/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #include "config.h" #import "OFApplication.h" #import "OFColor.h" #import "OFDictionary.h" #import "OFMethodSignature.h" #import "OFSet.h" #import "OFStdIOStream.h" #import "OFValue.h" #import "OTTestCase.h" #import "OTAssertionFailedException.h" #import "OTTestSkippedException.h" #ifdef OF_WII # define asm __asm__ # include # include # undef asm #endif #ifdef OF_NINTENDO_DS # define asm __asm__ # include # undef asm #endif #ifdef OF_NINTENDO_3DS /* Newer versions of libctru started using id as a parameter name. */ # define id id_3ds # include <3ds.h> # undef id #endif @interface OTAppDelegate: OFObject @end enum Status { StatusRunning, StatusOk, StatusFailed, StatusSkipped }; OF_APPLICATION_DELEGATE(OTAppDelegate) static bool isSubclassOfClass(Class class, Class superclass) { for (Class iter = class; iter != Nil; iter = class_getSuperclass(iter)) if (iter == superclass) return true; return false; } @implementation OTAppDelegate + (void)initialize { if (self != [OTAppDelegate class]) return; #if defined(OF_WII) GXRModeObj *mode; void *nextFB; VIDEO_Init(); WPAD_Init(); mode = VIDEO_GetPreferredMode(NULL); nextFB = MEM_K0_TO_K1(SYS_AllocateFramebuffer(mode)); VIDEO_Configure(mode); VIDEO_SetNextFramebuffer(nextFB); VIDEO_SetBlack(FALSE); VIDEO_Flush(); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); if (mode->viTVMode & VI_NON_INTERLACE) VIDEO_WaitVSync(); CON_InitEx(mode, 2, 2, mode->fbWidth - 4, mode->xfbHeight - 4); VIDEO_ClearFrameBuffer(mode, nextFB, COLOR_BLACK); #elif defined(OF_NINTENDO_DS) consoleDemoInit(); #elif defined(OF_NINTENDO_3DS) gfxInitDefault(); atexit(gfxExit); consoleInit(GFX_TOP, NULL); #endif } - (OFSet OF_GENERIC(Class) *)testClasses { Class *classes = objc_copyClassList(NULL); OFMutableSet *testClasses; if (classes == NULL) return nil; @try { testClasses = [OFMutableSet set]; for (Class *iter = classes; *iter != Nil; iter++) { /* * Make sure the class is initialized. * Required for the ObjFW runtime, as otherwise * class_getSuperclass() crashes. */ [*iter class]; /* * Don't use +[isSubclassOfClass:], as the Apple runtime * can return (presumably internal?) classes that don't * implement it, resulting in a crash. */ if (isSubclassOfClass(*iter, [OTTestCase class])) [testClasses addObject: *iter]; } } @finally { OFFreeMemory(classes); } [testClasses removeObject: [OTTestCase class]]; [testClasses makeImmutable]; return testClasses; } - (OFSet OF_GENERIC(OFValue *) *)testsInClass: (Class)class { Method *methods = class_copyMethodList(class, NULL); OFMutableSet *tests; if (methods == NULL) return nil; @try { tests = [OFMutableSet set]; for (Method *iter = methods; *iter != NULL; iter++) { SEL selector = method_getName(*iter); void *pool; OFMethodSignature *sig; if (selector == NULL) continue; if (strncmp(sel_getName(selector), "test", 4) != 0) continue; pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); sig = [OFMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: method_getTypeEncoding(*iter)]; if (strcmp(sig.methodReturnType, "v") == 0 && sig.numberOfArguments == 2 && strcmp([sig argumentTypeAtIndex: 0], "@") == 0 && strcmp([sig argumentTypeAtIndex: 1], ":") == 0) [tests addObject: [OFValue valueWithPointer: selector]]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } } @finally { OFFreeMemory(methods); } if (class_getSuperclass(class) != Nil) [tests unionSet: [self testsInClass: class_getSuperclass(class)]]; [tests makeImmutable]; return tests; } - (void)printStatusForTest: (SEL)test inClass: (Class)class status: (enum Status)status description: (OFString *)description { switch (status) { case StatusRunning: [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor olive]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"-[%@ ", class]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor yellow]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%s", sel_getName(test)]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor olive]]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"]: "]; break; case StatusOk: [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor green]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"\r-[%@ ", class]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor lime]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%s", sel_getName(test)]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor green]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"]: ok"]; break; case StatusFailed: [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor maroon]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"\r-[%@ ", class]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor red]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%s", sel_getName(test)]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor maroon]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"]: failed"]; [OFStdOut writeLine: description]; break; case StatusSkipped: [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor gray]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"\r-[%@ ", class]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor silver]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%s", sel_getName(test)]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor gray]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"]: skipped"]; if (description != nil) [OFStdOut writeLine: description]; break; } if (status == StatusFailed) { #if defined(OF_WII) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor silver]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"Press A to continue"]; for (;;) { WPAD_ScanPads(); if (WPAD_ButtonsDown(0) & WPAD_BUTTON_A) break; VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } #elif defined(OF_NINTENDO_DS) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor silver]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"Press A to continue"]; for (;;) { swiWaitForVBlank(); scanKeys(); if (keysDown() & KEY_A) break; } #elif defined(OF_NINTENDO_3DS) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor silver]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"Press A to continue"]; for (;;) { hidScanInput(); if (hidKeysDown() & KEY_A) break; gspWaitForVBlank(); } #endif } } - (OFString *)descriptionForException: (id)exception { OFMutableString *description = [OFMutableString stringWithFormat: @"Unhandled exception: %@", exception]; OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFValue *) *stackTraceAddresses = nil; OFArray OF_GENERIC(OFString *) *stackTraceSymbols = nil; OFStringEncoding encoding = [OFLocale encoding]; if ([exception respondsToSelector: @selector(stackTraceAddresses)]) stackTraceAddresses = [exception stackTraceAddresses]; if (stackTraceAddresses != nil) { size_t count = stackTraceAddresses.count; if ([exception respondsToSelector: @selector(stackTraceSymbols)]) stackTraceSymbols = [exception stackTraceSymbols]; if (stackTraceSymbols.count != count) stackTraceSymbols = nil; [description appendString: @"\n\nStack trace:"]; if (stackTraceSymbols != nil) { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { void *address = [[stackTraceAddresses objectAtIndex: i] pointerValue]; const char *symbol = [[stackTraceSymbols objectAtIndex: i] cStringWithEncoding: encoding]; [description appendFormat: @"\n %p %s", address, symbol]; } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { void *address = [[stackTraceAddresses objectAtIndex: i] pointerValue]; [description appendFormat: @"\n %p", address]; } } } [description makeImmutable]; return description; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching: (OFNotification *)notification { OFSet OF_GENERIC(Class) *testClasses = [self testClasses]; size_t numSucceeded = 0, numFailed = 0, numSkipped = 0; OFMutableDictionary *summaries = [OFMutableDictionary dictionary]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor purple]]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"Found "]; #if !defined(OF_WII) && !defined(OF_NINTENDO_3DS) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor fuchsia]]; #endif [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%zu", testClasses.count]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor purple]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @" test case%s\n", (testClasses.count != 1 ? "s" : "")]; for (Class class in testClasses) { OFArray *summary; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor teal]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"Running ", class]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor aqua]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%@\n", class]; for (OFValue *test in [self testsInClass: class]) { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); bool failed = false, skipped = false; OTTestCase *instance; [self printStatusForTest: test.pointerValue inClass: class status: StatusRunning description: nil]; instance = [[[class alloc] init] autorelease]; @try { [instance setUp]; [instance performSelector: test.pointerValue]; } @catch (OTAssertionFailedException *e) { /* * If an assertion fails during -[setUp], don't * run the test. * If an assertion fails during a test, abort * the test. */ [self printStatusForTest: test.pointerValue inClass: class status: StatusFailed description: e.description]; failed = true; } @catch (OTTestSkippedException *e) { [self printStatusForTest: test.pointerValue inClass: class status: StatusSkipped description: e.description]; skipped = true; } @catch (id e) { OFString *description = [self descriptionForException: e]; [self printStatusForTest: test.pointerValue inClass: class status: StatusFailed description: description]; failed = true; } @try { [instance tearDown]; } @catch (OTAssertionFailedException *e) { /* * If an assertion fails during -[tearDown], * abort the tear down. */ if (!failed) { SEL selector = test.pointerValue; OFString *description = e.description; [self printStatusForTest: selector inClass: class status: StatusFailed description: description]; failed = true; } } @catch (id e) { OFString *description = [self descriptionForException: e]; [self printStatusForTest: test.pointerValue inClass: class status: StatusFailed description: description]; failed = true; } if (!failed && !skipped) { [self printStatusForTest: test.pointerValue inClass: class status: StatusOk description: nil]; numSucceeded++; } else if (failed) numFailed++; else if (skipped) numSkipped++; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } summary = [class summary]; if (summary != nil) [summaries setObject: summary forKey: class]; } for (Class class in summaries) { OFArray *summary = [summaries objectForKey: class]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor teal]]; [OFStdOut writeString: @"Summary for "]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor aqua]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%@\n", class]; for (OFPair *line in summary) { [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor navy]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%@: ", line.firstObject]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor blue]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%@\n", line.secondObject]; } } #if !defined(OF_WII) && !defined(OF_NINTENDO_3DS) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor fuchsia]]; #else [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor purple]]; #endif [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%zu", numSucceeded]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor purple]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @" test%s succeeded, ", (numSucceeded != 1 ? "s" : "")]; #if !defined(OF_WII) && !defined(OF_NINTENDO_3DS) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor fuchsia]]; #endif [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%zu", numFailed]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor purple]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @" test%s failed, ", (numFailed != 1 ? "s" : "")]; #if !defined(OF_WII) && !defined(OF_NINTENDO_3DS) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor fuchsia]]; #endif [OFStdOut writeFormat: @"%zu", numSkipped]; [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor purple]]; [OFStdOut writeFormat: @" test%s skipped\n", (numSkipped != 1 ? "s" : "")]; [OFStdOut reset]; #if defined(OF_WII) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor silver]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"Press home button to exit"]; for (;;) { WPAD_ScanPads(); if (WPAD_ButtonsDown(0) & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME) break; VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } #elif defined(OF_NINTENDO_DS) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor silver]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"Press start button to exit"]; for (;;) { swiWaitForVBlank(); scanKeys(); if (keysDown() & KEY_START) break; } #elif defined(OF_NINTENDO_3DS) [OFStdOut setForegroundColor: [OFColor silver]]; [OFStdOut writeLine: @"Press start button to exit"]; for (;;) { hidScanInput(); if (hidKeysDown() & KEY_START) break; gspWaitForVBlank(); } #endif [OFApplication terminateWithStatus: (int)numFailed]; } @end