/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 # include # include #endif #import "OFFile.h" #import "OFString.h" #import "OFArray.h" #ifdef OF_THREADS # import "OFThread.h" #endif #import "OFDate.h" #import "OFApplication.h" #import "OFAutoreleasePool.h" #import "OFChangeDirectoryFailedException.h" #import "OFChangeFileModeFailedException.h" #import "OFChangeFileOwnerFailedException.h" #import "OFCreateDirectoryFailedException.h" #import "OFDeleteDirectoryFailedException.h" #import "OFDeleteFileFailedException.h" #import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h" #import "OFLinkFailedException.h" #import "OFNotImplementedException.h" #import "OFOpenFileFailedException.h" #import "OFOutOfMemoryException.h" #import "OFReadFailedException.h" #import "OFRenameFileFailedException.h" #import "OFSeekFailedException.h" #import "OFSymlinkFailedException.h" #import "OFWriteFailedException.h" #import "macros.h" #ifdef _WIN32 # import #endif #ifndef O_BINARY # define O_BINARY 0 #endif #ifndef S_IRGRP # define S_IRGRP 0 #endif #ifndef S_IROTH # define S_IROTH 0 #endif #ifndef S_IWGRP # define S_IWGRP 0 #endif #ifndef S_IWOTH # define S_IWOTH 0 #endif #define DEFAULT_MODE S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH #define DIR_MODE DEFAULT_MODE | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH OFFile *of_stdin = nil; OFFile *of_stdout = nil; OFFile *of_stderr = nil; #if defined(OF_THREADS) && !defined(_WIN32) static OFMutex *mutex; #endif static int parse_mode(const char *mode) { if (!strcmp(mode, "r")) return O_RDONLY; if (!strcmp(mode, "rb")) return O_RDONLY | O_BINARY; if (!strcmp(mode, "r+")) return O_RDWR; if (!strcmp(mode, "rb+") || !strcmp(mode, "r+b")) return O_RDWR | O_BINARY; if (!strcmp(mode, "w")) return O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; if (!strcmp(mode, "wb")) return O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY; if (!strcmp(mode, "w+")) return O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; if (!strcmp(mode, "wb+") || !strcmp(mode, "w+b")) return O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY; if (!strcmp(mode, "a")) return O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND; if (!strcmp(mode, "ab")) return O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_BINARY; if (!strcmp(mode, "a+")) return O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND; if (!strcmp(mode, "ab+") || !strcmp(mode, "a+b")) return O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_BINARY; return -1; } void of_log(OFConstantString *format, ...) { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; OFDate *date; OFString *dateString, *me, *msg; va_list arguments; date = [OFDate date]; dateString = [date localDateStringWithFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]; me = [[OFApplication programName] lastPathComponent]; va_start(arguments, format); msg = [[[OFString alloc] initWithFormat: format arguments: arguments] autorelease]; va_end(arguments); [of_stderr writeFormat: @"[%@.%03d %@(%d)] %@\n", dateString, [date microsecond] / 1000, me, getpid(), msg]; [pool release]; } @interface OFFileSingleton: OFFile @end @implementation OFFile + (void)load { of_stdin = [[OFFileSingleton alloc] initWithFileDescriptor: 0]; of_stdout = [[OFFileSingleton alloc] initWithFileDescriptor: 1]; of_stderr = [[OFFileSingleton alloc] initWithFileDescriptor: 2]; } #if defined(OF_THREADS) && !defined(_WIN32) + (void)initialize { if (self == [OFFile class]) mutex = [[OFMutex alloc] init]; } #endif + fileWithPath: (OFString*)path mode: (OFString*)mode { return [[[self alloc] initWithPath: path mode: mode] autorelease]; } + fileWithFileDescriptor: (int)filedescriptor { return [[[self alloc] initWithFileDescriptor: filedescriptor] autorelease]; } + (OFString*)currentDirectoryPath { OFString *ret; char *buffer = getcwd(NULL, 0); @try { ret = [OFString stringWithCString: buffer]; } @finally { free(buffer); } return ret; } + (BOOL)fileExistsAtPath: (OFString*)path { struct stat s; if (stat([path cString], &s) == -1) return NO; if (S_ISREG(s.st_mode)) return YES; return NO; } + (BOOL)directoryExistsAtPath: (OFString*)path { struct stat s; if (stat([path cString], &s) == -1) return NO; if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) return YES; return NO; } + (void)createDirectoryAtPath: (OFString*)path { #ifndef _WIN32 if (mkdir([path cString], DIR_MODE)) #else if (mkdir([path cString])) #endif @throw [OFCreateDirectoryFailedException newWithClass: self path: path]; } + (OFArray*)filesInDirectoryAtPath: (OFString*)path { OFAutoreleasePool *pool; OFMutableArray *files = [OFMutableArray array]; #ifndef _WIN32 DIR *dir; struct dirent *dirent; if ((dir = opendir([path cString])) == NULL) @throw [OFOpenFileFailedException newWithClass: self path: path mode: @"r"]; @try { pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { OFString *file; if (!strcmp(dirent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirent->d_name, "..")) continue; file = [OFString stringWithCString: dirent->d_name]; [files addObject: file]; [pool releaseObjects]; } [pool release]; } @finally { closedir(dir); } #else HANDLE handle; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; path = [path stringByAppendingString: @"\\*"]; if ((handle = FindFirstFile([path cString], &fd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) @throw [OFOpenFileFailedException newWithClass: self path: path mode: @"r"]; @try { OFAutoreleasePool *pool2 = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; do { OFString *file; if (!strcmp(fd.cFileName, ".") || !strcmp(fd.cFileName, "..")) continue; file = [OFString stringWithCString: fd.cFileName]; [files addObject: file]; [pool2 releaseObjects]; } while (FindNextFile(handle, &fd)); [pool2 release]; } @finally { FindClose(handle); } [pool release]; #endif /* * Class swizzle the array to be immutable. We declared the return type * to be OFArray*, so it can't be modified anyway. But not swizzling it * would create a real copy each time -[copy] is called. */ files->isa = [OFArray class]; return files; } + (void)changeToDirectory: (OFString*)path { if (chdir([path cString])) @throw [OFChangeDirectoryFailedException newWithClass: self path: path]; } #ifndef _PSP + (void)changeModeOfFile: (OFString*)path toMode: (mode_t)mode { # ifndef _WIN32 if (chmod([path cString], mode)) @throw [OFChangeFileModeFailedException newWithClass: self path: path mode: mode]; # else DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributes([path cString]); if (attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) @throw [OFChangeFileModeFailedException newWithClass: self path: path mode: mode]; if ((mode / 100) & 2) attributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; else attributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; if (!SetFileAttributes([path cString], attributes)) @throw [OFChangeFileModeFailedException newWithClass: self path: path mode: mode]; # endif } #endif + (OFDate*)modificationDateOfFile: (OFString*)path { struct stat s; if (stat([path cString], &s) == -1) /* FIXME: Maybe use another exception? */ @throw [OFOpenFileFailedException newWithClass: self path: path mode: @"r"]; /* FIXME: We could be more precise on some OSes */ return [OFDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: s.st_mtime]; } #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_PSP) + (void)changeOwnerOfFile: (OFString*)path toOwner: (OFString*)owner group: (OFString*)group { uid_t uid = -1; gid_t gid = -1; if (owner == nil && group == nil) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException newWithClass: self selector: _cmd]; # ifdef OF_THREADS [mutex lock]; @try { # endif if (owner != nil) { struct passwd *passwd; if ((passwd = getpwnam([owner cString])) == NULL) @throw [OFChangeFileOwnerFailedException newWithClass: self path: path owner: owner group: group]; uid = passwd->pw_uid; } if (group != nil) { struct group *group_; if ((group_ = getgrnam([group cString])) == NULL) @throw [OFChangeFileOwnerFailedException newWithClass: self path: path owner: owner group: group]; gid = group_->gr_gid; } # ifdef OF_THREADS } @finally { [mutex unlock]; } # endif if (chown([path cString], uid, gid)) @throw [OFChangeFileOwnerFailedException newWithClass: self path: path owner: owner group: group]; } #endif + (void)copyFileAtPath: (OFString*)source toPath: (OFString*)destination { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; BOOL override; OFFile *sourceFile = nil; OFFile *destinationFile = nil; char *buffer; if ([self directoryExistsAtPath: destination]) { OFString *filename = [source lastPathComponent]; destination = [OFString stringWithPath: destination, filename, nil]; } override = [self fileExistsAtPath: destination]; if ((buffer = malloc(of_pagesize)) == NULL) @throw [OFOutOfMemoryException newWithClass: self requestedSize: of_pagesize]; @try { sourceFile = [OFFile fileWithPath: source mode: @"rb"]; destinationFile = [OFFile fileWithPath: destination mode: @"wb"]; while (![sourceFile isAtEndOfStream]) { size_t len = [sourceFile readNBytes: of_pagesize intoBuffer: buffer]; [destinationFile writeNBytes: len fromBuffer: buffer]; } #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_PSP) if (!override) { struct stat s; if (fstat(sourceFile->fileDescriptor, &s) == 0) fchmod(destinationFile->fileDescriptor, s.st_mode); } #endif } @finally { [sourceFile close]; [destinationFile close]; free(buffer); } [pool release]; } + (void)renameFileAtPath: (OFString*)source toPath: (OFString*)destination { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if ([self directoryExistsAtPath: destination]) { OFString *filename = [source lastPathComponent]; destination = [OFString stringWithPath: destination, filename, nil]; } #ifndef _WIN32 if (rename([source cString], [destination cString])) #else if (!MoveFile([source cString], [destination cString])) #endif @throw [OFRenameFileFailedException newWithClass: self sourcePath: source destinationPath: destination]; [pool release]; } + (void)deleteFileAtPath: (OFString*)path { #ifndef _WIN32 if (unlink([path cString])) #else if (!DeleteFile([path cString])) #endif @throw [OFDeleteFileFailedException newWithClass: self path: path]; } + (void)deleteDirectoryAtPath: (OFString*)path { if (rmdir([path cString])) @throw [OFDeleteDirectoryFailedException newWithClass: self path: path]; } #ifndef _WIN32 + (void)linkFileAtPath: (OFString*)source toPath: (OFString*)destination { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if ([self directoryExistsAtPath: destination]) { OFString *filename = [source lastPathComponent]; destination = [OFString stringWithPath: destination, filename, nil]; } if (link([source cString], [destination cString]) != 0) @throw [OFLinkFailedException newWithClass: self sourcePath: source destinationPath: destination]; [pool release]; } #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_PSP) + (void)symlinkFileAtPath: (OFString*)source toPath: (OFString*)destination { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if ([self directoryExistsAtPath: destination]) { OFString *filename = [source lastPathComponent]; destination = [OFString stringWithPath: destination, filename, nil]; } if (symlink([source cString], [destination cString]) != 0) @throw [OFSymlinkFailedException newWithClass: self sourcePath: source destinationPath: destination]; [pool release]; } #endif - init { Class c = isa; [self release]; @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: c selector: _cmd]; } - initWithPath: (OFString*)path mode: (OFString*)mode { self = [super init]; @try { int flags; if ((flags = parse_mode([mode cString])) == -1) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException newWithClass: isa selector: _cmd]; if ((fileDescriptor = open([path cString], flags, DEFAULT_MODE)) == -1) @throw [OFOpenFileFailedException newWithClass: isa path: path mode: mode]; closable = YES; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - initWithFileDescriptor: (int)fileDescriptor_ { self = [super init]; fileDescriptor = fileDescriptor_; return self; } - (BOOL)_isAtEndOfStream { if (fileDescriptor == -1) return YES; return isAtEndOfStream; } - (size_t)_readNBytes: (size_t)length intoBuffer: (char*)buffer { size_t ret; if (fileDescriptor == -1 || isAtEndOfStream) @throw [OFReadFailedException newWithClass: isa stream: self requestedLength: length]; if ((ret = read(fileDescriptor, buffer, length)) == 0) isAtEndOfStream = YES; return ret; } - (size_t)_writeNBytes: (size_t)length fromBuffer: (const char*)buffer { size_t ret; if (fileDescriptor == -1 || isAtEndOfStream || (ret = write(fileDescriptor, buffer, length)) < length) @throw [OFWriteFailedException newWithClass: isa stream: self requestedLength: length]; return ret; } - (void)_seekToOffset: (off_t)offset { if (lseek(fileDescriptor, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) @throw [OFSeekFailedException newWithClass: isa stream: self offset: offset whence: SEEK_SET]; } - (off_t)_seekForwardWithOffset: (off_t)offset { off_t ret; if ((ret = lseek(fileDescriptor, offset, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) @throw [OFSeekFailedException newWithClass: isa stream: self offset: offset whence: SEEK_CUR]; return ret; } - (off_t)_seekToOffsetRelativeToEnd: (off_t)offset { off_t ret; if ((ret = lseek(fileDescriptor, offset, SEEK_END)) == -1) @throw [OFSeekFailedException newWithClass: isa stream: self offset: offset whence: SEEK_END]; return ret; } - (int)fileDescriptor { return fileDescriptor; } - (void)close { if (fileDescriptor != -1) close(fileDescriptor); fileDescriptor = -1; } - (void)dealloc { if (closable && fileDescriptor != -1) close(fileDescriptor); [super dealloc]; } - (void)finalize { if (closable && fileDescriptor != -1) close(fileDescriptor); [super finalize]; } @end @implementation OFFileSingleton - initWithPath: (OFString*)path mode: (OFString*)mode { Class c = isa; [self release]; @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: c selector: _cmd]; } - autorelease { return self; } - retain { return self; } - (void)release { } - (unsigned int)retainCount { return OF_RETAIN_COUNT_MAX; } - (void)dealloc { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa selector: _cmd]; [super dealloc]; /* Get rid of stupid warning */ } - (void)_seekToOffset: (off_t)offset { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa selector: _cmd]; } - (off_t)_seekForwardWithOffset: (off_t)offset { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa selector: _cmd]; } - (off_t)_seekToOffsetRelativeToEnd: (off_t)offset { @throw [OFNotImplementedException newWithClass: isa selector: _cmd]; } @end