/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #include #import "OFApplication.h" #import "OFData.h" #import "OFDate.h" #import "OFFileManager.h" #import "OFLocale.h" #import "OFNumber.h" #import "OFSet.h" #import "OFStdIOStream.h" #import "OFString.h" #import "ZIPArchive.h" #import "OFArc.h" #import "OFInvalidFormatException.h" #import "OFOpenItemFailedException.h" #import "OFOutOfRangeException.h" #import "OFSetItemAttributesFailedException.h" static OFArc *app; static void setPermissions(OFString *path, OFZIPArchiveEntry *entry) { #ifdef OF_FILE_MANAGER_SUPPORTS_PERMISSIONS if ((entry.versionMadeBy >> 8) == OFZIPArchiveEntryAttributeCompatibilityUNIX) { OFNumber *mode = [OFNumber numberWithUnsignedShort: (entry.versionSpecificAttributes >> 16) & 0777]; OFFileAttributes attributes = [OFDictionary dictionaryWithObject: mode forKey: OFFilePOSIXPermissions]; [[OFFileManager defaultManager] setAttributes: attributes ofItemAtPath: path]; } #endif } static void setModificationDate(OFString *path, OFZIPArchiveEntry *entry) { OFDate *modificationDate = entry.modificationDate; OFFileAttributes attributes; if (modificationDate == nil) return; attributes = [OFDictionary dictionaryWithObject: modificationDate forKey: OFFileModificationDate]; @try { [[OFFileManager defaultManager] setAttributes: attributes ofItemAtPath: path]; } @catch (OFSetItemAttributesFailedException *e) { if (e.errNo != EISDIR) @throw e; } } @implementation ZIPArchive + (void)initialize { if (self == [ZIPArchive class]) app = (OFArc *)[OFApplication sharedApplication].delegate; } + (instancetype)archiveWithPath: (OFString *)path stream: (OF_KINDOF(OFStream *))stream mode: (OFString *)mode encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding { return [[[self alloc] initWithPath: path stream: stream mode: mode encoding: encoding] autorelease]; } - (instancetype)initWithPath: (OFString *)path stream: (OF_KINDOF(OFStream *))stream mode: (OFString *)mode encoding: (OFStringEncoding)encoding { self = [super init]; @try { _path = [path copy]; _archive = [[OFZIPArchive alloc] initWithStream: stream mode: mode]; _archive.delegate = self; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [_path release]; [_archive release]; [super dealloc]; } - (OFSeekableStream *)archive: (OFZIPArchive *)archive wantsPartNumbered: (unsigned int)partNumber lastPartNumber: (unsigned int)lastPartNumber { OFString *path; if ([_path.pathExtension caseInsensitiveCompare: @"zip"] != OFOrderedSame) return nil; if (partNumber > 98) return nil; if (partNumber == lastPartNumber) path = _path; else path = [_path.stringByDeletingPathExtension stringByAppendingFormat: @".z%02u", partNumber + 1]; return [OFFile fileWithPath: path mode: @"r"]; } - (void)listFiles { for (OFZIPArchiveEntry *entry in _archive.entries) { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); [OFStdOut writeLine: entry.fileName]; if (app->_outputLevel >= 1) { OFString *compressedSize = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%" PRIu64, entry.compressedSize]; OFString *uncompressedSize = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%" PRIu64, entry.uncompressedSize]; OFString *compressionMethod = OFZIPArchiveEntryCompressionMethodName( entry.compressionMethod); OFString *CRC32 = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%08" PRIX32, entry.CRC32]; OFString *modificationDate = [entry.modificationDate localDateStringWithFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_compressed_size", @"[" @" 'Compressed: '," @" [" @" {'size == 1': '1 byte'}," @" {'': '%[size] bytes'}" @" ]" @"]".objectByParsingJSON, @"size", compressedSize)]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_uncompressed_size", @"[" @" 'Uncompressed: '," @" [" @" {'size == 1': '1 byte'}," @" {'': '%[size] bytes'}" @" ]" @"]".objectByParsingJSON, @"size", uncompressedSize)]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_compression_method", @"Compression method: %[method]", @"method", compressionMethod)]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED(@"list_crc32", @"CRC32: %[crc32]", @"crc32", CRC32)]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_modification_date", @"Modification date: %[date]", @"date", modificationDate)]; if (app->_outputLevel >= 2) { uint16_t versionMadeBy = entry.versionMadeBy; OFZIPArchiveEntryAttributeCompatibility UNIX = OFZIPArchiveEntryAttributeCompatibilityUNIX; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_version_made_by", @"Version made by: %[version]", @"version", OFZIPArchiveEntryVersionToString( versionMadeBy))]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_min_version_needed", @"Minimum version needed: %[version]", @"version", OFZIPArchiveEntryVersionToString( entry.minVersionNeeded))]; if ((versionMadeBy >> 8) == UNIX) { uint32_t mode = entry .versionSpecificAttributes >> 16; OFString *modeString = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%06o", mode]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_mode", @"Mode: %[mode]", @"mode", modeString)]; } } if (app->_outputLevel >= 3) { OFString *GPBF = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%04" PRIx16, entry.generalPurposeBitFlag]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_general_purpose_bit_flag", @"General purpose bit flag: %[gpbf]", @"gpbf", GPBF)]; if (entry.extraField != nil) { [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_extra_field", @"Extra field: %[extra]", @"extra", entry.extraField.description)]; } } if (entry.fileComment.length > 0) { [OFStdOut writeString: @"\t"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"list_comment", @"Comment: %[comment]", @"comment", entry.fileComment)]; } } objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } } - (void)extractFiles: (OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFString *) *)files { OFFileManager *fileManager = [OFFileManager defaultManager]; bool all = (files.count == 0); OFMutableSet OF_GENERIC(OFString *) *missing = [OFMutableSet setWithArray: files]; for (OFZIPArchiveEntry *entry in _archive.entries) { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); OFString *fileName = entry.fileName; OFString *outFileName, *directory; OFStream *stream; OFFile *output; unsigned long long written = 0, size = entry.uncompressedSize; int8_t percent = -1, newPercent; if (!all && ![files containsObject: fileName]) continue; [missing removeObject: fileName]; outFileName = [app safeLocalPathForPath: fileName]; if (outFileName == nil) { [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"refusing_to_extract_file", @"Refusing to extract %[file]!", @"file", fileName)]; app->_exitStatus = 1; goto outer_loop_end; } if (app->_outputLevel >= 0) [OFStdOut writeString: OF_LOCALIZED(@"extracting_file", @"Extracting %[file]...", @"file", fileName)]; if ([fileName hasSuffix: @"/"]) { [fileManager createDirectoryAtPath: outFileName createParents: true]; setPermissions(outFileName, entry); setModificationDate(outFileName, entry); if (app->_outputLevel >= 0) { [OFStdOut writeString: @"\r"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"extracting_file_done", @"Extracting %[file]... done", @"file", fileName)]; } goto outer_loop_end; } directory = outFileName.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent; if (![fileManager directoryExistsAtPath: directory]) [fileManager createDirectoryAtPath: directory createParents: true]; if (![app shouldExtractFile: fileName outFileName: outFileName]) goto outer_loop_end; stream = [_archive streamForReadingFile: fileName]; output = [OFFile fileWithPath: outFileName mode: @"w"]; setPermissions(outFileName, entry); while (!stream.atEndOfStream) { ssize_t length = [app copyBlockFromStream: stream toStream: output fileName: fileName]; if (length < 0) { app->_exitStatus = 1; goto outer_loop_end; } written += length; newPercent = (written == size ? 100 : (int8_t)(written * 100 / size)); if (app->_outputLevel >= 0 && percent != newPercent) { OFString *percentString; percent = newPercent; percentString = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%3u", percent]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\r"]; [OFStdOut writeString: OF_LOCALIZED( @"extracting_file_percent", @"Extracting %[file]... %[percent]%", @"file", fileName, @"percent", percentString)]; } } [output close]; setModificationDate(outFileName, entry); if (app->_outputLevel >= 0) { [OFStdOut writeString: @"\r"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"extracting_file_done", @"Extracting %[file]... done", @"file", fileName)]; } outer_loop_end: objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } if (missing.count > 0) { for (OFString *file in missing) [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"file_not_in_archive", @"File %[file] is not in the archive!", @"file", file)]; app->_exitStatus = 1; } } - (void)printFiles: (OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFString *) *)files { OFStream *stream; if (files.count < 1) { [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED(@"print_no_file_specified", @"Need one or more files to print!")]; app->_exitStatus = 1; return; } for (OFString *path in files) { @try { stream = [_archive streamForReadingFile: path]; } @catch (OFOpenItemFailedException *e) { if (e.errNo == ENOENT) { [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"file_not_in_archive", @"File %[file] is not in the archive!", @"file", e.path)]; app->_exitStatus = 1; continue; } @throw e; } while (!stream.atEndOfStream) { ssize_t length = [app copyBlockFromStream: stream toStream: OFStdOut fileName: path]; if (length < 0) { app->_exitStatus = 1; return; } } [stream close]; } } - (void)addFiles: (OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFString *) *)files { OFFileManager *fileManager = [OFFileManager defaultManager]; if (files.count < 1) { [OFStdErr writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED(@"add_no_file_specified", @"Need one or more files to add!")]; app->_exitStatus = 1; return; } for (OFString *localFileName in files) { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); OFArray OF_GENERIC (OFString *) *components; OFString *fileName; OFFileAttributes attributes; bool isDirectory = false; OFMutableZIPArchiveEntry *entry; unsigned long long size; OFStream *output; components = localFileName.pathComponents; fileName = [components componentsJoinedByString: @"/"]; attributes = [fileManager attributesOfItemAtPath: localFileName]; if ([attributes.fileType isEqual: OFFileTypeDirectory]) { isDirectory = true; fileName = [fileName stringByAppendingString: @"/"]; } if (app->_outputLevel >= 0) [OFStdOut writeString: OF_LOCALIZED(@"adding_file", @"Adding %[file]...", @"file", fileName)]; entry = [OFMutableZIPArchiveEntry entryWithFileName: fileName]; size = (isDirectory ? 0 : attributes.fileSize); entry.compressedSize = size; entry.uncompressedSize = size; entry.compressionMethod = OFZIPArchiveEntryCompressionMethodNone; entry.modificationDate = attributes.fileModificationDate; [entry makeImmutable]; output = [_archive streamForWritingEntry: entry]; if (!isDirectory) { unsigned long long written = 0; int8_t percent = -1, newPercent; OFFile *input = [OFFile fileWithPath: fileName mode: @"r"]; while (!input.atEndOfStream) { ssize_t length = [app copyBlockFromStream: input toStream: output fileName: fileName]; if (length < 0) { app->_exitStatus = 1; goto outer_loop_end; } written += length; newPercent = (written == size ? 100 : (int8_t)(written * 100 / size)); if (app->_outputLevel >= 0 && percent != newPercent) { OFString *percentString; percent = newPercent; percentString = [OFString stringWithFormat: @"%3u", percent]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"\r"]; [OFStdOut writeString: OF_LOCALIZED( @"adding_file_percent", @"Adding %[file]... %[percent]%", @"file", fileName, @"percent", percentString)]; } } } if (app->_outputLevel >= 0) { [OFStdOut writeString: @"\r"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: OF_LOCALIZED( @"adding_file_done", @"Adding %[file]... done", @"file", fileName)]; } [output close]; outer_loop_end: objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } [_archive close]; } @end