/* * Copyright (c) 2008 * Jonathan Schleifer * * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libobjfw. It may be distributed under the terms of the * Q Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file LICENSE included in * the packaging of this file. */ #import "config.h" #import #import #import "OFString.h" #import "OFConstCString.h" #import "OFConstWideCString.h" #import "OFCString.h" #import "OFWideCString.h" #import "OFExceptions.h" @implementation OFString + newAsConstCString: (const char*)str { return [[OFConstCString alloc] initAsConstCString: str]; } + newAsConstWideCString: (const wchar_t*)str { return [[OFConstWideCString alloc] initAsConstWideCString: str]; } + newAsCString: (char*)str { return [[OFCString alloc] initAsCString: str]; } + newAsWideCString: (wchar_t*)str { return [[OFWideCString alloc] initAsWideCString: str]; } - (char*)cString { [[OFNotImplementedException newWithObject: self andSelector: @selector(cString)] raise]; return NULL; } - (wchar_t*)wcString { [[OFNotImplementedException newWithObject: self andSelector: @selector(wcString)] raise]; return NULL; } - (size_t)length { [[OFNotImplementedException newWithObject: self andSelector: @selector(length)] raise]; return 0; } - (OFString*)setTo: (OFString*)str { [self free]; self = [str clone]; return self; } - (OFString*)clone { [[OFNotImplementedException newWithObject: self andSelector: @selector(clone)] raise]; return nil; } - (int)compareTo: (OFString*)str { [[OFNotImplementedException newWithObject: self andSelector: @selector(compareTo:)] raise]; return 0; } - (OFString*)append: (OFString*)str { [[OFNotImplementedException newWithObject: self andSelector: @selector(append:)] raise]; return nil; } - (OFString*)appendCString: (const char*)str { [[OFNotImplementedException newWithObject: self andSelector: @selector(appendCString:)] raise]; return nil; } - (OFString*)appendWideCString: (const wchar_t*)str { [[OFNotImplementedException newWithObject: self andSelector: @selector( appendWideCString:)] raise]; return nil; } @end