = @"OFDictionary"; [self dictionaryTestsWithClass: [SimpleDictionary class] mutableClass: [SimpleMutableDictionary class]]; module = @"OFDictionary_hashtable"; [self dictionaryTestsWithClass: [OFDictionary class] mutableClass: [OFMutableDictionary class]]; } @end