/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2024 Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of ObjFW. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE.QPL included in * the packaging of this file. * * Alternatively, it may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, either version 2 or 3, which can be found in the file * LICENSE.GPLv2 or LICENSE.GPLv3 respectively included in the packaging of this * file. */ #import "OFObject.h" #import "OFString.h" #import "OFZooArchiveEntry.h" OF_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @class OFStream; /** * @class OFZooArchive OFZooArchive.h ObjFW/OFZooArchive.h * * @brief A class for accessing and manipulating Zoo files. */ OF_SUBCLASSING_RESTRICTED @interface OFZooArchive: OFObject { OF_KINDOF(OFStream *) _stream; uint_least8_t _mode; OFStringEncoding _encoding; OFZooArchiveEntry *_Nullable _currentEntry; #ifdef OF_ZOO_ARCHIVE_M @public #endif OFStream *_Nullable _lastReturnedStream; } /** * @brief The encoding to use for the archive. Defaults to UTF-8. */ @property (nonatomic) OFStringEncoding encoding; /** * @brief Creates a new OFZooArchive object with the specified stream. * * @param stream A stream from which the Zoo archive will be read. * For read mode, this needs to be an OFSeekableStream. * @param mode The mode for the Zoo file. The only valid mode is "r" for * reading. * @return A new, autoreleased OFZooArchive */ + (instancetype)archiveWithStream: (OFStream *)stream mode: (OFString *)mode; /** * @brief Creates a new OFZooArchive object with the specified file. * * @param IRI The IRI to the Zoo file * @param mode The mode for the Zoo file. The only valid mode is "r" for * reading. * @return A new, autoreleased OFZooArchive */ + (instancetype)archiveWithIRI: (OFIRI *)IRI mode: (OFString *)mode; - (instancetype)init OF_UNAVAILABLE; /** * @brief Initializes an already allocated OFZooArchive object with the * specified stream. * * @param stream A stream from which the Zoo archive will be read. * For read mode, this needs to be an OFSeekableStream. * @param mode The mode for the Zoo file. The only valid mode is "r" for * reading. * @return An initialized OFZooArchive */ - (instancetype)initWithStream: (OFStream *)stream mode: (OFString *)mode OF_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /** * @brief Initializes an already allocated OFZooArchive object with the * specified file. * * @param IRI The IRI to the Zoo file * @param mode The mode for the Zoo file. The only valid mode is "r" for * reading. * @return An initialized OFZooArchive */ - (instancetype)initWithIRI: (OFIRI *)IRI mode: (OFString *)mode; /** * @brief Returns the next entry from the Zoo archive or `nil` if all entries * have been read. * * @note This is only available in read mode. * * @warning Calling @ref nextEntry will invalidate all streams returned by * @ref streamForReadingCurrentEntry! Reading from an invalidated * stream will throw an @ref OFReadFailedException! * * @return The next entry from the Zoo archive or `nil` if all entries have * been read * @throw OFInvalidFormatException The archive's format is invalid * @throw OFTruncatedDataException The archive was truncated */ - (nullable OFZooArchiveEntry *)nextEntry; /** * @brief Returns a stream for reading the current entry. * * @note This is only available in read mode. * * @note The returned stream conforms to @ref OFReadyForReadingObserving if the * underlying stream does so, too. * * @return A stream for reading the current entry * @throw OFSeekFailedException Seeking to the data in the archive failed */ - (OFStream *)streamForReadingCurrentEntry; /** * @brief Closes the OFZooArchive. * * @throw OFNotOpenException The archive is not open */ - (void)close; @end OF_ASSUME_NONNULL_END