/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, * 2018, 2019, 2020 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #include #import "TestsAppDelegate.h" static OFString *module = @"OFSPXStreamSocket"; @interface SPXStreamSocketDelegate: OFObject { @public OFStreamSocket *_expectedServerSocket; OFSPXStreamSocket *_expectedClientSocket; unsigned char _expectedNode[IPX_NODE_LEN]; uint32_t _expectedNetwork; uint16_t _expectedPort; bool _accepted; bool _connected; } @end @implementation SPXStreamSocketDelegate - (bool)socket: (OFStreamSocket *)sock didAcceptSocket: (OFStreamSocket *)accepted exception: (id)exception { OF_ENSURE(!_accepted); _accepted = (sock == _expectedServerSocket && accepted != nil && exception == nil); if (_accepted && _connected) [[OFRunLoop mainRunLoop] stop]; return false; } - (void)socket: (OFSPXStreamSocket *)sock didConnectToNode: (unsigned char [IPX_NODE_LEN])node network: (uint32_t)network port: (uint16_t)port exception: (id)exception { OF_ENSURE(!_connected); _connected = (sock == _expectedClientSocket && memcmp(node, _expectedNode, IPX_NODE_LEN) == 0 && network == _expectedNetwork && port == _expectedPort && exception == nil); if (_accepted && _connected) [[OFRunLoop mainRunLoop] stop]; } @end @implementation TestsAppDelegate (OFSPXStreamSocketTests) - (void)SPXStreamSocketTests { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); OFSPXStreamSocket *sockClient, *sockServer, *sockAccepted;; of_socket_address_t address1; const of_socket_address_t *address2; unsigned char node[IPX_NODE_LEN], node2[IPX_NODE_LEN]; uint32_t network; uint16_t port; char buffer[5]; SPXStreamSocketDelegate *delegate; TEST(@"+[socket]", (sockClient = [OFSPXStreamSocket socket]) && (sockServer = [OFSPXStreamSocket socket])) @try { TEST(@"-[bindToPort:]", R(address1 = [sockServer bindToPort: 0])) } @catch (OFBindFailedException *e) { switch (e.errNo) { case EAFNOSUPPORT: [of_stdout setForegroundColor: [OFColor lime]]; [of_stdout writeLine: @"[OFSPXStreamSocket] -[bindToPort:]: " @"IPX unsupported, skipping tests"]; break; case ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: [of_stdout setForegroundColor: [OFColor lime]]; [of_stdout writeLine: @"[OFSPXStreamSocket] -[bindToPort:]: " @"SPX unsupported, skipping tests"]; break; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: [of_stdout setForegroundColor: [OFColor lime]]; [of_stdout writeLine: @"[OFSPXStreamSocket] -[bindToPort:]: " @"IPX not configured, skipping tests"]; break; default: @throw e; } objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); return; } of_socket_address_get_ipx_node(&address1, node); network = of_socket_address_get_ipx_network(&address1); port = of_socket_address_get_port(&address1); TEST(@"-[listen]", R([sockServer listen])) TEST(@"-[connectToNode:network:port:]", R([sockClient connectToNode: node network: network port: port])) TEST(@"-[accept]", (sockAccepted = [sockServer accept])) /* Test reassembly (this would not work with OFSPXSocket) */ TEST(@"-[writeBuffer:length:]", R([sockAccepted writeBuffer: "Hello" length: 5])) TEST(@"-[readIntoBuffer:length:]", [sockClient readIntoBuffer: buffer length: 2] == 2 && memcmp(buffer, "He", 2) == 0 && [sockClient readIntoBuffer: buffer length: 3] == 3 && memcmp(buffer, "llo", 3) == 0) TEST(@"-[remoteAddress]", (address2 = sockAccepted.remoteAddress) && R(of_socket_address_get_ipx_node(address2, node2)) && memcmp(node, node2, IPX_NODE_LEN) == 0 && of_socket_address_get_ipx_network(address2) == network) delegate = [[[SPXStreamSocketDelegate alloc] init] autorelease]; sockServer = [OFSPXStreamSocket socket]; delegate->_expectedServerSocket = sockServer; sockServer.delegate = delegate; sockClient = [OFSPXStreamSocket socket]; delegate->_expectedClientSocket = sockClient; sockClient.delegate = delegate; address1 = [sockServer bindToPort: 0]; [sockServer listen]; [sockServer asyncAccept]; of_socket_address_get_ipx_node(&address1, node); memcpy(delegate->_expectedNode, node, IPX_NODE_LEN); delegate->_expectedNetwork = network = of_socket_address_get_ipx_network(&address1); delegate->_expectedPort = port = of_socket_address_get_port(&address1); @try { [sockClient asyncConnectToNode: node network: network port: port]; [[OFRunLoop mainRunLoop] runUntilDate: [OFDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 2]]; TEST(@"-[asyncAccept] & -[asyncConnectToNode:network:port:]", delegate->_accepted && delegate->_connected) } @catch (OFObserveFailedException *e) { switch (e.errNo) { case ENOTSOCK: [of_stdout setForegroundColor: [OFColor lime]]; [of_stdout writeLine: @"[OFSPXStreamSocket] -[asyncAccept] & " @"-[asyncConnectToNode:network:port:]: select() " @"not supported for SPX, skipping test"]; break; default: @throw e; } } objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } @end