/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 only, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3.0 along with this program. If not, see * . */ #include "config.h" #import "OHEvdevGamepad.h" #import "OFDictionary.h" #import "OHEvdevGameController.h" #import "OHGameControllerDirectionalPad.h" #import "OHGameControllerEmulatedTriggerButton.h" #import "OFInvalidArgumentException.h" @implementation OHEvdevGamepad - (instancetype)initWithController: (OHEvdevGameController *)controller { self = [super init]; @try { void *pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush(); _rawProfile = [controller.rawProfile retain]; if (self.northButton == nil || self.southButton == nil || self.westButton == nil || self.eastButton == nil || self.leftShoulderButton == nil || self.rightShoulderButton == nil || self.leftTriggerButton == nil || self.rightTriggerButton == nil || self.leftThumbstickButton == nil || self.rightThumbstickButton == nil || self.menuButton == nil || self.optionsButton == nil || self.homeButton == nil || self.leftThumbstick == nil || self.rightThumbstick == nil || self.dPad == nil) @throw [OFInvalidArgumentException exception]; objc_autoreleasePoolPop(pool); } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [_rawProfile release]; [super dealloc]; } - (OFDictionary OF_GENERIC(OFString *, OHGameControllerButton *) *)buttons { return [OFDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects: @"North", self.northButton, @"South", self.southButton, @"West", self.westButton, @"East", self.eastButton, @"Left Shoulder", self.leftShoulderButton, @"Right Shoulder", self.rightShoulderButton, @"Left Trigger", self.leftTriggerButton, @"Right Trigger", self.rightTriggerButton, @"Left Thumbstick", self.leftThumbstickButton, @"Right Thumbstick", self.rightThumbstickButton, @"Menu", self.menuButton, @"Options", self.optionsButton, @"Home", self.homeButton, nil]; } - (OFDictionary OF_GENERIC(OFString *, OHGameControllerAxis *) *)axes { return [OFDictionary dictionary]; } - (OFDictionary OF_GENERIC(OFString *, OHGameControllerDirectionalPad *) *) directionalPads { return [OFDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects: @"Left Thumbstick", self.leftThumbstick, @"Right Thumbstick", self.rightThumbstick, @"D-Pad", self.dPad, nil]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)northButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"Y"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)southButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"A"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)westButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"X"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)eastButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"B"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)leftShoulderButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"TL"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)rightShoulderButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"TR"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)leftTriggerButton { OHGameControllerAxis *axis = [_rawProfile.axes objectForKey: @"Z"]; if (axis != nil) return [[[OHGameControllerEmulatedTriggerButton alloc] initWithAxis: axis] autorelease]; return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"TL2"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)rightTriggerButton { OHGameControllerAxis *axis = [_rawProfile.axes objectForKey: @"RZ"]; if (axis != nil) return [[[OHGameControllerEmulatedTriggerButton alloc] initWithAxis: axis] autorelease]; return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"TR2"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)leftThumbstickButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"Thumb L"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)rightThumbstickButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"Thumb R"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)menuButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"Start"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)optionsButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"Select"]; } - (OHGameControllerButton *)homeButton { return [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"Mode"]; } - (OHGameControllerDirectionalPad *)leftThumbstick { OHGameControllerAxis *xAxis = [_rawProfile.axes objectForKey: @"X"]; OHGameControllerAxis *yAxis = [_rawProfile.axes objectForKey: @"Y"]; if (xAxis == nil || yAxis == nil) return nil; return [[[OHGameControllerDirectionalPad alloc] initWithName: @"Left Thumbstick" xAxis: xAxis yAxis: yAxis] autorelease]; } - (OHGameControllerDirectionalPad *)rightThumbstick { OHGameControllerAxis *xAxis = [_rawProfile.axes objectForKey: @"RX"]; OHGameControllerAxis *yAxis = [_rawProfile.axes objectForKey: @"RY"]; if (xAxis == nil || yAxis == nil) return nil; return [[[OHGameControllerDirectionalPad alloc] initWithName: @"Right Thumbstick" xAxis: xAxis yAxis: yAxis] autorelease]; } - (OHGameControllerDirectionalPad *)dPad { OHGameControllerAxis *xAxis = [_rawProfile.axes objectForKey: @"HAT0X"]; OHGameControllerAxis *yAxis = [_rawProfile.axes objectForKey: @"HAT0Y"]; OHGameControllerButton *upButton, *downButton; OHGameControllerButton *leftButton, *rightButton; if (xAxis != nil && yAxis != nil) return [[[OHGameControllerDirectionalPad alloc] initWithName: @"D-Pad" xAxis: xAxis yAxis: yAxis] autorelease]; upButton = [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"D-Pad Up"]; downButton = [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"D-Pad Down"]; leftButton = [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"D-Pad Left"]; rightButton = [_rawProfile.buttons objectForKey: @"D-Pad Right"]; if (upButton != nil && downButton != nil && leftButton != nil && rightButton != nil) return [[[OHGameControllerDirectionalPad alloc] initWithName: @"D-Pad" upButton: upButton downButton: downButton leftButton: leftButton rightButton: rightButton] autorelease]; return nil; } @end